
8 high-risk close contacts were found on the street at 2 a.m.! Unveiling the "Combat Life" of Dongguan '12.13' Epidemic Flow Team

author:Beiqing Net

After returning from Xi'an, the first infected person, Zhou Mou, bought vegetables, sang and barbecued in Dalang. On this day, he met 8 fellow villagers on the street and "met and chatted" for several minutes. After Zhou was diagnosed, 8 people were found by the circulation team at 2 a.m., judging it to be a high-risk close connection, and then 2 people were diagnosed.

As of now, there have been 26 cases of the "Dongguan 12.13" outbreak. Unlike "6.18", the epidemic has a maximum of 6 cases a day, and the workload of circulation has increased by nearly 10 times.

8 high-risk close contacts were found on the street at 2 a.m.! Unveiling the "Combat Life" of Dongguan '12.13' Epidemic Flow Team

Peel off clues in the massive amount of information. As a virus "scout", more than 200 dispatchers gathered from all directions worked day and night at the forefront. In the first 10 days of the epidemic, they received epidemic alarms at any time, and dispatching at 3 or 4 a.m. was the norm in this epidemic work.

More than 200 members of the reconnaissance team rushed to Dalang

At about 4 p.m. on December 13, the alarm sounded.

At this time, Yang Sheng, the fourth-level director of the Institute for Prevention and Control of Chronic Noncommunicable Diseases of dongguan CDC, and his colleagues had just finished participating in the monthly party day activities organized by the party branch. After receiving the order to rush to Dalang immediately, he immediately notified the other members of the detachment to gather personnel in accordance with the emergency plan and replenish the equipment and epidemic prevention materials.

8 high-risk close contacts were found on the street at 2 a.m.! Unveiling the "Combat Life" of Dongguan '12.13' Epidemic Flow Team

Departure at 4:30. At 5:10, 6 team members of the Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention arrived at the Dalang Community Health Service Center. By about 6 p.m., the multi-branch dispatch teams at the two levels of the city and town arrived one after another, and the temporary command office was crowded, everyone was nervous, and the various circulation and sampling tasks and support work were carried out rapidly and orderly.

For many members of the circulation team, this kind of emergency incident has been experienced many times, but it is often a false positive, and there is no danger. But this time is different: there are confirmed cases in Xi'an, and the CT value of the nucleic acid test results of 2 people is very low, which may be a more complicated process than the "6.18" epidemic.

"When the first two cases, Zhou Mou (Case 1) and Fu Mou (Case 2) were tested positive on the afternoon of the 13th, the source of infection was unknown." Huang Zhenyu, captain of the "12.13" epidemic flow control command center and director of the Disinfection and Insecticide Institute of the Dongguan Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, introduced that Dongguan City immediately launched an emergency response and dispatched more than 100 backbones from various towns and streets to provide rapid support; on the 14th, the Provincial Health commission transferred 139 people from other cities to reinforce.

8 high-risk close contacts were found on the street at 2 a.m.! Unveiling the "Combat Life" of Dongguan '12.13' Epidemic Flow Team

Fast response. At this time, the two cases had been returned from Xi'an for more than 1 week since they were discovered. The 2 people have a wide range of activities, many key places they have visited, and many contacts, and the task of tracing the source is urgent and difficult.

On the afternoon of the 13th, the flow dispatch team quickly dispatched the elite dispatch team members of the Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention to form a commando team to carry out a detailed epidemiological investigation of the first 2 cases, and quickly grasped the clues that the 2 cases might spread. Based on these clues, the corresponding squads are sent to form a fan-shaped flow queue to ensure that each clue has a team member to follow to the end.

With the increase in the number of cases, the team adjusted the flow formation in a timely manner, divided into 8 squadrons, and formed 3 special teams, each squadron was responsible for several cases. According to the transmission chain to which the case belongs, a special task force is set up to ensure that each case has a corresponding flow team to follow to the end, and can form a joint force to tackle key and difficult points.

8 high-risk close contacts were found on the street at 2 a.m.! Unveiling the "Combat Life" of Dongguan '12.13' Epidemic Flow Team

On the most day, 6 cases occurred in Dalang. At its peak, Huang Zhenyu was responsible for nearly 200 members of the on-site circulation team. In the first 10 days of the outbreak, the dispatch team members almost all worked continuously day and night, and it was common to go out at 3 or 4 a.m.

At 2 a.m., 8 high-risk close contacts were found on the street

At the beginning of the work, Yang Sheng encountered trouble. ——According to Zhou's dictation, the video of the members of the circulation team within the time range of the activity "check no one"!

8 high-risk close contacts were found on the street at 2 a.m.! Unveiling the "Combat Life" of Dongguan '12.13' Epidemic Flow Team

Flow adjustment work, there must be credible evidence, interlocking, in order to exclude every risk point. The team members immediately checked with the command again. After some comparison and information review, after 10 minutes, the team members confirmed Zhou's trajectory, and immediately joined hands with the relevant departments of the city to seal the control flow and organize sampling and killing.

In the face of the task of transferring more than 100 key personnel, in order to quickly transfer, the members of the circulation team immediately used the electronic questionnaire prepared before to patiently and carefully collect data, and carried out prevention and control policy publicity and psychological counseling with the on-site masses.

"When we checked the video, we found that after the confirmed case left the room, in addition to the cleaning staff, a child who lived next door also entered the room for about 3 minutes an hour later." To this end, Yang Sheng and his colleagues decided to watch every second of the surveillance video of the case on the spot and identify the close connection.

At 2:00 a.m. on the 14th, the flow adjustment and sampling task of the key place was completed quickly, accurately and efficiently, and after reporting to the command headquarters, the flow dispatch team went to the next task point.

Li Hu, the fourth-level director of the Public Health Surveillance Institute of the Dongguan Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, went to the location of the confirmed case 2 Fu. After 4 hours, the team members clarified The trajectory of Fu Mou, and through the review of surveillance video, they determined close contacts and sub-close contacts. After completing these tasks, it was already 6 o'clock on the 14th.

8 high-risk close contacts were found on the street at 2 a.m.! Unveiling the "Combat Life" of Dongguan '12.13' Epidemic Flow Team

The timely detection of a confirmed case became a breakthrough in the first circulation line.

At 2 a.m. on December 14, the team received feedback that a member of the crowd said that he and a few friends had been in contact with a case and were waiting for sampling on the street somewhere. The on-site circulation commander sent the current dispatch team to deal with it immediately. After the arrival of the flow team, 8 people at the scene said that they had recently "met and chatted" with the confirmed case Zhou Mou for a few minutes.

"At that time, the weather was very cold, everyone was very tired, and the crowd was anxious and unstable. My team and I calmed the crowd while streaming, and immediately took samples. After 2 hours of interrogation, the team members initially found out their relationship, judged it to be a high-risk close connection, and contacted the rear transport group for emergency transfer isolation.

The biggest gain of this sudden mission is to further grasp the relationship network of confirmed cases and isolate 2 confirmed cases for the first time. The on-site circulation group immediately held a group leader to study and discuss, analyzed the situation of the first 4 confirmed cases in a centralized manner, and confirmed the main direction of the next step of the flow adjustment, thus opening up the circulation survey centered on a confirmed case.

8 high-risk close contacts were found on the street at 2 a.m.! Unveiling the "Combat Life" of Dongguan '12.13' Epidemic Flow Team

Until the early morning of the 17th, all the members of the flow team had worked continuously for 72 hours. But everyone was full of spirits, fighting continuously, and did not slack off in the slightest. Because they know that there are still many high-risk close connections that have not been discovered, they must speed up the flow adjustment speed, and they cannot delay for a minute or second.

"I don't know, I can't remember"

"This transfer is the most arduous one since I engaged in the on-site investigation of infectious disease prevention and control." Chen Zhiyun, a fourth-level director of the Institute for The Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases of the Dongguan Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said that the work of the reconnaissance personnel is to comprehensively collect intelligence (information), sort out and analyze it, and provide the government with scientific advice. In the face of the highly contagious and fast-spreading new crown virus, he did not dare to relax every time, but this time it was particularly difficult.

The biggest difference and difficulty with "6.18" is that the circulation of the epidemic is not cooperative, the information acquisition is very difficult, there are many confirmed cases, the trajectory is complex, and there are many people involved. In addition, most of the life trajectories of the initial cases were at night, and it was very difficult to screen.

8 high-risk close contacts were found on the street at 2 a.m.! Unveiling the "Combat Life" of Dongguan '12.13' Epidemic Flow Team

Chen Zhiyun told reporters that most of the early survey subjects were unemployed people, basically "day and night" life mode - sleeping during the day, and only starting activities in the afternoon or even at night, until 4 or 5 a.m. They were reluctant to cooperate with the investigation, and most of them responded that they "didn't remember", "didn't go anywhere", or "I know these people, I just don't know his name". For close contacts, they are also reluctant to provide information, the information provided is either a nickname or a WeChat name, and the clues collected are not recognized, which causes great difficulties to the circulation and close investigation, and each circulation needs to take 2 times or even 3 times more time than usual.

At about 12:00 noon on December 14, Chen Zhiyun received an order to go to the isolation point to investigate the two cases. Either nonsense, or silent response - at the door of the isolation room, the 2 teams of mobile personnel spent more than 4 hours face to face with the case, and the information obtained was very limited.

8 high-risk close contacts were found on the street at 2 a.m.! Unveiling the "Combat Life" of Dongguan '12.13' Epidemic Flow Team

The cases that appeared in the later period were mainly enterprise employees, most of whom were nearly 60 years old, with serious memory loss, lack of online payment records, some usually only paid in cash, and the activity trajectory was indeed difficult to recall. Some people have heavy accents and poor communication, which also makes it difficult for the on-site circulation work.

Traditional investigative techniques are difficult to complete. In this epidemic investigation, the relevant municipal departments have worked together to provide a lot of very valuable information to the team members, which has brought great help to the circulation work.

8 high-risk close contacts were found on the street at 2 a.m.! Unveiling the "Combat Life" of Dongguan '12.13' Epidemic Flow Team

At 9:00 p.m. on December 17, the front suddenly received a positive report from 2 tubes and 10 in 1, and Yang Sheng led the team and another first-class transfer team to be sent to the re-collection and circulation of 20 people respectively. In the early morning, after obtaining the positive information of the re-recovery review, they quickly locked a company in Meijing Middle Road, and more than 20 team members immediately dispatched the division of labor and cooperation to implement a comprehensive circulation of the company.

At the scene, 2 cases did not have a smart phone, one of them had a hearing impairment, one was not standard in Mandarin, the dialogue was laborious, and the flow efficiency was low. Yang Sheng and the background circulation staff immediately communicated with the person in charge of the factory, established a WeChat group for middle-level management of the factory, and invited the relevant departments to transfer personnel. Afterwards, this method proved to be very effective, and played a huge role in information support and publicity liaison for the rapid development of flow traceability, close connection judgment and factory epidemic analysis and judgment.

According to the scene situation, the circulation team resolutely united with the relevant departments of the city to seal and control a company, decided that all the factory personnel a total of 195 people were all determined to be close, and found the employees living outside the factory for the first time, using WeChat and telephone to do policy publicity for employees, notifying everyone before getting up and going out, requiring that they could not go out, do a good job of protection, and wait for transfer, and at the same time, the relevant departments of the united city immediately controlled and controlled. Under the unified deployment of the city, all employees of a certain company were urgently transferred and isolated for treatment the next day.

8 high-risk close contacts were found on the street at 2 a.m.! Unveiling the "Combat Life" of Dongguan '12.13' Epidemic Flow Team

In the next 3 days, the company's special circulation squadron was established, and the team members dug deep and sorted out the transmission chain of 10 confirmed cases, organized the investigation of the air flow flow in the factory workshop, screened and determined the close connection of the video in various areas of the factory, reviewed the trajectory of the relevant personnel in the factory, and sampled the animals, cats and dogs active in the factory. Finally, it was determined that all the confirmed cases were in the factory workshop, dormitory, canteen and other places to have close conversation with the first confirmed case of the factory and the exposure of the transmission, and the first case of the factory was accompanied by the previous confirmed cases in time.

For the sudden discovery of the student's case, the mobile attack team also immediately began to adjust the trajectory of the student. After repeated rounds of screening and judging of each line, the traceability task of the school's student cases was completed.

Many of the members of the flow team have sighed, this time, the flow team is really like "Sherlock Holmes"!

The fireworks are back

The dispatch team is the "sniper" of the virus. Their task and duty is to race against the virus, run ahead, and quickly block the risk of transmission.

8 high-risk close contacts were found on the street at 2 a.m.! Unveiling the "Combat Life" of Dongguan '12.13' Epidemic Flow Team

At about 22:30 on December 21, a school in Dalang had students who initially screened positive. Du Jimin, deputy director of the Public Health Monitoring Institute of the Dongguan Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, is the captain of the 4th Squadron of The Circulation, and he immediately organized personnel to carry various emergency materials to leave within 15 minutes and take 4 emergency vehicles to the school for emergency disposal.

Understanding the school overview and the situation of the initial screening of positive students, sorting out the key points of disposal, forming a division of labor among the team members, and immediately arranging after arriving at the scene, Du Jimin ensured that the emergency disposal was carried out in a timely, clear and efficient manner, and beautifully completed a hard battle.

"Through everyone's step-by-step efforts, we have seen that the epidemic has gradually subsided, and we feel that the efforts and hardships we have put in are worth it." Du Jimin said that since the outbreak of the "12.13" epidemic, it has been the norm for the members of the circulation team to work until late at night every day. Although it is more difficult, the flow of the tune also has a certain risk of exposure, it is necessary to face the case and close contacts, and there have been many difficulties in the work, but everyone is twisted into a rope and works together to solve all difficulties.

8 high-risk close contacts were found on the street at 2 a.m.! Unveiling the "Combat Life" of Dongguan '12.13' Epidemic Flow Team

Huang Zhenyu said that after the "6.18" incident, the city's circulation team summed up experience in a timely manner, and formed a more scientific mechanism in terms of team building, on-site work methods, and information exchange. Therefore, although the disposal process of this epidemic is busier, it is busy but not chaotic, and the overall disposal of the epidemic is rapid and efficient.

During the epidemic period, the DISEASE Control and relevant departments quickly started the front-end mixed on-site disposal, the back-end office support site combat mode, the core information and activity sites of the investigation of the case by the circulation personnel, sampling and testing, analysis, determination of close connection, contact and transfer, and carry out terminal disinfection, etc., and other relevant departments grasped the activity trajectory of the case, studied and judged potential close connections, and controlled key places.

8 high-risk close contacts were found on the street at 2 a.m.! Unveiling the "Combat Life" of Dongguan '12.13' Epidemic Flow Team

With the close cooperation of all departments, the circulation of this epidemic can not only quickly grasp the key points, control the core close contacts, but also prevent loopholes. Multiple departments worked day and night to quickly track and control close contacts, quickly controlled the risk, and contributed to the absence of spillover of the epidemic.

A blitzkrieg that brought the epidemic under control in time. On December 27, the support teams of the province and other prefectures and cities withdrew, and the team members of Dongguan stayed behind to continue the fighting.

These days, the flow team is busy evaluating the sealing and control sites. According to the provincial expert guidance and the requirements of the municipal command, they will assess the time of onset of the case in the sealing and control sites, the close connection, the sub-secret and the control of key personnel in the place, the nucleic acid detection of personnel in the region, the external environment testing, etc. As long as the unsealing standards are met, there is an assessment and feedback to the command headquarters every day.

8 high-risk close contacts were found on the street at 2 a.m.! Unveiling the "Combat Life" of Dongguan '12.13' Epidemic Flow Team

Let the fireworks return to Dalang. The team members said that they hope that through their own efforts, each place can be unsealed and uncontrolled as scheduled, resume work and production as soon as possible, and the people can resume normal life.

They are not as striking as medical workers

Even many people are unaware of their existence

But they are in the midst of epidemic prevention and control

It plays the role of "health gatekeeper"

Salute to the staff of the epidemic flow team!

8 high-risk close contacts were found on the street at 2 a.m.! Unveiling the "Combat Life" of Dongguan '12.13' Epidemic Flow Team

Source: Nanfang Daily reporter Ou Yaqin

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