
Corbele Ferran registers in three ways: Dembele's salary cut to renew, the sale of players, and joining the CVC

Corbele Ferran registers in three ways: Dembele's salary cut to renew, the sale of players, and joining the CVC

Live Bar January 4 News Ferran Torres moved from Manchester City to Barca and made his official debut yesterday, but Barca director Alemani admitted that the Spanish international could not be registered.

Spanish media Cobbe Radio listed three ways for Barca to complete Therain-Torres registration, one is to renew dembele's salary cut to make room, the other is to sell players, so that Barca can use 25% of the transfer fee to register new players, and the third is to join the CVC agreement, but Barca voted against it just 10 days ago.

According to previous media reports, Ferran Torres's transfer fee is 55 million euros plus 10 million euros floating, with an annual salary of 5.5 million euros.


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