
Only because of the 9 characters engraved on the body of the knife, the Japanese military is willing to redeem it with tens of millions, China: there is no door!

1945 was a commemorative year that marked the end of the War of Resistance and the defeat of Japan's surrender. In the radio broadcasts that resounded throughout Japan, the Japanese people wept bitterly, some regretting their defeat, and some crying with joy after the end of the war. In any case, while accepting the Potsdam Proclamation, Japan must also accept the regulations listed above, and the consequences of non-compliance are something they cannot afford.

Only because of the 9 characters engraved on the body of the knife, the Japanese military is willing to redeem it with tens of millions, China: there is no door!

As one of the symbols of Japanese aggression, the Japanese saber has always had a strong topic and attention. During the war, our army also captured the sabre of the Japanese army, and a sabre could even be exchanged for 20 boxes of grenades, which shows the value of the Japanese saber. The Japanese saber is not only a status symbol, but also a work of art through careful craftsmanship. In 1934, the Japanese high-level promulgated the "Imperial Decree No. 3" and "Imperial Decree No. 26", and formulated two new sabers, "His Majesty the Grand Marshal's Imperial Sabre" and "The Standard Sabre for The Army General".

Only because of the 9 characters engraved on the body of the knife, the Japanese military is willing to redeem it with tens of millions, China: there is no door!

Although the appearance style of the two new Japanese sabers is similar, they are also traditional Japanese sabers, but the grand marshal's sabre decoration is much more gorgeous, the sword is engraved with the royal family emblem "sixteen petals eight-fold table chrysanthemum", the eye is also "triptych chrysanthemum relief", reflecting the uniqueness and lofty status of the royal family, Hirohito is also using this to express dissatisfaction with the growing military, hoping to prove that he is the actual ruler of Japan and the commander-in-chief of the "Imperial Japanese Army".

Only because of the 9 characters engraved on the body of the knife, the Japanese military is willing to redeem it with tens of millions, China: there is no door!

As the defeated side, the sabers worn by the Japanese army in battle naturally became the spoils of war of our army and were kept by our army; and those defeated Japanese troops were sent to prisoner-of-war camps for rehabilitation. Our country has always been a big country full of humanitarianism, and we do not want to be harsh on these defeated Japanese people, and since they have been defeated, it is better to let them receive ideological education. After confirming that they had reformed and lost their fighting spirit, our army would let them return to their hometowns, but a large number of Japanese people did not want to return to china.

Only because of the 9 characters engraved on the body of the knife, the Japanese military is willing to redeem it with tens of millions, China: there is no door!

Because they were originally glorious warriors, after being captured and reformed, they were ashamed of their father and elder Jiangdong, and their own sabers were also lost, and they would rather die in China than return to Japan. One of the Japanese, but because he was obsessed with his sabre and did not want to return to China, he got in touch with the Japanese military, and the Japanese military was willing to pay tens of millions to redeem the saber, and also hoped that the Chinese adults would not count the villains and sell them a face. But China really didn't buy it, only because of the 9 words engraved on the knife.

Only because of the 9 characters engraved on the body of the knife, the Japanese military is willing to redeem it with tens of millions, China: there is no door!

"One hundred and seven people were killed in the Battle of Nanjing", this is bloody evidence, this saber as a physical evidence used by the state to warn future generations, if you want to redeem, there is no door. What's more, the Japanese army still intends to beautify this disgraceful history in the textbooks, and if we do not hold important evidence of guilt, this history of that year will really sink into the sea. After the end of World War II, West German Chancellor Willy Brandt knelt in front of the monument to the uprising in the Warsaw Ghetto, showing that Germany has deeply reflected and apologized for its mistakes, which is very sincere.

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