
He waited for her for 48 years, but she only became his wife for 18 months, and the arms giant businessman's dedication to love

Tell the truest history in the simplest words.

Do you believe in the saying that "having money can make ghosts grind"? Anyway, I believe, are your values "money omnipotent"? Yes or no, although I believe that "money is not omnipotent", I have indeed never seen anything more omnipotent than "money". The man I want to introduce today is the richest (late nineteenth-century) and most mysterious man in the world.

He waited for her for 48 years, but she only became his wife for 18 months, and the arms giant businessman's dedication to love

Non-protagonist (alternate image)

Money is just a number in his eyes, and such a rich man is also very low-key and mysterious. His name was Bazir Sakharov. According to inaccurate calculations, around 1880, the Greek government offered a reward of 100,000 yuan to find someone to assassinate him. Not only did he survive, he became more successful.

There are countless books on Sakharov, and you can think of his life as legendary, or you can think of him as unscrupulous for the sake of ends. After all, he is one of the most peculiar phenomena caused by widespread international suspicion and hatred between States.

He waited for her for 48 years, but she only became his wife for 18 months, and the arms giant businessman's dedication to love

Sakharov was born into a poor family, but his fortune after his death was a huge fortune unparalleled at the time. To ask him how he amassed his wealth, there was only one answer: the sale of machine guns, cannons, and high explosives.

"The tombstones of 1 million people will become his monument – the groans they groan when they die, his epitaphs". This is the beginning of a biography about him. This sentence has generally told you that at least 1 million people died indirectly at the hands of Sakharov because of his methods of selling weapons.

Let's take a look at how Sakharov became an arms magnate step by step.

He waited for her for 48 years, but she only became his wife for 18 months, and the arms giant businessman's dedication to love

When he was 28, he got a job selling arms, earning 25 yuan a week (plus a commission). This was already a huge income at the time, but Sakharov was not only satisfied with it. He was living in Greece at the time, and his natural business acumen, combined with years of mixed-ups, made it clear to him that the only way to sell arms was to stimulate demand for them.

In order to achieve this goal, Sakharov began to do everything possible to arouse greek fear (the degree of detail describes the operation of capital to the fullest extent, and will not be repeated here). He told the Greeks that they had been surrounded by vicious and cruel enemies and that they had to buy guns to defend themselves against them and their homeland.

At this time, war was imminent, and fear swept through Greece in an instant, and then aroused the enthusiasm of the Greek people for war. For a time, at the Greek Army Lego, the orator spoke passionately to the people; the Greek authorities immediately began to expand the armaments and bought a large number of arms from Sakharov, including a submarine, the first submarine in Greek history.

He waited for her for 48 years, but she only became his wife for 18 months, and the arms giant businessman's dedication to love

The arms deal led Sakharov to millions of dollars for his achievements alone. The rich Sakharov is still not satisfied, after all, war must have an object. So he ran to the Turkish people and fanned the flames again: "Look at what the Greeks are doing." They are preparing to banish you from the earth!" ”

The Turks also wanted to defend their land, and they bought two submarines. The arms race between Greece and Turkey is escalating, and the demand for arms is growing. In the end, Sakharov made a net profit of three hundred million dollars, but they were soaked in the blood of countless people.

Sakharov, who had profited from it, did not stop this "crazy" behavior when he was young, and for more than half a century, Sakharov devoted himself to demagogy, incite the atmosphere of international fear, and stimulate the armies of various countries to provoke war.

He waited for her for 48 years, but she only became his wife for 18 months, and the arms giant businessman's dedication to love


After World War I, Sakharov held stocks (both large and small) in German, British, French, Russian, and Italian military factories. As a result, his wealth has increased more than one might think, and it's unbelievable (imagine the feeling of an eighth-level wind blowing the banknote straight into your face).

For more than half a century, he was like a cunning fox, quietly entering and exiting various military institutions in Europe.

His actions were kept in absolute secrecy, and he was said to have hired two men who looked exactly like him, whose only task was to make an appearance in public places, so that newspapers could publish him in Berlin or In France, when in fact he was doing his secret work in another city.

He waited for her for 48 years, but she only became his wife for 18 months, and the arms giant businessman's dedication to love

He is reluctant to show his face, let alone give reporters a chance to meet him, and he is even more indifferent to the accusations that society has made on him. He never defended himself, did not give any explanation for his actions, never refuted, never answered.

Such a person is not invulnerable. In Chinese folklore, it is called "heroes are sad to pass the beauty".

At the age of 26, Sakharov fell in love with a 17-year-old girl. "Ridiculous" love at first sight turned the tall and handsome Sakharov into a test. He met her in a car on a journey from Athens to Paris, when Sakharov had only the urge to "marry her" in his mind.

But unfortunately, she was already married to a Spanish duke who was much older than her and insane. Because of her religious beliefs, divorce was impossible, and Sakharov did not choose to leave, but instead began a long wait.

He waited for her for 48 years, but she only became his wife for 18 months, and the arms giant businessman's dedication to love

He had waited for her for almost half a century.

Finally, in 1923, her husband died in an insane asylum; in 1924, she was finally able to marry Sakharov, at the age of 65 and 74. She died just two years after they were married, and she had been his lover for 40 years, but had only been his wife for 18 months.

Before Sakharov's death, he had been living in a palatial villa near Paris. He thought of his childhood, and could only sleep on the filthy and dirty ground, with rags tied to his feet to keep warm. Starvation was commonplace, he received only 5 years of education, but eventually became fluent in 14 languages, and Oxford University awarded him the honorary title of "Doctor of Civil Law".

He waited for her for 48 years, but she only became his wife for 18 months, and the arms giant businessman's dedication to love

The house where I used to live

At the age of 85, the old man passed away. The happy times of his life were spent in the garden full of roses, and he wrote a diary for most of his life, as well as 53 books, and it is said that he had others record all these secrets about himself destroyed after his death.

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