
Zhao Minghui Tarot Card Test: Is he disgusted with me?

Zhao Minghui Tarot Card Test: Is he disgusted with me?

Maybe you take the initiative to approach him and pursue him, but his attitude is not very good, and I want to know if he is disgusted with you. So let's take a divination test this time.

Tarot divination rules: Don't look at the answer analysis, relax your heart, keep calm, meditate on the question, and then choose a card from the 4 cards on the chart that you think is in line with your current emotional situation, and then look at the answer analysis.

Zhao Minghui Tarot Card Test: Is he disgusted with me?

A: Sword Eight

This card shows that the other party is indeed somewhat disgusted with you, or that rather than disgusting you, it is better to dislike this relationship, he will also feel that being with you is very unfree, uncomfortable, and feeling that this relationship is hopeless and has no future.

B: Scepter Nine

This card shows that the other party does have some dislike for you, and the other party may also have some fear of you, there will be some resistance to you, maybe you did something to hurt him, or triggered the unhappy, sad and sad memories of his past.

C: Scepter FOUR

The scepter four card shows that the other party does not dislike you, even if it is disgusted, but it may be just his more joking performance, or he is because of his trust in you, familiarity with you, and sincerity to you, he has made some more realistic reflections, not really annoying you, not like you.

D: Holy Grail IV

This card shows that the other party will indeed have some resentment toward you, or that they have not really accepted you, truly trusted you, understood you, and treated you as if you were his true lover or true lover, because he may not be satisfied with you enough and feel that you are still not up to some of his requirements.

Note: This tarot divination article can only be regarded as a small test, a small game, whether you feel accurate or not, don't take it too seriously, and don't just rely on this to make some major choices and decisions.

Moreover, this kind of chart test tarot divination is very different from formal divination, such as method, process, experience, accuracy, etc.

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