
The New Fourth Army fought a bloody battle on Dayushan Island, fighting against an enemy ten times that of its own for 7 hours, killing the Japanese army with fear and fear

In the northwest of Daishan Island in Zhoushan, Zhejiang, located at the mouth of Hangzhou Bay, surrounded by the sea, bordering the Daiqu Ocean in the northeast, the gray turtle ocean in the southwest, the sea is vast, there is a small island shaped like a large shark that swims, and the locals name it Big Fish Mountain Island.

The New Fourth Army fought a bloody battle on Dayushan Island, fighting against an enemy ten times that of its own for 7 hours, killing the Japanese army with fear and fear

About 35 islands and reefs such as Big Fish Mountain Island and the nearby Small Fish Mountain, Big and Small Chen Mountain, and Fishy Brain form a "volcanic archipelago", and the main island is Big Fish Mountain. The area is 8.44 square kilometers, the slope is undulating, the highest hill is 152.6 meters above sea level, and there are 4 administrative villages and 15 natural villages on the island, with more than 3,000 residents.

The New Fourth Army fought a bloody battle on Dayushan Island, fighting against an enemy ten times that of its own for 7 hours, killing the Japanese army with fear and fear

The sea area of Dayushan is open, and it is said that the mirage phenomenon has appeared many times on the sea surface, which is one of the old "Ten Views of Daishan Mountain". Liu Menglan of the Qing Dynasty has a poem "Yushan Mirage": "The big and small yushan gas spits silver, used to see the scales of the pavilions, and there are sometimes chalkers between the islands, and they are not allowed to ask for money by the bar." "About 10 kilometers to the west of the island, there is a small island called Fishy Brain, famous for its lighthouse, which was built in 1872 and is also one of the scenic spots of Yushan Mountain. At the height of Dayushan Dayaogang, a tall monument with the words "Monument to the Revolutionary Martyrs" written on it shone in the afternoon sun, which was awe-inspiring. On the right side of the monument, the names of the commanders and fighters who died are engraved. Standing by the side and silently reading one by one, the scenes of the battles that took place here more than 70 years ago came to mind.

The New Fourth Army fought a bloody battle on Dayushan Island, fighting against an enemy ten times that of its own for 7 hours, killing the Japanese army with fear and fear

The geographical location of Dayushan Island is very important, choking Zhoushan to the throat of Shanghai Shipping Road, southwest and Ningbo Cixi, Zhenhai sea area connected, southeast through Daishan Island, can be directly to Zhoushan, to the north can enter the big and small Yangshan, is the hub of the north and south sea road. From Ningbo to the Zhoushan Islands, Dayushan Island is undoubtedly an excellent bridgehead.

The New Fourth Army fought a bloody battle on Dayushan Island, fighting against an enemy ten times that of its own for 7 hours, killing the Japanese army with fear and fear

In this way, whoever controls the Big Fish Mountain can wait for the opportunity to break into Daishan and then attack Zhoushan Island. At this time, the enemy and pseudo-forces on Dayushan Island were weak, and the island was small, and it was easy to avoid the eyes and ears of the enemy. To this end, the New Fourth Army chose Dayushan Island as a pawn to break into the enemy forces in Zhoushan and carry out anti-Japanese guerrilla warfare in the sea.

The New Fourth Army fought a bloody battle on Dayushan Island, fighting against an enemy ten times that of its own for 7 hours, killing the Japanese army with fear and fear

Therefore, in August 1944, the First Squadron of the Coastal Defense Brigade of the Zhejiang East Guerrilla Column of the New Fourth Army (hereinafter referred to as "Haida First Middle School") of 76 people, under the command of deputy brigade commander Chen Tiekang, instructor Yan Hongzhu, plus the director, hygienist, cook and other 6 combat squads totaling 76 people, equipped with 3 machine guns, 2 earthen guns, more than 50 long and short guns, each equipped with 4 grenades, 100 rounds of bullets, in Guyaopu Port on 5 galleons, rushed to Shanghai Island, and planted a nail in the East China Sea.

The New Fourth Army fought a bloody battle on Dayushan Island, fighting against an enemy ten times that of its own for 7 hours, killing the Japanese army with fear and fear

After the New Fourth Army arrived at Dayushan Island, in order to prevent the bandit army on the island from stubbornly resisting, the troops quickly arranged a vigilance task. The enemy entrenched on the island was a detachment of Yu Kangqi's "Zhoushan Security Corps Dayangshan Independent Squadron", with seven or eight men and three or four guns. What my unit did not expect was that on the evening of the 22nd, the Japanese troops stationed in the Zhoushan Islands learned early from the information provided by the puppet army that our unit had landed on Dayushan. Therefore, the Japanese army quickly mobilized its men and horses to prepare for a three-dimensional attack, and suddenly our first squadron was isolated and helpless.

The New Fourth Army fought a bloody battle on Dayushan Island, fighting against an enemy ten times that of its own for 7 hours, killing the Japanese army with fear and fear

A fierce battle begins immediately. The enemy's troops participated in the battle, including more than 200 Japanese troops and more than 300 puppet troops. In the early morning of the 25th, two Japanese planes hovering at a low altitude appeared over Dayushan Island. Soon, our sentries found that 5 Japanese small motorboats, 5 aircraft sailboats, 1 landing craft, and 1 large warship with the number "105" appeared on the surface of the sea, and they were rushing towards Dayushan Island in a menacing manner.

The New Fourth Army fought a bloody battle on Dayushan Island, fighting against an enemy ten times that of its own for 7 hours, killing the Japanese army with fear and fear

In the face of an enemy ten times stronger than oneself, rushing up from all sides, it is inevitable to sweep out all the anti-Japanese troops. Our heroic commanders and fighters of the New Fourth Army did not flinch in the slightest; chen Tiekang, commander-in-chief, calmly responded to the battle and immediately commanded his troops to occupy the three commanding heights of Da'aogang, Daqigang, and Huzhuangtou in three ways; one team carried 2 machine guns, one earthen cannon, and more than 20 people's guns guarded Da'aogang; the second team carried 1 machine gun and more than 30 people guarded the flag post; and the three teams all guarded Huzhuangtou, and a fierce battle immediately broke out.

The New Fourth Army fought a bloody battle on Dayushan Island, fighting against an enemy ten times that of its own for 7 hours, killing the Japanese army with fear and fear

The three positions of the New Fourth Army formed horns with each other, forming a closed network of firepower. On this morning, after the battle began, the Japanese army launched a large-scale attack, firing at the same time in three positions, repelling three consecutive Attacks of the Japanese Army, killing more than 10 devils, suffering heavy casualties of the Japanese army, and gradually weakening the defenders.

The New Fourth Army fought a bloody battle on Dayushan Island, fighting against an enemy ten times that of its own for 7 hours, killing the Japanese army with fear and fear

On the Huzhuangtou position, when only Zhang Zhongfa, Zhang Xiaodi, and another soldier were left, the Japanese puppet army rushed up with great might. By this time, they could have raised their hands and surrendered. However, Zhang Xiaodi, who was the boss of the ship, calmly aimed at the Japanese commander wielding a command knife and pulled the trigger. Unfortunately, it was a dud. Zhang Zhongfa only had one grenade and five bullets in his hand, and he immediately threw grenades at the enemy group, but unfortunately it did not explode, only to frighten the enemy troops to scatter and flee. When the Japanese puppet army rushed up again, he raised his gun and shot, killing the Japanese commander on the spot. Nevertheless, the position of the three people could not stand any longer. Zhang Zhongfa was sacrificed, another soldier was sacrificed, and Zhang Xiaodi was wounded and took advantage of the enemy's confusion to roll down the hill with tact. Eventually, their images stood like a group of eagles on the hill of Huzhuangtou.

The New Fourth Army fought a bloody battle on Dayushan Island, fighting against an enemy ten times that of its own for 7 hours, killing the Japanese army with fear and fear

On the flag-raising position, the instructor Yan Hongzhu was seriously wounded and crawled through the entire position on the ground, collecting bullets and grenades left by the martyrs on the one hand, and instructing the soldiers one by one: Resolutely do not take prisoners, and when you have no choice, you must leave a bullet for yourself. The platoon leader advised him to retreat with only six wounded, but he solemnly said to the platoon leader, "No! Or you lead everyone to retreat, and I stay here to cover. fast! Obey orders. With tears in his eyes, the platoon leader withdrew from his position with the wounded under his cover. When the enemy rushed to the position, he calmly jumped out of the trench, aimed the last bullet in the chamber at himself, and fulfilled his oath of "preferring to sacrifice rather than be captured". The instructor, who joined the revolution at the age of 16, was only 22 years old when he was martyred.

The New Fourth Army fought a bloody battle on Dayushan Island, fighting against an enemy ten times that of its own for 7 hours, killing the Japanese army with fear and fear

Soon after, the two positions of Flag Gang and Huzhuang were lost one after another. The Japanese army concentrated all its forces to launch a fierce attack on The Great Ao Gang, the warriors did not enter the water, the blood on their bodies condensed and blackened, but they still endured to repair the fortifications, and fought with the Japanese army with stones and bodies. On the position at the head of the mountain in Da'aogang, Shi Tieshan, a squad leader and machine gunner, opened his eyes and swept through the machine guns, killing seven or eight Japanese puppet troops at once. After being shot several times, he gritted his teeth, endured the pain, and after firing the last round of bullets, he quickly threw off the machine gun core, jumped out of the trench, raised the butt, and launched a thrilling white-knife battle with the enemy.

The New Fourth Army fought a bloody battle on Dayushan Island, fighting against an enemy ten times that of its own for 7 hours, killing the Japanese army with fear and fear

However, after the Japanese bombarded with aircraft and artillery, and then charged with a large number of infantry, the 4th charge launched by the Japanese army was once again repulsed. At 1 p.m., the enemy changed his tactics, abandoned the all-out offensive, and instead focused on the offensive, concentrating his forces on capturing one position after another.

The New Fourth Army fought a bloody battle on Dayushan Island, fighting against an enemy ten times that of its own for 7 hours, killing the Japanese army with fear and fear

Big Fish Mountain Island is an isolated island with no way back. In the face of the superior Japanese army, only to fight to the death. Casualties on the three hills intensified, and ammunition gradually ran out. But they never gave up their positions, and when the bullets were finished, they lifted the stones and smashed them, and the wounded soldiers jumped down the hill with grenades and died with the enemy.

The New Fourth Army fought a bloody battle on Dayushan Island, fighting against an enemy ten times that of its own for 7 hours, killing the Japanese army with fear and fear

The fierce battle was until 3 p.m., and the last position, Da'ao Gang, was lost. More than 10 warriors, unwilling to be captured by the Japanese, jumped off a cliff. Captain Chen Tiekang fought until the last moment, until he was heroically killed in a white-knife battle with the Japanese army.

The New Fourth Army fought a bloody battle on Dayushan Island, fighting against an enemy ten times that of its own for 7 hours, killing the Japanese army with fear and fear

In this battle, more than 70 warriors fought ten times more bloody than their own Japanese troops for more than 7 hours, killing more than 80 devils, and finally the commander-in-chief Chen Tiekang, as well as Cheng Keming, Yan Hongzhu and other 42 commanders and fighters died heroically. 34 warriors were rescued in battle either by jumping off a cliff, or by escaping japanese rescue in a cave, or by a support team in time.

The New Fourth Army fought a bloody battle on Dayushan Island, fighting against an enemy ten times that of its own for 7 hours, killing the Japanese army with fear and fear

After the war, the Japanese commander Sato who participated in this battle wrote in the war report submitted: This is the most tenacious and hard battle encountered by the Japanese army in the operation on the Chinese islands, and the Japanese army suffered heavy losses, and the Japanese army was scared and frightened.

The New Fourth Army fought a bloody battle on Dayushan Island, fighting against an enemy ten times that of its own for 7 hours, killing the Japanese army with fear and fear

The sea breeze wept low and the waves mourned. The commanders and fighters of the New Fourth Army fought in a desperate situation, were not afraid, swallowed the mountains and rivers, and cast the image of the iron army dayushan Island, which was such a sad song and weeping, but it was so awe-inspiring, and in the face of the towering white monument, I could not but revere it, solemnly for it, the sea breeze blew through, and among the tragic and majestic and majestic waves, the heroic battle song that could be sung and wept was played.

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