
Someone asked you your surname, you can have these two surnames without saying "free of expensive", is it your surname?

Someone asked you your surname, you can have these two surnames without saying "free of expensive", is it your surname?

The origin of Chinese surnames can be traced back to the matrilineal clan period, so many of the earliest ancient eight surnames are with female characters. Later, the eight surnames derived a lot of surnames, and with the passage of time, many surnames also followed the fiefdoms and official names. The Zhou Dynasty was an important period in the development of surnames, but only nobles had surnames during that period, and only women were called surnames. There are also cases of not marrying with the same surname, and it is precisely because of this that there is a difference between the surname of a noble woman and the surname of the husband's family.

Free of money is an ancient self-effacing statement, which literally means that there is no need to use expensive. This is to show that I am the same as everyone else, and I am not more honorable than everyone in my surname. There is also that this exemption can only be used when others ask themselves or ask their family names, if you ask others, don't answer on your behalf, which is a very rude behavior. Of course, not all surnames have to be said to be free of expensive, and there are a few exceptions here.

Someone asked you your surname, you can have these two surnames without saying "free of expensive", is it your surname?

First of all, if you lived in ancient times, the surname of the emperor of the dynasty does not need to be said to be expensive. Because in that era, the emperor was the most noble being, and the emperor's surname was also honored. Although ordinary people do not have the eminent status of the royal family, this surname is still different from that of ordinary people. For example, in the Han Dynasty, the surname Of Liu was honorable, and people with the surname of Liu did not have to say that they were exempt from nobility in the Han Dynasty, and others did not care. After all, this is the surname of the emperor of the dynasty, and the surname of the emperor of the dynasty is also called the surname of the country.

Someone asked you your surname, you can have these two surnames without saying "free of expensive", is it your surname?

The national surname refers specifically to the surnames of members of the imperial family, such as the Qin Dynasty's Ying surname, the Han Dynasty's Liu family, the Sui Dynasty's Yang family, and so on. And if the emperor's surname is Li, and you are also surnamed Li, you said that you would not be expensive when answering others, and you would have to lose your head if you didn't get it right. Saying that the emperor's surname is not honorable, the emperor will wonder if you are trying to say whose surname respects who is going to rebel.

There is also a Kong surname, why this surname is honorable everyone knows. The surname Kong was originally derived from the surname of the son, and the surname of the son was the surname of the Emperor Yin Shang, and the Yin of the Yin Merchant was because he lived in Yin Shui, and the son was given the surname of Shun. The origin of the Kong surname is not only this, and the most famous celebrity of the Kong surname is the Confucius who has influenced thousands of years and is still influencing future generations. This surname is also honorable because of Confucius, but it is still slightly worse than the previous surname.

Someone asked you your surname, you can have these two surnames without saying "free of expensive", is it your surname?

The last one is the surname Zhang, which is more honorable than the previous two surnames. In fact, it is very simple, because the legendary Jade Emperor is surnamed Zhang, and the Jade Emperor is a god who governs the world in myths and legends, and his surname is also noble. In addition, the surname Zhang is also a big surname in history, and there have been many celebrities, Zhang Liang, Zhang Yi, Zhang Qian, Zhang Heng and then to the modern Zhang Zuolin, Zhang Daqian, Zhang Zhidong and so on. There are many celebrities, and this surname has been trusted by many people for some reasons.

Someone asked you your surname, you can have these two surnames without saying "free of expensive", is it your surname?

Therefore, the above three surnames are not expensive without books, and the reason why the hundred family names Zhao Qiansun Li is in the front is because the people's surnames were written in the early years of the Northern Song Dynasty. During the Northern Song Dynasty, the emperor's surname was Zhao, as well as Wu Yue's Qian and Sun clans, and finally the surname of Li, the lord of the Southern Tang Dynasty. Therefore, these surnames are ranked in front, but it is not necessary to say that the surname of the country is exempt from the gui, the surname of Zhang, and the surname of Kong do not need to be said to be free of the gui, and the rest is still wanted.

References: "Hundred Family Names", "Tongzhi Clan Strategy"

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