
Grizzlies guard Shak Buchanan triggers health and safety deal the team currently has six triggers

Grizzlies guard Shak Buchanan triggers health and safety deal the team currently has six triggers

Live Bar Jan. 1 News At 9 a.m. today, the Grizzlies will sit at home to meet the Spurs. The Grizzlies officially updated the team's injury list before the game.

Team defender Schack Buchanan triggered a health and safety deal and will miss the game.

Other players the Grizzlies missed due to health and safety agreements were Brooks, Melton, Conchar, Culver and Williams.

In addition, Merrill will be absent due to an ankle injury, and Aldama (calf injury) is in doubt (50% chance of playing).

(Best 15th Person)

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