
Want to save money but make consumers pay? The giant was named

When it comes to the American technology giant Apple, I believe the vast majority of friends know. Apple is not only the world's most valuable company, but also the most profitable.

According to the data, as of the close of trading on December 31, 2021, Apple's total market value has reached $2.91 trillion, continuing to sit firmly on the throne of "global market capitalization brother".

Want to save money but make consumers pay? The giant was named

The reason why Apple's profitability and market value data can continue to grow at a high speed, in addition to the fact that the division does have a set of money, Apple's ability to save money is also not to be underestimated.

Throughout the years, apple products, many of them are "groundbreaking", and even can be said to subvert the user's operating habits. For example, in 2016, Apple canceled the headphone jack of the mobile phone; in 2017, Apple canceled the home button of the mobile phone.

The most excessive is that in the iPhone 12 series products released in 2020, Apple directly canceled even the headphones and chargers that were originally included.

This also makes Apple receive criticism from many consumers, after all, not all users have suitable headphones and chargers, and Apple's approach obviously does not take into account the needs of those new replacement users.

Want to save money but make consumers pay? The giant was named

Although the outside world is very dissatisfied with Apple's cancellation of the use of headphones and chargers, Apple is still unmoved, and it is also known as a low-carbon environmental protection. But consumers are not fools, and the most direct purpose of Apple's doing so is undoubtedly to save costs.

According to relevant data, under rough statistics, Apple can save at least 15 billion yuan in costs per year after the cancellation of the attached headphones and chargers.

Combined with the above factors, what is the main purpose of Apple's cancellation of the attached headphones and chargers has long been a secret that everyone knows. Apple itself wants to save costs, but chooses to let consumers pay for it, which is obviously inappropriate.

Based on this, there are also markets that do not buy for this, such as brazil's regulators who have fined Apple $2 million for this matter.

Want to save money but make consumers pay? The giant was named

And China can be said to be one of the main markets for Apple in the world. For Apple's cancellation of the attached headphones and chargers, Consumers in China have been dissatisfied for a long time. On December 28, 2021, the relevant departments in China also made a voice, and directly named Apple, let's take a look at it together.

According to the relevant reports on December 30, 2021, when china's relevant departments replied to questions, they directly named apple, Samsung and other technology giants, and canceled the headphones and chargers that came with products in China, saying that they did not take into account the differences in user needs at all.

As a comparison, the relevant departments in China also cited Xiaomi, a domestic technology giant, as an example. Xiaomi has given the choice of charger and headphones to consumers themselves. If there are originally suitable chargers and headphones for consumers, you can choose not to come with them, and the price will be lower. If it is really from the perspective of environmental protection, this approach is obviously more appropriate.

Want to save money but make consumers pay? The giant was named

By eliminating accessories outright, as Apple did, there is simply no room for consumers to choose. And I haven't seen any big things Apple has done in environmental protection, how can it suddenly be so urgent in the past two years?

Therefore, many people think that Apple is just under the guise of environmental protection to save costs. As the world's largest technology company, Apple should still revise its marketing strategy and balance the relationship between user needs, environmental protection, business interests and other aspects.

Nowadays, the relevant departments in China have officially named Apple, which is also quite representative of China's consumer groups. I don't know if Apple will make corresponding adjustments and concessions after learning this news?

Want to save money but make consumers pay? The giant was named

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