
Morning reading 丨 January 2, pay attention to health every day

author:Beijing News

【Health Reminder】

Some leg cramps, in fact, the blood vessels are "blocked"

If you have frequent leg cramps and the pain is getting longer and longer, you need to pay attention. Ren Zhixiong, director of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine at Aviation General Hospital, reminded that this may be a blood vessel "blocked".

Ren Zhixiong introduced that leg cramps can be caused by a variety of reasons, there are clear chronic diseases, such as a variety of muscle diseases, peripheral neuropathy, diabetes, etc.; some are drug reactions, such as taking morphine, cimetidine, diuretics and other drugs may appear leg cramps. If there are no of the above two conditions, but leg cramps occur in the case of low temperature, strenuous exercise, excessive fatigue, excessive sweating, etc., it may be due to insufficient calcium and magnesium ions in the body, or the formation of plaque in the atherosclerosis of the lower extremities, resulting in narrowing or occlusion.

【Medical Exploration】

Exercising more can prevent or even reverse insulin resistance

According to studies published in Science Advances, exercise induces skeletal muscle to express an enzyme (NOX4) that can enhance muscle function and prevent or even reverse insulin resistance.

The researchers compared the nox4 expression of the decaying mice and the young mice, and found that the expression of NOX4 in the skeletal muscle of the decaying mice decreased by 46%, and then the researchers also found that the postprandial blood glucose and insulin levels of the NOX4 knockout mice increased, the insulin response was weakened, and the glucose uptake of skeletal muscle was reduced, and insulin resistance appeared. The researchers say the findings reveal in detail the mechanisms by which exercise maintains blood sugar health from the perspective of oxidative stress, providing a potential therapeutic target for insulin resistance associated with aging and obesity.

【Scientific Research Progress】

The KRAS gene mutation test kit was approved for marketing

Beijing Yakangbo Biotechnology Co., Ltd. announced that its self-developed KRAS gene mutation detection kit (fluorescent PCR method) passed the audit of the State Food and Drug Administration and was approved as a class III medical device registration certificate.

The kit is the first KRAS gene mutation detection kit with accompanying diagnostic functions based on the PCR platform, which can be used to detect 7 KRAS gene mutations in adult colorectal cancer patients in vitro, and assist clinicians in judging the benefits of patients using cetuximab injection. The KRAS gene mutation detection kit approved this time is the first registered product approved by Yakangbo Biologics with the standard of accompanying diagnostic reagents, which continues the advantages of the Baikangan series of simple, fast, sensitive, accurate and easy to popularize.

【Scientific Diet】

Drinking more coffee may reduce the risk of prostate cancer

Studies published in the British Medical Journal Open Edition have shown that increasing coffee intake may reduce the risk of prostate cancer.

The researchers analyzed data from 16 studies around the world, involving more than 1 million men, and about 58,000 people developed prostate cancer. It was found that for every extra cup of coffee drunk every day, the risk of prostate cancer was reduced by 1%. Compared with low coffee consumption (less than 2 cups per day), people with high coffee consumption (two or more cups per day) had a 7% lower risk of local prostate cancer and a 12% to 16% lower risk of advanced and fatal prostate cancer. Researchers believe that coffee improves blood sugar metabolism, has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, and affects sex hormone levels.

【Knowledge Update】

Rapid detection of early-stage lung cancer in the future requires only one drop of blood

PNAS published a study saying that with a drop of blood from the human body, it may be possible to detect whether an asymptomatic patient has lung cancer.

Based on the metabolomics data in the body's blood, the researchers established a lung cancer prediction model to analyze the body's health and pathological status. The presence of lung cancer and its altered physiological and pathological characteristics can trigger changes in the blood metabolites produced or consumed by cancer cells, and the researchers used high-resolution mrivision spectroscopy to determine the characteristics of metabolomics in the blood, a tool that examines a range of compounds in living cells by measuring the collective response of metabolites. The researchers also tested this lung cancer prediction model through samples, and the study showed that the predictive function of this model is likely to be correct.

Beijing News reporter Zhang Zhaohui

Proofreading Fu Chunyi

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