
Golden Snake Spring 2022 Nong Yin Year Snake Luck and Planning

Traditional culture uses the thinking of "elephant" to complete the cognition of the world, Confucius called it "Yizhi Xiangye", of course, the traditional calendar and zodiac signs also use this method. For example, in the year of Nongyin, the ancients used an analogy to call this year's energy the Great General He Chen, who mastered the auspiciousness of the year. In terms of dry branch strength, the five lines of heavenly stem "nong" are water, the earth branch "Yin" five lines of wood, and the dry branch of water and wood are born together. Under the influence of this energy, how luck is the zodiac snake friend? Let's interpret it:

Golden Snake Spring 2022 Nong Yin Year Snake Luck and Planning

First, the interpretation of the temperament of the snake

The zodiac is a simulation of "elephant", a combination of temperament and energy. Zi Ugly Yin, Tatsumi Noon, and The Snake ranked sixth after Tatsuryu. Both were born in the Xun Palace and have the image of soaring, tatsu dragon is generally called the great dragon, and the snake is called the little dragon.

The snake is changeable, the glyphs are similar to "self" and "B", with the characteristics of planning, delicacy, change and twists, and love to learn and plan carefully.

Judging from the five elements of the stem branch, the snake in the Xun Palace contains Gengjin, C fire, and penta earth, and the natural qi is C fire, representing light, thought, culture, and courtesy.

Golden Snake Spring 2022 Nong Yin Year Snake Luck and Planning

Second, the interpretation of the luck of the year of 2022

Can the snake full of wisdom and talent show its talents in the year of 2022? In addition to the internal combination, it is also necessary to analyze it in conjunction with the nongyin flow year.

1. The snake offender is too old to hide contradictions and unfavorable to the cause

Di Zhiyin was tortured, clashed with Tai Nian, was sentenced in life, and hid contradictions. The stars of tiangan and water officials are thoroughly dried, water and fire are stirred, and this year's annual gua is both water and fire, water and fire conflicts, work is easily hindered, and it is not conducive to career development. It is often misunderstood by superiors due to poor planning.

2. Wenqu Xingfei can resolve conflicts with the help of nobles

Judging from the relationship between cadres and branches, the local branches and branches are punished, the Indian star is harmful, there are often problems in thinking, resulting in business mistakes, falling into a debt crisis, etc., we should be cautious and closed, and appropriately resolve and adjust. Fortunately, in the year of 2022, the five yellows entered the middle, the four Biji xingwen qu flew to the Sunda Palace, the wooden qi helped the body, and there were noble people to help, and they could ask for help from many sides, meditate and think quietly, and solve the crisis.

3. The contradiction between the families who have been tortured and killed in the land of water and fire has intensified

In 2022, the corresponding water and fire are both good, the lower is off the upper kan, the water and fire intersect, the water is on the fire, the image of yin and yang harmony, but the water and fire are a contradiction, which will cause mental imbalance and wrong positioning. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that it is easy to be tortured and injured, resulting in family conflicts.

In addition, the punishment of Yin Andui and the war of water and fire will cause heart and brain diseases, which can easily cause neck and shoulder pain, poor sleep and other conditions, and should be adjusted in time.

Golden Snake Spring 2022 Nong Yin Year Snake Luck and Planning

3. Adjustment and planning

1, the snake is located in the southeast, the five lines of wood, the most afraid of gold, here must not put clocks, mirrors, swords and other items, so as not to form a golden and wood war situation, unfavorable career and personal fortune;

2, the main position of the snake is in the southeast position, where flowers and trees can be placed, increasing the strength of wood qi, green and cyan decorative paintings can be placed to enhance the fortune; in case of trouble, you can go to the southeast to seek help.

3. Wenqu Xing flew to the southeast Sundanese position, forming a situation of wood and wood helping, and valuable ornaments and flowers and trees such as Mu Ruyi and Junzilan could be placed in the southeast corner, which was conducive to the situation of noble people helping each other.

Summary: The luck of the friends of the snake in 2022 is mixed, but wenqu xingxing is coming, and it is necessary to accompany the times and adjust the environment and behavior in time to achieve the effect of auspiciousness and avoidance.

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