
Parents should be wary of the harm caused to their children by pediatric tics

Children have a series of symptoms such as frequent blinking, pouting and tongue extension, shaking their heads and shrugging shoulders, clearing their throats and sniffing their noses, and swearing, and parents should be wary of the possibility of tics. The following is some introduction to tics, I hope that parents will know more about tics and be wary of the harm caused by pediatric tics to children.

1. Behave strangely and affect the image

2. Cause some psychological obstacles. There are more obstacles, or mental states that induce anxiety in children.

3. On the other hand, if the child grows up, it will be greatly impacted for his work, study and life. As soon as people heard that this person had tics, which unit still wanted him.

4. There is such a child in the family, and the spiritual and financial burden of the family is also very large, including the pressure of parents. If the treatment is not timely, after the adult, he can easily form a personality, which is called antisocial personality in our medical books. Very aggressive toward society, and even developed into a severe psychopath.

Parents should be wary of the harm caused to their children by pediatric tics