
Boot foot ditch breakthrough, an ordinary battle, through the unmanned long ditch, thus showing the difficulty of the War of Resistance!

In the summer of 1941, Luo Wen, captain of the seventh district of the Lingqingsui base area, and Ma Ji, deputy captain of the seventh district, led the main force of the seventh district and two companies to the north to carry out the "anti-encroachment struggle" in the border areas, leaving political commissar Liu Guanglu to lead the newly formed three companies, working committees, and offices, carrying a radio newly allocated by the military sub-district, and staying behind in the boot foot ditch.

Boot foot ditch breakthrough, an ordinary battle, through the unmanned long ditch, thus showing the difficulty of the War of Resistance!

The newly formed Third Company was originally a self-defense regiment in Diaoyutai Township, Qinglong County, and the company commander, Zhou Zifeng, was the original regimental commander, nicknamed "The World Is Good," and was a figure with a patriotic and influential spirit. A military engineering team of more than twenty people was also incorporated into the third company. According to the instructions of his superiors, Zhou Zifeng was appointed as the commander of the third company and Yang Pinzhai as an instructor.

At that time, the situation was very difficult, with nearly a hundred people in three companies, only sixty or seventy guns, and some miscellaneous goods, and the composition of the personnel was also very complicated. Once the enemy is encountered, it is difficult to predict whether it will be able to fight or not, and what situation will appear after the fire is handed over. Except for a guard platoon, the working committee and the office are not very effective. The most valuable belongings are the radio station, and the code is more valuable than the radio station. Everyone knows that "the translator holds our secret code, and we must not lose it when we encounter the enemy, and you have it!" So at that time, when the combatants were so nervous, a company of squads was still left to protect the radio and the translators. But even so, if a large number of enemies are encountered, the situation is still difficult to predict.

On the afternoon of September 17, in order to enhance the combat effectiveness of the troops, the three companies were conducting exercises and training, and several scouts came back one after another to make an emergency: Five or six miles in the vicinity, and more than ten miles in the distance, the enemy was found on the surrounding mountains, and some of the enemies were still setting up tents.

On the basis of this situation, everyone judged that the enemy was under heavy military pressure, came to "sweep up," and attacked and "encircled and suppressed" boots and ditches, and the work committee and office were the main targets of the enemy. The enemy set up a tent, and everyone judged that the devils were not leaving tonight, but that they were trying to wait for the next day to come down at dawn and catch the troops by surprise.

Boot foot ditch breakthrough, an ordinary battle, through the unmanned long ditch, thus showing the difficulty of the War of Resistance!

Liu Guanglu knew that the situation was urgent, and he must break through! Immediately called an emergency meeting of the backbone cadres, explained the enemy's situation, decided to leave more than a dozen comrades to continue to work, guard the warehouse materials, and the rest of the personnel immediately moved north, as long as they were transferred to the back of the enemy's ass is victory.

After everyone's brainstorming, it was decided to break through in two steps: take the night breakout, first leave the boot foot ditch and go east, to a small village near the Great Wall for a day of hiding, if the situation permits, that is, transfer the mouth; If not, head north the next day.

The breakthrough plan has been decided, but another difficult problem is in front of everyone: the surrounding hills are full of Japanese troops, where should they stand out? When everyone was hesitating, Tie Qiang, the assistant of the district finance and grain, bravely led the way, he was a native of Qinglong, and he was very familiar with the mountain road.

It was getting dark and everyone was starting to break through. Tie Qiang led everyone from a crooked river loop under the two hills where the enemy was deployed, climbed up the mountainside, crossed the mountain beam, and rushed out of the boot foot ditch through the enemy gap.

The enemy heard the sound of feet stepping on the rubble, and the machine guns densely packed on the mountain immediately roared, and the bullets fell like rain. But in the darkness of the night, the enemy heard the sound and could not see anyone, but only shot at the mountain pass in a flurry of random shots, and the troops did not return fire but let go of their steps and hurriedly marched in the darkness.

The procession was moving in a tense but orderly manner, when suddenly someone on the mountain was heard asking loudly, "Password!" That part?"

The scout in charge of the avant-garde was very alert and immediately replied, "Dragon King Temple!" The Dragon King Temple was a stronghold of the Japanese army, and the enemy thought it was his own, so he did not squeak.

At this time, three gunshots were heard in the distance, and the scouts sent before the departure reported that there were enemies in the scheduled camp and could not go. The troops immediately decided to quickly turn backwards and head north, away from the oncoming enemy. It was already the second half of the night, there were enemies everywhere, where to go? It is even more difficult to go out by dawn. However, the surrounding situation was unknown and the geography was unfamiliar, so he had to tentatively continue north.

Boot foot ditch breakthrough, an ordinary battle, through the unmanned long ditch, thus showing the difficulty of the War of Resistance!

Before dawn, the breakthrough troops touched the foot of Donglaoling Mountain, where there was only one home, which was very remote. The only family name is Bai. It was safe here for the time being, and everyone stopped here and set up a radio station to contact the superiors, but at this time, the radio was actually broken and could not contact the superiors.

Instructor Yang Pinzhai talked with the old man of the Bai family and learned about the enemy situation and geographical conditions around him. It is said that the enemy does not go to the villages that are not on the map, so we opened the military map captured from the devils, and when we saw that there was really no such place on the map, the old man also said that he had never seen the enemy here.

Everyone rested for a night at the old white house. At dawn the next day, the troops went up the hill, hid in the overgrown grass trees, and looked into the ditch on the western slope of the mountain, and saw only ghosts like locusts, all over the ravine. Looking further ahead to the southwest boot foot ditch and Huachangyu area in the distance, I saw only smoke rising and three enemy planes hovering overhead, and it was obvious that the enemy was burning and looting there.

It was hidden until noon, when suddenly a force of enemies came to the ridge to make a rope. The enemy was getting closer and closer, only a hundred meters away from everyone, and the warriors could not breathe, quietly pressed the bullets, pulled the bolts to the chest, aimed at the devils, and were ready to fight at any time.

Fortunately, there was the cover of grass and trees, and it seemed that the enemy did not find the troops, and the Japanese army walked by and did not find the troops. Hiding until the sun went down, watching the Japanese army return with its troops, it seemed impossible to break through from here, so I had to think of other ways.

The troops withdrew down the hill and returned to the old White house. Everyone judged that they should have jumped out of the enemy's combined attack center, but they had not yet left the enemy's periphery. This night, the team rested in the courtyard of the old White Family.

Boot foot ditch breakthrough, an ordinary battle, through the unmanned long ditch, thus showing the difficulty of the War of Resistance!

That night, the son of the old Bai family returned, and he said that he knew that there was a way out of here, and that not many people knew about this road, and the devils certainly did not know it. Everyone was very happy to hear it and decided to stand out from this road the next day.

At dawn on September 19, the son of the old Bai family led his troops into this hundred-mile long ditch that no one had ever visited.

This long ditch is very hidden, except for the old Bai family, no one has ever told, only those so-called "secret sellers" who imported back grain, cloth exchange, salt, matches and other materials have walked through the mountain beams.

The troops entered sideways through a slit between the knife-sharpened and axe-like mountain walls on the side of the road, and walked for a long time into the ditch. Even if someone passes by the side of the road, they can't see that there is a long ditch inside.

This ditch is full of thorns, vines and grasses, and the trees cover the sky, even if a million troops enter the ditch, there is no one outside. Seeing such an old road, everyone was very surprised, and some people said: "Isn't this the Changbai Mountain?" The Northeast Volunteer Army may have been here. ”

After the team entered the ditch, they rested in the ditch and sent sentries on top of the tall trees on the mountain beams. After resting for a few hours, everyone's physical strength was basically restored, and the time was also in the afternoon. The team set out, led by the son of the old Bai family, and began to cross this hundred-mile long ditch to the north, completely throwing off the enemy and jumping out of the encirclement.

Boot foot ditch breakthrough, an ordinary battle, through the unmanned long ditch, thus showing the difficulty of the War of Resistance!

The warriors said that the march was a novelty, neither a mountain nor a flat march, but a march on a leaf that was several feet thick and had accumulated over many years. Very interesting.

Although the words were playful, the march was still very arduous, and the soldiers used their hands to pluck the thorny trees, sometimes bending forward, sometimes crouching forward, sometimes creeping slowly forward from among the trees, setting off at two o'clock in the afternoon, and not coming out of the long ditch until the next morning.

At more than seven o'clock in the morning, the sharp soldier class received news: I heard the sound of ordinary people walking and talking on the mountain beams in front of me. Everyone knows that it is almost to the head of the ditch, and it is not far from the road. After walking for more than an hour, I finally walked out of this hundred-mile long ditch that no one had ever walked, climbed the mountain beam and looked down: one village after another was full of smoke, cars came and went, it was really "mountains and rivers are doubtful, and there is no way out of the willows and dark flowers."

Although the ascetic march of the half-night march exhausted everyone, it threw off the enemy who had made a big "sweep" and finally jumped out of the enemy's "encirclement and suppression" encirclement circle, and the whole squad of the organ troops was unscathed and moved to a safe area behind the enemy's lines, and everyone's spirits immediately lifted.

Comrade Zhou Zifeng, commander of the Third Company, said to everyone on the mountain beam: "Comrades, the bottom of the mountain is my hometown!" Rest assured!" Everyone rested on the mountain beams for a while and then went down the mountain to live in the village. Warm welcome and hospitality from fellow villagers. The next day, the troops met with the first and second companies of Rowan and Ma Ji in a nearby village.

Boot foot ditch breakthrough, an ordinary battle, through the unmanned long ditch, thus showing the difficulty of the War of Resistance!

At this point, the anti-"sweeping" struggle to break through the boot foot ditch has won all victories. After that, with the cooperation of the district squadron, the seventh district team moved in the area of Sanxingkou and Wooden Bench in the north of Qinglong, opening up and consolidating the new area in that area.

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