
Traffic police everywhere began to strictly investigate the "cover stop behavior", and found that 12 points were deducted and 6,000 were fined, hoping that the owner of the car would know

When there are more cars, the resulting traffic accidents are very numerous. Therefore, China's transportation department has formulated various traffic laws in order to enable the public to drive safely, and if you do not comply with the regulations, you will be fined or deducted points!

Traffic police everywhere began to strictly investigate the "cover stop behavior", and found that 12 points were deducted and 6,000 were fined, hoping that the owner of the car would know

Some car owners, in order not to let their violations be photographed by the camera, actually opened the trunk to cover the license plate number: all over the place began to strictly investigate the car "cover stop behavior", violation of 12 points penalty of 6000, to know!

Traffic police strictly investigate the "cover stop" behavior◆

The number of cars in China is now getting higher and higher! The more cars there are, the more traffic jams there are. In addition, there is the problem of parking spaces, the lack of parking spaces, and the continuous increase of cars, making it more and more difficult for us to park!

Traffic police everywhere began to strictly investigate the "cover stop behavior", and found that 12 points were deducted and 6,000 were fined, hoping that the owner of the car would know

What do you do when you want to go to a place and you can't find a parking space? Some people will turn around to see if there is a parking space in the distance; some people will wait a little while to see if there is a parking space; and others will find a random place to park directly illegally. Illegal parking will be deducted points and fined.

Just as the so-called "there are policies on the top, there are countermeasures on the bottom", some people have come up with the method of "cover stop" to open the rear cover of the car, so that the camera can not shoot the license plate number!

Nowadays, the traffic department has hit this piece very hard! Now in the main sections of the country, the cameras are all captured, so the behavior of you deliberately opening the rear cover will also be filmed! Once filmed, you will be punished very severely! Therefore, I hope that everyone must pay attention to the fact that you must not know the law and break the law!

Traffic police everywhere began to strictly investigate the "cover stop behavior", and found that 12 points were deducted and 6,000 were fined, hoping that the owner of the car would know

Found that a deduction of 12 points at a time is fined 6,000 yuan ◆ ◆

Now the phenomenon of illegal parking of cars is very serious, whether it is the owner of the car itself, or other people actually feel deeply troubled! The owner of the car itself is troubled, we know, now parking is more and more difficult to park, can not find a parking space, then what to do?

Some people play the trick of being careful! Isn't random parking deducting points? Directly "cover stop", the camera can not shoot! As everyone knows, the transportation department is now vigorously cracking down on this behavior! Once caught by the traffic police, 12 points directly will not be lost, and will be fined 6,000 yuan! 6000 yuan is also counted, the most important thing is 12 points, 12 points If you are deducted, your driver's license will be directly revoked, which means that you can no longer drive before you re-obtain a driver's license, and the punishment measures are very severe!

Traffic police everywhere began to strictly investigate the "cover stop behavior", and found that 12 points were deducted and 6,000 were fined, hoping that the owner of the car would know

This kind of vigorous crackdown by the transportation department is very necessary, if you do not do this aspect of control, there will be more people in the future to find ways to "cover the stop", if everyone does this, our country's transportation will certainly not be good, so we must pay special attention! From my personal point of view, I also feel that this kind of punitive measures are necessary, whether a country's traffic is good or not, has a lot to do with traffic control, no matter which country, if you want to control the order, you need strict measures!

Why are more and more people not driving

Why do people nowadays dislike driving more and more? Mainly based on three reasons, let's take a look at them one by one, the following problems are all very realistic!

Traffic police everywhere began to strictly investigate the "cover stop behavior", and found that 12 points were deducted and 6,000 were fined, hoping that the owner of the car would know

Reason 1: China's traffic congestion problem, which is also elaborated in the above article, and everyone knows it. When traffic jams, it is obviously a ten-minute drive, and it is an hour to drive, or even longer. At this time, electric vehicles show their power, electric vehicles are riding on non-motorized roads, generally non-motorized roads will not be congested.

Reason two: the problem of parking spaces, this is also a deep understanding of many people, there are also related expressions in the previous article, many people can not find parking spaces can only be illegal parking!

Reason three: the problem of difficult to maintain a car. This is also the voice of many people, after everyone has worked hard to spend their savings to buy a car, they think that there will be no cost in the later stage, but they do not know that this is completely a legend! The cost of the car in the later stage is very high, the car's fuel costs, insurance costs, maintenance costs, if these costs are all added up, the pressure is also quite large.

Traffic police everywhere began to strictly investigate the "cover stop behavior", and found that 12 points were deducted and 6,000 were fined, hoping that the owner of the car would know


We can understand everyone's pain, after all, it is still difficult to find a parking space, but the difficulty of finding a parking space is not the reason for our car to park illegally. Now the traffic department severely cracked down on this behavior, if caught with a car owner "cover stop", not only the driver's license will be directly revoked, but also will be fined 6,000 yuan, this is a very severe measure, I hope you must pay special attention! Driving must obey the traffic laws, clever words will only hurt yourself and others in the end, do not make a mistake.

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