
Nine Days of Dragon Teng, 2022 Nong Yin Year Chen Long Luck and Planning

The ancients emphasized the unity of heaven and man, and the "heaven" here is the manifestation of nature, the combination of celestial phenomena and time, from which all things gain strength, which is also the first iron law that we must follow, as Zhou Yi said: The way of all benefits, and the way of the times. Only by conforming to the laws of nature and society can we obtain real gains in our lives. The traditional zodiac sign is to explore the relationship between the laws of nature and the role of the "original self". With the arrival of the Year of the Nongyin Tiger in 2022, what is the luck of the soaring Chenlong with the dry branches and water trees living together, the Yinhu taking power? Let's interpret it:

Nine Days of Dragon Teng, 2022 Nong Yin Year Chen Long Luck and Planning

First, the interpretation of Chenlong's temperament

The dragon is the totem of the Chinese nation, representing our excellent qualities, with noble, resolute, upward characteristics, wisdom, idealism, and a strong benevolent backbone in the heart. Just so-called: Tianxingjian, a gentleman who strives for self-improvement, Chenlong soars for nine days, does not fear difficulties, bravely moves forward, and has great momentum.

From the perspective of the theory of the Heavenly Dry Earth Branch, the three kinds of energies of Decay, B and E are hidden in the Chen Soil, the natural qi is the soil, it has leadership skills, represents the center of things, is thick and tolerant, and is witty and flexible. Born in the Sunda Palace, it is unpredictable like the wind, with great energy, strong and resolute, and a strong sense of self-motivation.

Nine Days of Dragon Teng, 2022 Nong Yin Year Chen Long Luck and Planning

Second, the interpretation of the luck of the year of 2022

1. The increase in the income of Caixing High Transparency is conducive to outward breakthrough

In the year of 2022, Nong yin is Mercury, high through the year dry, is the Dragon Fortune Star (five lines of soil), prosperous and wealthy, conducive to obtaining wealth, and strive to forge ahead.

2. Yin hu has steadily advanced the sentient cause of officials and officials

The five lines of Chenlong are earth, hidden wood qi, walking in the year of Nongyin, Yinhu is the official star of Chenlong, and the official star appears, which is conducive to the advancement of work and the success of the cause. In addition, the assistance of the financial star is conducive to common development and enhances the level of profitability.

3. Wenqu star is coming, and the help of nobles is conducive to showing talent

The four green Wenqu stars of the year of Nongyin flew to the southeast, that is, the Position of Wenchang, the wood qi was stacked, and the inner qi of Chenlong was enhanced, which could enhance academics and cultural fortunes, and at the same time help the nobles to carry, plan to promote, and develop their careers.

In addition, chenlong five lines of soil, but the wet and cold air is too heavy, to the year of nongyin, wood qi to overcome the body, will bring pressure barriers, not conducive to health. It is necessary to be open-minded and peaceful, do a good job of regulation, and pay attention to the protection of the spleen and stomach, shoulders and neck, and heart (depression).

Nine Days of Dragon Teng, 2022 Nong Yin Year Chen Long Luck and Planning

3. Adjustment and planning

1, Chenlong is located in the southeast Sundanese position, five lines of wood, southeast for Wenchang position, can be placed in the desk or bed in the southeast, can improve the efficiency of learning, for academic improvement, civilian, business personnel are more beneficial.

2. Green plants can be placed in the southeast, and there is a wood qi descending, which can form a Sundanese wind and gua elephant, which is conducive to winning the protection of nobles and enhancing their luck.

3, the southeast of the family should not have gold tools, gold and wood to fight, to their own luck, fortune, physical disadvantage;

4, Wenqu Xingfei, to be modest and cautious, strengthen learning, do a good job of coordination and communication, and ask the teacher in time.

Summary: In the year of 2022, Chenlong's overall preference for luck is to take advantage of the advent of the Wenqu Star to work hard with Shi Xing. Be respectful, be kind to people, learn more, and adjust the home environment.

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