
Benitez: Everton need new signings to improve their strength, and we are considering bringing in 2-3 people in the winter window

Benitez: Everton need new signings to improve their strength, and we are considering bringing in 2-3 people in the winter window

Live Bar January 1 news Recently, in an interview, Benitez talked about the winter window reinforcements, he said that the team is considering bringing in 2-3 players.

Benitez said: "We are working very hard to bring in reinforcements, trying to find some players to improve the team, and everyone knows how difficult January is. ”

"Everyone is a little worried about the epidemic, and no one is willing to spend a lot of money to bring in reinforcements, which is a bit complicated. But I'm confident we'll bring in 2-3 players. We have links with other clubs, but not just myself, the board is also looking for the right people. Not all clubs are well funded when it comes to signings, so we need to be careful when players are brought in, sold or loaned. ”

"I knew what kind of players the team needed in August and we were looking for the right players for the team, now and in the future. We have the opportunity to improve our strength, what can we expect? 2-3 new signings willing to come here. ”


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