
A sign of Gemini maturing? You can lower your head and turn a corner

If a person can bow their head at the right time, it means that they are moving towards maturity, which can be said to be more obvious in Gemini.

When Gemini begins to be baptized by the years, when they are truly mature and strong, they understand the principle of being able to bend and stretch, they can bow their heads and turn, so what is the sign of Gemini maturity?

A sign of Gemini maturing? You can lower your head and turn a corner

01 Gemini: A constellation that can lower its head and turn a corner

Gemini people, often easy-going, intelligent, very good at improvisation, they are not a conformist person, but can change themselves according to the environment.

Although when they are young, Gemini is also quite proud, they are not willing to bow their heads for others, and it is often easy to give up and miss the person who is really suitable for themselves, but geminis will become more and more mature as they get older, and they will not compete for a while.

Many times, Gemini is a person who is very good at adapting to the environment, no matter what the other party is, or how "aggressive", they will no longer argue with each other, or have obvious contradictions, they can avoid the sharp edge, be independent, and can also use the right way to advocate their rights and interests, at the same time, not to offend each other.

A sign of Gemini maturing? You can lower your head and turn a corner

It can be said that if Gemini chooses a person, or a career, a life, it is actually very able to persevere, and the reason why they insist is that they can often bend and stretch, and will not be unable to go because of "rather bend than bend".

They can according to the needs of each other or the environment, and "see people talk, see ghosts and talk about ghosts", the idea of understanding the curve to save the country, is the wealth accumulated by Gemini growth.

But don't think that Gemini has compromised, on the contrary, they are not compromising internally, but they can "make up" elsewhere, and if it does not work on one road, they can continue to implement their plans from other places.

It can be said that Gemini is a very good at "seeing the stitches and needles", they can keenly capture the opportunities in the environment, quietly complete their goals, these "twists and turns" of the delicate mind, is the gemini growth of the sign.

A sign of Gemini maturing? You can lower your head and turn a corner

02What are the signs of Gemini maturity?

1. Be able to adjust yourself according to the needs of the outside world

Gemini people are a sign of maturity, that is, they can adjust themselves according to the environment, even if they sometimes need to do things against their own inner will, but Gemini can still accept it calmly, or there will not be much resistance.

This is not their compromise, but can only be said to be a kind of wisdom of life, but Gemini is not "complicit", but they are outside, know how to make their lives better, but still have their own persistence inside.

It has to be said that this is the origin of Gemini's "knowledge of the world and not the world", because they do not feel that changing for the sake of the environment is a thing that is against the heart, or a special sin, they think that this is only a temporary expedient.

A sign of Gemini maturing? You can lower your head and turn a corner

2, know how to see people's hearts, the more mature the more transparent

Although many people will become more transparent and understand human nature as they get older, gemini progress is more obvious, and they can even easily guess what others think and act in a way that others like.

This has to be said to be a very powerful skill, just like a person has a "mind reading", it can be said that gemini intelligence makes it difficult for them to be seduced or deceived, at the same time, they can slowly develop a "demagogic" routine, they know how to pretend to cater to you, but also very good at gently rejecting others.

A sign of Gemini maturing? You can lower your head and turn a corner

3. Good at summarizing experience and analyzing the direction of things

When Gemini becomes more mature, what they experience or see will become a rich life experience, although many people also have this trait, but Gemini's strength is that they are very good at summarizing, they are also good at thinking, and they will not easily let the lesson pass like this.

They can navigate the real world with ease, which requires a comprehensive wisdom, even if they suffer because of a seemingly incompatible thing, they can find experiences to follow in other things, and they can take paths, which makes them able to analyze the future direction and trend of things.

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