
Cantonese media: In the face of a slightly tired harbor, the balance of victory and defeat has tilted towards the increasingly courageous Guangzhou team

Cantonese media: In the face of a slightly tired harbor, the balance of victory and defeat has tilted towards the increasingly courageous Guangzhou team

Live Bar January 4 News This afternoon, Guangzhou will face Shanghai Harbor in the final battle of the Chinese Super League. Since the suspense of the championship has long been revealed, this runner-up battle has also become the focus of this round of competition. Guangdong's "Yangcheng Evening News" wrote that in the face of the slightly tired harbor team, the balance of this victory and defeat has tilted to the more courageous Guangzhou team.

At present, in the standings, Guangzhou is 2 points ahead of the Harbor team and ranks second, and if it is unbeaten in this round, it can win the second place in the Chinese Super League. Recently, Guangzhou has ushered in three consecutive wins in the Chinese Super League, and has not conceded a goal in five consecutive rounds, creating the longest record of not conceding a goal in the history of the team, and the team is in excellent condition. Under the leadership of executive head coach Zheng Zhi, the new veterans of the Guangzhou team cooperated with tacit understanding and became more and more courageous, not only the youth training youngsters Ling Jie and Tan Kaiyuan scored in succession, but also the back line led by Zheng Zhi and Zhang Linpeng has also played a role in stabilizing the hearts and minds of the army.

Before the match with the harbor, Zheng Zhi expressed his gratitude for the care and care of all sectors of society on behalf of the team, and also showed the team's strong fighting spirit to fight more and more courageously in the future. The whole team is currently united and scrappy, showing a strong desire to win today's game. On the other hand, rival Harbor, the last game against Tarzan Wang Shenchao sent a "red dot package" was drawn by the opponent, and the core of the midfield Oscar has been slightly tired due to continuous combat, coupled with the team also has to prepare for the FA Cup final on January 9, so what kind of mentality Harbor will face today's game is unknown. Cantonese media said that from the current situation, the balance of this game has begun to tilt towards the more courageous Guangzhou team.

(Cool Ink Dust)

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