
Ephemeris 0104: Gemini chances are opened Aquarius full of confidence

Ephemeris 0104: Gemini chances are opened Aquarius full of confidence


Today's Horoscope:

Today you will have a little bit of fortune. It may be a lottery, it may be favored by a noble person, or it may be a problem that has been solved. Today's fortune is very helpful for advancing work projects and for wallet blood returns. I hope you don't spend money indiscriminately, and you should put your funds in the right place.

Lucky color: Orange

Lucky number: 0

Fit sign: Pisces

Lucky item: Spinel

Today's mood: blue sky and white clouds


Today you will have the courage to solve some of the interpersonal puzzles. You find that your interactions with someone or certain people become subtle, but you don't understand why. Today will be the right time to help you solve these problems, untie knots or break down barriers.

Lucky color: Navy blue

Lucky number: 6

Fit sign: Virgo

Lucky item: Red onyx

Today's mood: people warm and windy


Today your social opportunities are opened. Today is a good day to party with friends, meet up, or socialize with customers and participate in entertainment. These social interactions may affect your productivity, in order for the business to run normally, it is recommended that you do not patronize social, but also improve the efficiency of the work to complete the work.

Lucky color: Denim blue

Lucky number: 4

Fit sign: Sagittarius

Lucky item: Citrine

Mood of the day: Speeding up


Today you are easily reprimanded or angered by others. Because someone shirks responsibility or makes a mistake, you have to bear the loss together. You may also have the idea of switching careers because you are unhappy at work or have opinions about your superiors. Although it is impossible to change the status quo immediately, it is also recommended that you do not have to have a deep friendship with people who do not have different ideas.

Lucky color: purple

Consort sign: Capricorn

Lucky Item: Tanzanite

Today's mood: five or six winds


Today you will have a bit of a headache when it comes to working with people. For example, the other party's ideas and requirements always change, the agreed things can not be implemented, or the other party is not dedicated and polite. You want to be angry but can't find the opportunity to explode, and finally you can only endure silently and consume your will.

Lucky color: Black

Lucky number: 2

Fit sign: Cancer

Lucky item: Peridot

Mood of the day: Dark clouds and dark sky


Today you will be too busy to handle emotional relationships well. If single people are in an ambiguous state, they may cool down the relationship because of each other's busyness. People with a partner should also spend more time with their partner and can prepare some cute little gifts.

Lucky color: Blue

Lucky number: 1

Lucky item: Milky White Crystal

Mood of the day: Toxic


Today you are prone to obsessing over fantasies, or obsessing over something. It could be your recent hobbies, or it could be obsessed with new games or movies, or even idol stars and so on. This emotional filter can make you lose your mind and do stupid things because of your preferences.

Lucky color: yellow

Lucky number: 7

Lucky Item: Pink Crystal

Mood of the day: Storm


Today, although you have a big brain hole and a strong jump in thinking, you are not rigorous enough. Therefore, whether it is paperwork at work or study exams, it is easy to have omissions in details, or unnecessary misunderstandings caused by unclear expressions. It is recommended to be careful and focused when doing things, and control your imagination.

Lucky color: Red

Lucky number: 8

Today's mood: dry thunder and no rain


Today, we must learn to think of danger in times of peace, and make chips and plans for our future in advance. Especially people in the greenhouse, do not have a "pension" attitude, otherwise it is easy to face the crisis of being shuffled. Today's emotional luck is good, but single people should also be careful of rotten peach blossoms.

Lucky color: Milk brown

Lucky number: 5

Lucky Item: Topaz

Mood of the day: Gray


Today you need to stay mentally healthy. Don't think wildly, and don't put pressure on yourself or drill the horns. Maybe you may have some particularly negative thoughts, but try to calm your heart before making a decision to avoid being disturbed. If you are emotionally entangled with someone, it is recommended that you take the initiative to end the relationship.

Lucky color: rose red

Consort sign: Taurus

Lucky Item: Lalima

Mood of the day: Tornado


Today you are full of confidence, full of expectations and motivation for the future. You have a very strong determination in your heart to start a new life, and you will make a lot of plans for yourself. Even if you haven't started executing yet, you'll imagine the future and plan for better development. This positive mindset will bring you a lot of positive opportunities.

Lucky color: Pink

Lucky number: 9

Consort sign: Scorpio

Lucky item: Opal

Today's mood: Moisturizing things are silent


Stay away from mean people today. You will find that someone around you is always fond of picking thorns and has a tendency to become more aggressive. Working with this kind of person will feel full of negative energy, things cannot be completed and exhausted. Work with positive people, and if you really can't, it's good to work independently.

Lucky color: Silver

Lucky number: 3

Fit constellation: Libra

Lucky Item: Blue Sandstone

Mood of the day: Stormy

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