
It turns out that women think to the extreme and will become like this

Author: Number One Emotion

Original works, plagiarism must be investigated

As the saying goes, ask what the world's situation is, and teach people to agree with each other.

In the world of love, there are always people who feel that "women's hearts, needles under the sea", because women do not seem to be good at expressing feelings, and sometimes even if they have moved their feelings, they will not take the initiative to express their feelings.

This is true of love, and it is also true of the thought of a person.

However, if a woman has missed a person to the extreme, can she still keep her head clear and not take the initiative to express her thoughts?

Of course not, but these need to be felt with your heart, after all, love and no love, miss and do not miss, words and deeds in life are completely different, always be able to detect some clues.

It can be seen that if a woman has been completely conquered, the inner thoughts and love will still be expressed, but it is not noticed.

It turns out that women think to the extreme and will become like this.

It turns out that women think to the extreme and will become like this

She will not be able to control the inquiry about you

After having the ultimate thoughts about a person, the inner feelings cannot be hidden after all, although they are not expressed through words, they will still find some ways to vent their thoughts.

For women, once they miss a person to the extreme, they can't help but inquire into each other's news, either to find a common friend of two people, or to find someone who is closer to each other, in short, they want to understand each other's current situation and are eager to understand everything about him.

Although women are reserved in the face of love, once they miss to the point of intolerability, they still can't help but make some extreme moves, and the uncontrollable inquiry of each other's news is one of them.

If the woman is not emotional, or the thoughts have not yet reached the extreme, she will not have so much courage to inquire about the other party, which is also a way to detect whether the woman misses the extreme.

When a woman misses the appearance of a person, she can't help but want to inquire about your news.

It turns out that women think to the extreme and will become like this

She will not be able to control the opportunity to chat with you

Once a woman misses you to the extreme, in addition to not being able to help but inquire about your news, there may be no control over the opportunity to chat with you.

The more difficult it is to express her inner thoughts, the more she can't help but contact you, and maybe she herself is inadvertently sending a message, saying that the blunt point is that she can't control herself.

There are many things you want to say to you, and some of them have just arrived at the mouth but can't say them, so they can only use the opportunity to create chats to vent their suppressed thoughts and long for you to feel them.

She misses you like the moon in the water, a feeling that can be seen and remembered but never obtained, but this is obviously not the situation that a woman wants to see.

Only because she misses you to the extreme, she will pluck up the courage to chat with you, just so that she can pass on her inner thoughts and feelings to you.

It turns out that women think to the extreme and will become like this

She will not be able to control going to you

After thinking about it to a certain extent, even a shy woman will go to you uncontrollably.

Don't think of a woman as a being who never takes the initiative, if she has not yet taken the initiative for you, it can only mean that the love and thoughts between each other have not reached the extreme, if it has reached the extreme situation, she cannot not take the initiative to come to you.

So whether you miss it or not, in fact, you can see it clearly from whether she appears next to you or not.

Of course, maybe she's standing far away and watching you, but every time you can easily catch a glimpse of her presence, knowing that it's not a coincidence, but a signal she's carefully trying to convey, that she really wants to meet you and come with you.

Therefore, once a woman thinks of you to the extreme, she will not be able to help but go to you, whether it is to take the initiative to stand in front of you, or it may be to hide far away, no matter which one, once you perceive her existence, it means that she has fallen deeply in love with you.

It turns out that women think to the extreme and will become like this

Write at the end

Sometimes, the love in a person's mouth may lie, but the ultimate thoughts cannot lie.

Missing a person is often a throbbing from the heart, a state that cannot be disguised, and it is also some actions that cannot be helped.

When you have a woman who is willing to take the initiative to inquire about your news, who is willing to take the initiative to create opportunities to meet you, and who is willing to go to you, it means that she has missed you to the extreme, and it is also the best proof that she loves you deeply.

So, to see how much a woman loves you, see how much she misses you!

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