
At the end of the S25, the equipment win rate was exposed, the Book of the Gods was underestimated, and the God of Auxiliary Costumes was the Glory of the Guards

Hello everyone, I am the fingertip, the strength of the hero can be expressed by the winning rate, so should the equipment also have the strength of the level? In fact, like the hero, the equipment also needs to be constantly adjusted to achieve balance, so we should also consider the strength of the equipment when considering whether the hero exceeds the standard and whether it is weak, perhaps the planners have also noticed this problem, so it is stipulated that there will be a change in the equipment in the middle of each season in the future.

Since the equipment is strong and weak, then which equipment has a high winning rate is also what we need to pay attention to, this article will take stock of the top of the game in the highest winning rate of several pieces of equipment, the data from "Su Su's glory assistant".

TOP5 Smash star hammer - 55.36%

At the end of the S25, the equipment win rate was exposed, the Book of the Gods was underestimated, and the God of Auxiliary Costumes was the Glory of the Guards

I have to say that the appearance rate will definitely affect the win rate, such as the Shadow Tomahawk, because the warrior assassins of the physical output department are standard, so the overall win rate will not be very brilliant, because the appearance rate is too high, so it will be "flattened" by the hero's win rate, and as long as the Broken Star Hammer appears, it must be late, so the win rate will be relatively accurate.

The penetration provided by the Broken Star Hammer is a percentage, and the current version of the Crispy Hero has a strong sense of self-protection, so many heroes can produce armor, so that the income brought by the Broken Star Hammer is higher, so the Broken Star Hammer is actually suitable for this version of the half-flesh of the whole people, especially when the anti-armor floods, the material defense is higher than the skyline version.

TOP4 Guards Glory - 55.84%

At the end of the S25, the equipment win rate was exposed, the Book of the Gods was underestimated, and the God of Auxiliary Costumes was the Glory of the Guards

Which of the current auxiliary equipment is the most powerful? In fact, the attributes of the Guard Glory have always been underestimated, because the auxiliary with it does not appear to be mountain or leaky, as if there is no sense of existence, but the attributes provided to teammates invisibly are huge, you feel that it is because of your good technology, so the silk blood escape, in fact, the double defense provided by the Guard Glory saved you.

In addition, the basic buff provided by the Guard Glory is also very powerful, the additional health and material defense, for the user itself also has a good bonus, so the auxiliary frankness has also increased a lot, with the whole team suitable for double defense, the overall damage bearing ability is obvious.

TOP3 Virtual Cane - 56.31%

At the end of the S25, the equipment win rate was exposed, the Book of the Gods was underestimated, and the God of Auxiliary Costumes was the Glory of the Guards

The traditional penetrating equipment of the mage, in fact, when the Twilight Stream came out, I said that when facing the Witch Cloak, the effect of the Twilight Stream is not as good as that of the Witch, because the magic shield will prevent the Twilight Stream from penetrating the stack, and the Void Staff will be more stable.

But now players, most of them are considering the suitability of the use of heroes, and ignore the equipment of the target, if the single theory penetrates, the twilight stream is not as good as the virtual staff, but if it is comprehensive, indeed, the 10% cooling of the twilight stream is very comfortable, and now the win rate is exposed, the twilight stream is worse than the virtual staff, in fact, its situation is very similar to the broken star hammer.

TOP2 Book of God Eaters - 57.75%

At the end of the S25, the equipment win rate was exposed, the Book of the Gods was underestimated, and the God of Auxiliary Costumes was the Glory of the Guards

An underrated piece of equipment, in fact, the effect of the Book of God Eaters is very similar to the Holy Grail, all feel that it does not provide any damage, so it only applies to some heroes, in fact, the old version only has the Book of Blood, and the Book of God Eaters appeared in the later version, which is equivalent to another upgrade of the equipment that we thought was a large piece.

10% cooldown, 800 health, not to mention passive blood sucking, on this basic attribute is really fragrant, so it can have such a high win rate, it is indeed what I did not expect, but also proved that its attributes are indeed underestimated.

TOP1 Greedy Devouring -61.23%

At the end of the S25, the equipment win rate was exposed, the Book of the Gods was underestimated, and the God of Auxiliary Costumes was the Glory of the Guards

The gear with the highest winning percentage you have in mind? Greedy Devour, more than 60% win rate, the old version of the Greedy Devour has an additional attack speed, but now replaced by a more practical penetration effect, many people do not know, Greedy Devour plus Shadow Tomahawk plus hundred piercing inscriptions, they provide physical penetration up to 370, if the target only has one armor, even if it is anti-armor, the proportion of penetration has exceeded the Broken Star Hammer.

And this piece of equipment I am usually used to synthesizing after the fifth piece of equipment is formed, at this time the penetration reaches the extreme, the damage of hitting half meat or crispy skin is very prominent, coupled with the high movement speed, the body feeling will be very comfortable.

So the top five pieces of equipment in the win rate, did you think of it? Tell us what you think.

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