
62-year-old Madonna is so hot that she can't see, how the girl who once picked up garbage to live hard became the less obedient Madonna in the popular diva, brave to be herself into a hot big woman, cool has nothing to do with age


Yesterday, Madonna shared her latest photo at IG, the hot queen's style is undiminished, this figure and state, saying that she is 62 years old does not believe it at all!

62-year-old Madonna is so hot that she can't see, how the girl who once picked up garbage to live hard became the less obedient Madonna in the popular diva, brave to be herself into a hot big woman, cool has nothing to do with age
62-year-old Madonna is so hot that she can't see, how the girl who once picked up garbage to live hard became the less obedient Madonna in the popular diva, brave to be herself into a hot big woman, cool has nothing to do with age

Don't know what you think of 62 years old? In the eyes of many people, the 62-year-old after retirement must be enjoying the old age, traveling, playing mahjong and living a leisurely life.

But Madonna said, too boring, that's not what I want!

62-year-old Madonna is so hot that she can't see, how the girl who once picked up garbage to live hard became the less obedient Madonna in the popular diva, brave to be herself into a hot big woman, cool has nothing to do with age

Madonna, who is 62 years old this year, not only has her career still been red, but also has a sweet and stable boyfriend who is 36 years apart. Just yesterday, Madonna shared a new set of photos of herself at IG.

62-year-old Madonna is so hot that she can't see, how the girl who once picked up garbage to live hard became the less obedient Madonna in the popular diva, brave to be herself into a hot big woman, cool has nothing to do with age

After reading this group of photos, Xin Xiaowei was only left with a part of amazement. Such a figure and state is really too great! Is this a good figure that a 62-year-old can have, even today's young people rarely have such a good body?

62-year-old Madonna is so hot that she can't see, how the girl who once picked up garbage to live hard became the less obedient Madonna in the popular diva, brave to be herself into a hot big woman, cool has nothing to do with age

Such a dynamic and fiery wild fan, Madonna is worthy of being the eternal hot queen.

62-year-old Madonna is so hot that she can't see, how the girl who once picked up garbage to live hard became the less obedient Madonna in the popular diva, brave to be herself into a hot big woman, cool has nothing to do with age

< h1 toutiao-origin="h2" > the less obedient Madonna, brave enough to be herself</h1>

You may not even know when you first learned the name.

Madonna Ciccone, a musical legend of half a century, truly let the world change, and the old lady is still slaying the whole scene. As a role model for many women around the world, she has never let up on herself in her life.

62-year-old Madonna is so hot that she can't see, how the girl who once picked up garbage to live hard became the less obedient Madonna in the popular diva, brave to be herself into a hot big woman, cool has nothing to do with age

Madonna was born in August 1958 to a strictly Catholic family in Detroit, Michigan.

Madonna's father was an Italian immigrant and her mother was French-Canadian. As a child, Madonna had two older brothers and three siblings, and she was a child caught in the middle.

62-year-old Madonna is so hot that she can't see, how the girl who once picked up garbage to live hard became the less obedient Madonna in the popular diva, brave to be herself into a hot big woman, cool has nothing to do with age

When she was 6 years old, her mother died of breast cancer at the age of 30, and two years later, her father married the housekeeper of the family. The sudden death of her mother dealt Madonna a blow and greatly changed her personality, and her father's self-disciplined and harsh lifestyle was rooted in her heart at a very young age and gave her a profound impact.

But on the other hand, it also made her automatically grow into a courageous woman, and in an interview, Madonna said:

"I don't have a mother figure who can be a role model for women, I am often isolated and helpless, and I think this may give me the courage to do things." 」

62-year-old Madonna is so hot that she can't see, how the girl who once picked up garbage to live hard became the less obedient Madonna in the popular diva, brave to be herself into a hot big woman, cool has nothing to do with age

Perhaps this was the source of what Madonna later defined as rebellion, but as she once said in an interview with Vanity Fair magazine, it was not entirely rebellious. She defines her youthful freak, disobedient self as a lonely girl looking for something.

62-year-old Madonna is so hot that she can't see, how the girl who once picked up garbage to live hard became the less obedient Madonna in the popular diva, brave to be herself into a hot big woman, cool has nothing to do with age

"In a way, I'm not rebellious. What I care about is to be good at something. I didn't shave my armpits like a normal girl and didn't wear makeup. But I studied hard and got good grades... Although my classmates isolated me, I still wanted to be different. ”

Looking back on that past, she said: Isolation is a good thing, it makes you more aware of the direction you want.

62-year-old Madonna is so hot that she can't see, how the girl who once picked up garbage to live hard became the less obedient Madonna in the popular diva, brave to be herself into a hot big woman, cool has nothing to do with age

In 1976, at the age of 18, she received a full scholarship for her outstanding dance skills and entered the University of Michigan's School of Music, Drama and Dance.

62-year-old Madonna is so hot that she can't see, how the girl who once picked up garbage to live hard became the less obedient Madonna in the popular diva, brave to be herself into a hot big woman, cool has nothing to do with age

In 1978, at the age of 20, Madonna was accepted into a six-week training program by Alvin Ailey, a prominent New York dance company.

For this opportunity, she did not hesitate to drop out of the dance department of the University of Michigan, where she had been studying for two years, and came to New York alone with only $35.

62-year-old Madonna is so hot that she can't see, how the girl who once picked up garbage to live hard became the less obedient Madonna in the popular diva, brave to be herself into a hot big woman, cool has nothing to do with age

Speaking long afterward about the decision to move to New York, Madonna recalled, "It was my first flight and my first taxi ride. I had $35 in my pocket. It's the bravest thing I've ever done. ”

62-year-old Madonna is so hot that she can't see, how the girl who once picked up garbage to live hard became the less obedient Madonna in the popular diva, brave to be herself into a hot big woman, cool has nothing to do with age

<h1 toutiao-origin="h2" > transform into a hot big woman, cool has nothing to do with age</h1>

But the days of chasing dreams are far from courageous, the days when I first arrived in New York are very hard, Madonna lives in a broken apartment full of tramps and drunkards, cockroaches and rats are common things, and the security of the apartment is very bad.

After several failed broadway dancer auditions, she was desperate, and in order to pay the rent, Madonna danced, worked as a nude photography model, worked as a waiter in a Russian-style teahouse, and even filmed some underground to make ends meet.

When she was most embarrassed, she had to rummage through the trash can to find food, although she missed her family so much, but she had already made a choice, and she absolutely could not go back.

62-year-old Madonna is so hot that she can't see, how the girl who once picked up garbage to live hard became the less obedient Madonna in the popular diva, brave to be herself into a hot big woman, cool has nothing to do with age

In 1979, Madonna worked as a reserve singer and dancer for '80s superstar Patrick Hernandez and met Dan Gilroy, a musician who was one of the founding members of the Breakfast Club.

He soon fell in love with him and joined the breakfast club, first as a drummer and later as guitarist and lead singer.

62-year-old Madonna is so hot that she can't see, how the girl who once picked up garbage to live hard became the less obedient Madonna in the popular diva, brave to be herself into a hot big woman, cool has nothing to do with age

Madonna's voice impressed record producer Mark Kamins and she was given the opportunity to meet Sire Records founder Seymour Stein, which kicked off her musical career.

In 1982, she received a contract with Sire, and her first single, "Everybody," topped the U.S. Dance Chart.

62-year-old Madonna is so hot that she can't see, how the girl who once picked up garbage to live hard became the less obedient Madonna in the popular diva, brave to be herself into a hot big woman, cool has nothing to do with age

In 1983, Madonna released her debut self-titled album, which became a hit.

62-year-old Madonna is so hot that she can't see, how the girl who once picked up garbage to live hard became the less obedient Madonna in the popular diva, brave to be herself into a hot big woman, cool has nothing to do with age

In November 1984, her second album "Like a Virgin" made her a first-line superstar, and famous songs such as Material Girl and Like A Virgin have been sung to this day.

62-year-old Madonna is so hot that she can't see, how the girl who once picked up garbage to live hard became the less obedient Madonna in the popular diva, brave to be herself into a hot big woman, cool has nothing to do with age

What really established her unsurpassable diva in the history of pop music was 1986's True Blue. Three of the singles Live To Tell, Papa Don't Preach and Open Your Heart topped the Billboard Top 100 Singles Chart, while two other singles, True Blue and La Isla Bonita, reached the top five.

The album also won the album chart in 28 countries around the world, an unprecedented achievement.

62-year-old Madonna is so hot that she can't see, how the girl who once picked up garbage to live hard became the less obedient Madonna in the popular diva, brave to be herself into a hot big woman, cool has nothing to do with age

By 1991, she had 21 Top 10 songs in her hands and sold 70 million copies of overseas records.

At this point, one new song after another with a high degree of transmission, one after another highly topical album, made Madonna famous in the American pop music scene that was still dominated by male singers at that time.

62-year-old Madonna is so hot that she can't see, how the girl who once picked up garbage to live hard became the less obedient Madonna in the popular diva, brave to be herself into a hot big woman, cool has nothing to do with age

She was no longer the girl who toiled in the homeless man's apartment, but became a popular diva that swept the United States.

62-year-old Madonna is so hot that she can't see, how the girl who once picked up garbage to live hard became the less obedient Madonna in the popular diva, brave to be herself into a hot big woman, cool has nothing to do with age

But after the explosion, the controversy over Madonna also began to wait for a long time.

She is the unmarried pregnant woman in Papa don't preach, singing I'm gonna keep my baby against the patriarchal struggle for freedom.

62-year-old Madonna is so hot that she can't see, how the girl who once picked up garbage to live hard became the less obedient Madonna in the popular diva, brave to be herself into a hot big woman, cool has nothing to do with age

It's the women in Like a Prayer who wear low-cut slip dresses, dance in front of burning crosses, and kiss African-American believers.

The song, an expression of reflection on life, was hailed as one of the 100 greatest songs, and when it aired, it alarmed the church.

62-year-old Madonna is so hot that she can't see, how the girl who once picked up garbage to live hard became the less obedient Madonna in the popular diva, brave to be herself into a hot big woman, cool has nothing to do with age

It is the professional woman in "Express yourself" who wears a power suit and dominates the industrial civilization.

62-year-old Madonna is so hot that she can't see, how the girl who once picked up garbage to live hard became the less obedient Madonna in the popular diva, brave to be herself into a hot big woman, cool has nothing to do with age

Madonna's pursuit is not simply to show off the body, her outstanding aesthetic, the ability to keep herself sexy at the same time with pioneering.

In 1990, on stage at her Blonde Ambition Tour, Madonna wore a tapered bra jumpsuit designed by Jean Paul Gautier, embodying the image of feminism and sensationalizing the world fashion circle.

62-year-old Madonna is so hot that she can't see, how the girl who once picked up garbage to live hard became the less obedient Madonna in the popular diva, brave to be herself into a hot big woman, cool has nothing to do with age

Although conservatives once shouted the roar of cannonballing Madonna, it became a classic in the annals of popular music history in a controversy.

62-year-old Madonna is so hot that she can't see, how the girl who once picked up garbage to live hard became the less obedient Madonna in the popular diva, brave to be herself into a hot big woman, cool has nothing to do with age

Madonna was the first non-model character to appear on the cover of Vogue magazine, and her influence was evident.

If you have watched "The Female Devil Head Wearing Prada", you will not be unfamiliar with the interlude that appeared in an Anne Hathaway disguise, and the interlude that has not been insurmountable so far comes from Madonna's song "Vogue", and the sense of fashion and abundant life energy sounds exciting.

62-year-old Madonna is so hot that she can't see, how the girl who once picked up garbage to live hard became the less obedient Madonna in the popular diva, brave to be herself into a hot big woman, cool has nothing to do with age

On the new album, she also incarnated as the same blonde of idol Marilyn Monroe. The pursuit of "boy toys" tied around the waist encourages every girl to fight for everything she wants in this cruel world.

62-year-old Madonna is so hot that she can't see, how the girl who once picked up garbage to live hard became the less obedient Madonna in the popular diva, brave to be herself into a hot big woman, cool has nothing to do with age

As a world-class pop diva, she has always been a high-profile woman who acts in a high-profile style. The joys and sorrows that once dominated global pop culture on her own, the music goddess who surpassed a quarter of a century, under these auras, after the release of the MV expressing her opinion, there was a saying that half of the people in the United States hated her and half loved her.

62-year-old Madonna is so hot that she can't see, how the girl who once picked up garbage to live hard became the less obedient Madonna in the popular diva, brave to be herself into a hot big woman, cool has nothing to do with age

In the face of these voices, Madonna said:

"Most women reach a certain age and accept the society's unwritten rule that they are not allowed to exhibit certain behaviors. But I will not obey this rule, I will never obey, and I will not obey. Still choose to speak out bravely.

62-year-old Madonna is so hot that she can't see, how the girl who once picked up garbage to live hard became the less obedient Madonna in the popular diva, brave to be herself into a hot big woman, cool has nothing to do with age

Unlike the general celebrity who is willing to become a mass pastime, Madonna is frequently involved in social and political activities, and she uses her works to support marginalized groups that cannot speak.

Themes such as sexism, free speech, racism, gun control, and gay rights have all been active on her albums.

62-year-old Madonna is so hot that she can't see, how the girl who once picked up garbage to live hard became the less obedient Madonna in the popular diva, brave to be herself into a hot big woman, cool has nothing to do with age

In "Living For Love", she incarnates as a Spanish bullfighter, comparing men to sturdy bulls, and women can live for love, but refuse to become appendages of men.

62-year-old Madonna is so hot that she can't see, how the girl who once picked up garbage to live hard became the less obedient Madonna in the popular diva, brave to be herself into a hot big woman, cool has nothing to do with age

In American Life, she wears a military uniform and openly protests in the MV, criticizing the government and criticizing the emptiness of American life.

62-year-old Madonna is so hot that she can't see, how the girl who once picked up garbage to live hard became the less obedient Madonna in the popular diva, brave to be herself into a hot big woman, cool has nothing to do with age

In the "God Control" video, she recalls the nightclub shooting, the victim lies in a pool of blood and laments, in the hope of calling on the government to control the gun, it is urgent.

62-year-old Madonna is so hot that she can't see, how the girl who once picked up garbage to live hard became the less obedient Madonna in the popular diva, brave to be herself into a hot big woman, cool has nothing to do with age

Although the more it is expressed, the more criticism it provokes. But Madonna insists that if her actions can spark even a little discussion and make people think, that's a good thing.

"In any society, capable women are a threat, which is why I'm the target of everyone's attack." I even threatened other women. It's annoying, but it's also inspiring because it makes me want to destroy it all. ”

62-year-old Madonna is so hot that she can't see, how the girl who once picked up garbage to live hard became the less obedient Madonna in the popular diva, brave to be herself into a hot big woman, cool has nothing to do with age

With the passage of time, the avant-garde creative albums that Madonna has promoted over the years have become more and more easily accepted by the public, but Madonna has broken into another "forbidden land".

Just because whether she is 40, 50 or 60 years old, she is still a fashion icon as always. In 2015, her performance style still maintained this style.

62-year-old Madonna is so hot that she can't see, how the girl who once picked up garbage to live hard became the less obedient Madonna in the popular diva, brave to be herself into a hot big woman, cool has nothing to do with age

More and more outside voices criticized her for not having the way a sixty-year-old should be. There is also a growing discussion in the media about when Madonna will be able to accept her age and grow old gracefully.

She choked back and said, "Maybe one day, most people in their fifties and sixties will be like this."

The idea that women should no longer be funny, curious, adventurous or sexy after the age of 40 is an antiquated view of patriarchal society. Who made these rules? Says who? I will continue to fight these ideas. ”

62-year-old Madonna is so hot that she can't see, how the girl who once picked up garbage to live hard became the less obedient Madonna in the popular diva, brave to be herself into a hot big woman, cool has nothing to do with age

She stressed that she was not struggling with age, but just the life she had been living as always. Continue to be creative, continue to work, continue to write, continue to travel the world, continue to take risks, continue to be curious, continue to learn new knowledge.

In 2016, Billboard named Madonna the "Woman of the Year," and when she took the stage to accept the award, she gave a ten-minute speech that was full of emotion and touching.

62-year-old Madonna is so hot that she can't see, how the girl who once picked up garbage to live hard became the less obedient Madonna in the popular diva, brave to be herself into a hot big woman, cool has nothing to do with age
62-year-old Madonna is so hot that she can't see, how the girl who once picked up garbage to live hard became the less obedient Madonna in the popular diva, brave to be herself into a hot big woman, cool has nothing to do with age

Thirty years ago Madonna was already the world's most profitable female singer, and thirty years later she is still firmly at the center of the world pop diva, even if she publishes a few photos on IG today, it has attracted the attention of the public and the media.

62-year-old Madonna is so hot that she can't see, how the girl who once picked up garbage to live hard became the less obedient Madonna in the popular diva, brave to be herself into a hot big woman, cool has nothing to do with age

She is such a person who can stomp on all the worldly dullness and criticism with a pair of high heels. Such a 62-year-old, that's great!

62-year-old Madonna is so hot that she can't see, how the girl who once picked up garbage to live hard became the less obedient Madonna in the popular diva, brave to be herself into a hot big woman, cool has nothing to do with age
62-year-old Madonna is so hot that she can't see, how the girl who once picked up garbage to live hard became the less obedient Madonna in the popular diva, brave to be herself into a hot big woman, cool has nothing to do with age
62-year-old Madonna is so hot that she can't see, how the girl who once picked up garbage to live hard became the less obedient Madonna in the popular diva, brave to be herself into a hot big woman, cool has nothing to do with age

Edit: Pili

Editor-in-charge: hpink

Design: Jiayi

62-year-old Madonna is so hot that she can't see, how the girl who once picked up garbage to live hard became the less obedient Madonna in the popular diva, brave to be herself into a hot big woman, cool has nothing to do with age

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62-year-old Madonna is so hot that she can't see, how the girl who once picked up garbage to live hard became the less obedient Madonna in the popular diva, brave to be herself into a hot big woman, cool has nothing to do with age
62-year-old Madonna is so hot that she can't see, how the girl who once picked up garbage to live hard became the less obedient Madonna in the popular diva, brave to be herself into a hot big woman, cool has nothing to do with age

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