
Doctor Strange actually changed his hairstyle?

author:Tao Ge Assessment

"Doctor Strange 2: Crazy Multiverse" recently released a trailer, and the defender Who will appear in the movie, Defender Strange, has recently exposed the concept map, let's take a look!

Defender Dr. Strange

Doctor Strange actually changed his hairstyle?

Image from

Defender Strange is Doctor Strange of other universes

The appearance is different from the master cosmic doctor we are familiar with

He was dressed in a red and black outfit

Doctor Strange actually changed his hairstyle?

In addition to the costumes, the shape of the head sculpture also has a clear difference

Especially this time, the hairstyle has changed a lot

In this way, when the toy factory goes out of the perimeter, it must do a new head carving

That's right, Hot Toys said you

Doctor Strange actually changed his hairstyle?

So Hasbro's Marvel Legends series

It is also the launch of the peripheral toy of The Defender Doctor Strange

The shape of this product coincides with the concept drawing on the front

Doctor Strange actually changed his hairstyle?

The accessories section comes with a portal effect and a replacement hand

Personally, I'm still looking forward to this new role

Then this product is priced at $31.49, interested can pay attention to the next

Hasbro's Marvel Legends series also launched other "Doctor Strange 2: Crazy Multiverse" related peripherals, a total of seven models, after buying them can get a combination, let's take a look at it!

Doctor Strange

Doctor Strange actually changed his hairstyle?

Judging from the box, this product is

Doctor Strange 2 version of Doctor Strange

Doctor Strange actually changed his hairstyle?

The costume styling is compared to the previous version

Obviously, there has been an update, especially the blue part of the inside

The texture details of the surface are different

Doctor Strange actually changed his hairstyle?

The accessories section is not particularly well described

In addition to replacing the hand shape, a pair of magic effects were also given

Doctor Strange actually changed his hairstyle?
Doctor Strange actually changed his hairstyle?

The official pricing for this product is $22.99


Doctor Strange actually changed his hairstyle?

This is the king of Doctor Strange 2

Doctor Strange actually changed his hairstyle?

The accessories part is still relatively rich

In addition to magic effects and a weapon

The right arm part and the replacement hand were also given to the combiner

Doctor Strange actually changed his hairstyle?
Doctor Strange actually changed his hairstyle?
Doctor Strange actually changed his hairstyle?

Doctor Strange's astral form

Doctor Strange actually changed his hairstyle?

Judging from the box, this is Doctor Strange 1

Doctor Strange of ASTRAL's astral form

Doctor Strange actually changed his hairstyle?

The accessories section is in addition to the replacement hand and the Eye of the Argo motorcycle

The head carving parts were also given to the combined person

Doctor Strange actually changed his hairstyle?

The main part of this product is made of translucent material

Thus simulating the effect of Doctor Strange entering the spirit body in the movie

Doctor Strange actually changed his hairstyle?

The official pricing for this product is also $22.99

Amerika Chavez

Doctor Strange actually changed his hairstyle?

Amerika Chavez is also known as Miss America or Lady Usa

She will also officially appear in Doctor Strange 2

The film will be played by Ksoquitel Gomez

Doctor Strange actually changed his hairstyle?

A replacement hand type is included in the accessories section

The combination part in this product is the body

Doctor Strange actually changed his hairstyle?
Doctor Strange actually changed his hairstyle?

Master Modu

Doctor Strange actually changed his hairstyle?

Another character in the film is Modu

You can see that he is also a brand new look

Doctor Strange actually changed his hairstyle?

The accessories part is also quite rich, in addition to the combination of human parts

Weapon sticks and crossbows were also given, along with two pairs of replacement hands

Doctor Strange actually changed his hairstyle?
Doctor Strange actually changed his hairstyle?


Doctor Strange actually changed his hairstyle?

This is a comic book version of sleepwalker SLEEPWALKER

Doctor Strange actually changed his hairstyle?

The accessories section is accompanied by a leg that replaces the hand shape and the combination

Doctor Strange actually changed his hairstyle?
Doctor Strange actually changed his hairstyle?

The product is also priced at $22.99


Doctor Strange actually changed his hairstyle?

The last one is also the character D'Spayre in the comics

Doctor Strange actually changed his hairstyle?

There's nothing particularly good to say about the accessories section

In addition to replacing the hand shape is the leg part of the combination person

Doctor Strange actually changed his hairstyle?
Doctor Strange actually changed his hairstyle?
Doctor Strange actually changed his hairstyle?

Then after you buy all the above products

You can get a combination of minotaur shapes

According to the introduction, the character is named Rintrah.

And it should also officially debut in Doctor Strange 2

Doctor Strange actually changed his hairstyle?

That said, hasbro's head eagle is really doing a good job now

The degree of recognition is very high, if it can maintain the quality of the official map after shipment

Then I think this set is still worth buying

Then the single price of these products is $22.99

Official shipments are scheduled to begin in February 2022

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