
Cantonese famous spot: honeycomb taro dumplings

author:Peach kitchen
Cantonese famous spot: honeycomb taro dumplings

There are many kinds of Cantonese dim sum, and the cooking methods are steaming, frying, frying, roasting, boiling, and stewing.

The way of steaming is the most, and the frying is relatively rare;

But every time you fry a refreshment, you always have to sigh: it's so well done! Such as this

Cantonese famous spot: honeycomb taro dumplings

Although the honeycomb taro dumpling belongs to the flavor snack of Guangdong, it has a wide range of popularity, and it is popular in Guangxi and Hainan.

The taro in the taro dumplings is best made from the sweet potato produced in Lipu, Guangxi, so it is also called Lipu taro horn.

Cantonese famous spot: honeycomb taro dumplings

As for the difference between horns and dumplings, it may be homophonic consent;

In the Song Dynasty, the Society also called dumplings horns.

Cantonese famous spot: honeycomb taro dumplings

The name is not the key to this dish, if you want to make this honeycomb taro dumplings, it all depends on the skin!

Of course, don't worry about not being able to do it, follow me to explain its steps in detail.~

- Ingredient Preparation -

Cantonese famous spot: honeycomb taro dumplings

Filling: pork belly 250g shrimp 100g dried shiitake mushrooms 5 carrots 50g green onions 5g salt 3g sugar 3g soy sauce 10g dark soy sauce 5g oyster sauce 15g allspice powder 1g corn starch 5g (add 50g of water to make water starch)

Skin: Taro 300g Sugar 20g Cheng noodles 100g Boiled water 150g Lard 55g

Let's take a look at the detailed production steps

1. First make a filling: dice pork belly, shrimp, mushrooms and carrots and set aside

Cantonese famous spot: honeycomb taro dumplings
Cantonese famous spot: honeycomb taro dumplings
Cantonese famous spot: honeycomb taro dumplings

2. Pour a little oil in a hot pan, pour in the pork belly cubes and fry the dried water until the surface is slightly browned, add shrimp grains, shiitake mushroom grains, carrot grains and stir-fry for two minutes to bring out the aroma

Cantonese famous spot: honeycomb taro dumplings
Cantonese famous spot: honeycomb taro dumplings

Then add salt, sugar, soy sauce, soy sauce, oyster sauce, allspice powder and stir-fry well to taste, and finally pour starch water to hook the mustard, and then add green onions to mix well, so that the filling is complete

Cantonese famous spot: honeycomb taro dumplings
Cantonese famous spot: honeycomb taro dumplings
Cantonese famous spot: honeycomb taro dumplings

3. Start making the skin: Steam the taro slices in a pot (about 30 minutes), steam them and then take them out and press them into a puree while hot

Cantonese famous spot: honeycomb taro dumplings
Cantonese famous spot: honeycomb taro dumplings

4. Pour the noodles into a bowl, add boiling water to blanch the noodles, put on insulating gloves, and knead into a smooth dough

Cantonese famous spot: honeycomb taro dumplings
Cantonese famous spot: honeycomb taro dumplings

Add the taro puree and sugar and knead well, and finally add the lard and knead for another 5 minutes

Cantonese famous spot: honeycomb taro dumplings
Cantonese famous spot: honeycomb taro dumplings

5. Divide the kneaded taro scalp into 30g/piece, roll into balls, cover with plastic wrap to prevent drying, take a taro scalp, flatten it, wrap in an appropriate amount of filling and knead it into an angle

Cantonese famous spot: honeycomb taro dumplings
Cantonese famous spot: honeycomb taro dumplings
Cantonese famous spot: honeycomb taro dumplings

6. Pour corn oil into the pot, burn until 6 or 70% hot (put in the chopsticks there will be dense bubbles bubbling up, about 170 degrees to 180 degrees), put the taro horn on the fried fence, floating up and down the frying

* Friends who choose to fry in the induction cooker can use small pots like me, one by one, so that the oil temperature is easy to achieve and even;

Cantonese famous spot: honeycomb taro dumplings
Cantonese famous spot: honeycomb taro dumplings

Fry until the surface is golden brown and fish out, the duration is about 3 minutes;

* The whole process must be completed on the frying fence, if you choose to use the family gas stove frying, you can use a large pot, but it is more expensive; but you can put 5 to 6 taro horns together at a time, and it is also floating up and down.

Cantonese famous spot: honeycomb taro dumplings

Looking at this finished product, I have to say that the name is really appropriate!

Golden hue, the surface layer is densely covered with "small eyes", resembling a honeycomb.

Cantonese famous spot: honeycomb taro dumplings

Because the outer layer of puff pastry is too fluffy, when you go to pick it up, you will feel it crisp between your fingers.

It is the kind that feels brittle, but there is no "entity", thin and crisp.

Cantonese famous spot: honeycomb taro dumplings

Its skin inside and outside the two touches are completely opposite, is a real loose outside and soft inside!

When you bite down, one side is crunchy and the other is soft.

After feeling the wonderful taste, there is also the aroma of taro.

Cantonese famous spot: honeycomb taro dumplings

The filling is moist, the dried meat is fragrant, and the vegetables and shrimp are fresh;

After tasting one bite, you want to take a second bite, but be careful to light the fire.

Delicious to eat, taste one or two on the line, really can not be greedy more yo ~

Cantonese famous spot: honeycomb taro dumplings

Small main tips:

1. This recipe can make 20 honeycomb taro horns

2. No lard can be replaced with butter, but the taste is not so crispy

3. The key to the success of production lies in the ratio of oil temperature and lard, the oil temperature is too low and the skin is easy to dissolve in the oil, the frying is not formed, the oil temperature is too high and easy to fry the paste; the lard is too little to be honeycomb-shaped, too much skin is too scattered to be easy to wrap the filling

4. The skin here is sweet, if you don't like it, you can change it to a salty mouth, and replace the sugar with the right amount of salt and white pepper

"Can't sleep" is simply another big pain in life, comparable to "eating badly"...

I don't know how many friends with insomnia, I have really suffered enough insomnia recently [tears]

This kind of discomfort is that you close your eyes and have only one thing in your mind, that is, go to bed quickly!

But the more you concentrate on sleeping, the more energetic you are!

Finally scratching my heart and lungs, turning over until the early hours of the morning...

When I feel like I can't sleep, I welcome mosquitoes to come out and call out a few times:

"You have insomnia"

"Yeah, you go to work"

"It's not easy, order us a song called 'Sleepless Tonight'..."

Cantonese famous spot: honeycomb taro dumplings

Have tried some sleep tips, should have had the experience of counting sheep, do you have any effect? I didn't, and I was always taken astray.

It is said that because counting sheep is similar in English to sleeping, it does not work with Chinese, and the effect of counting dumplings may be better.

Later, when I checked, I explained that when our brain has been in a working state of "calculation" and "analysis", the sleep material of the pituitary gland and other intracranial glands in the brain is not secreted enough, and it is even more impossible to produce drowsiness.

Anyway, counting sheep this thing, can not do it!

I didn't count more than 100 at a time, and halfway down the road I started thinking about things I hadn't done during the day!

This is good, counting and starting to think about things, and I can't sleep.

The soft white noise was also heard for hours, and when I finally went to sleep, I wondered whether I was asleep by myself or whether the music had made me fall asleep.

There are also a variety of sports, bathing, in view of not being able to sleep every day, I feel more troublesome, I try some "easy to get" method.

At present, the two most effective and convenient methods I have tried are to let "others" hypnotize themselves, or to tire out their brains themselves!

Others give you the meaning of hypnosis, when you were a child, you heard bedtime stories, and now you can also listen to them.

The specific operation is to find an extremely boring story, and then find a reading machine that is the least emotional.

Time it for 30 minutes and read it to you like that.

The content of the story is not important, what is important is the tone that has no ups and downs and no emotion, and I think it is easier to be sleepy than white noise.

To tire out your brain, is to go and take out a book at the bottom of your home and test it for yourself.

Be sure to have a paper version, because the electronic version, the light will shine so that people can't sleep.

It is best to be an old book, and the books that you did not nibble on back then will only make people dizzy now.

If none of the above works, congratulations will you get the insomnia "after-sales package":

Swollen face, dark circles, yellow face, headache, sleepiness during the day.

Because in the eyes of the body, you have insomnia, it is equivalent to "being forced to stay up late"...

Hey, it was miserable, and finally the scolding grinning or reflecting on what he had done caused insomnia.

Generally not pathological or you can find some rules, such as I drank tea one day, ate too much supper, or slept more during the day, otherwise the pressure on the day and so on.

If you follow the vine, you can always find the "culprit".

Honestly get rid of these stinky problems, a good night's sleep is still very promising.

Of course, people who can't sleep for 30 days a month should not go to Shunten first, I think it may be more appropriate to seek medical treatment!

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