
Congratulations: A zodiac sign where wealth is about to skyrocket

Congratulations: A zodiac sign where wealth is about to skyrocket

Born in Putian, now settled in Hong Kong, female, born on July 11, 1970 ugly time. At present, I am doing a little business, and I want to ask what my fortunes will be in the future, and whether I will be poor in my old age.

Author's analysis: Kunzao, Nianzhu Gengji, Moon Pillar 癸未, Sun Pillar Nongchen, Shizhu Xin Ugly. Yen non aquatic life is not allowed to help the moon, and also got Xin Gengjin and decoction aquatic help, nongshui is on the side. Love fire and earth, avoid water and gold.

With the fortune star as the god, the future career fortune is good, and it is easier to develop and earn money. However, if no fortune star appears, it will lead to more hard work when developing career fortunes. In particular, it should be noted that in the years when the career fortune is not good, the career is hindered by the loss of money.

In 2021, the year of the ugly year, the Lord of the Day will take the ugly luck of Ding, and the ugly year of the ugly year will not be punished by the three sentences of the Earth Official Star, and the period of financial fortune for the cause of the Japanese Lord will be at a low point, which will make the Income of the Lord of the Day not get the help of the nobles. In this year, the fortunes of the main business of the Japanese were ordinary, the business made money into a slow stage, and the personal economic income did not grow much.

Congratulations: A zodiac sign where wealth is about to skyrocket

In 2022, the year of Nongyin, in 2023, the year of The Earth Branch Yin Mu Sheng helped Ding Huo Cai Xing to join the water, attracting Tianyi Nobles, thus optimizing the basis for the Japanese Lord's pursuit of wealth. In the past two years, the career development and fortune of the Japanese lord have been relatively stable, and the income from money and wealth will slowly increase, and it will be easier to get rich.

In 2024, 2025, 2025, 2026, and 2027, Ding Weinian, Jia Yimu sheng Ding Wei Nian guided the Japanese lord's business fortune into the Fuxing Land, strengthening the business income of the Japanese lord. In these years, the business has a wide range of financial resources, and the income from money and wealth is getting better and better every year. There will also be windfalls, so that the Japanese lord can increase his money and income, and he must seize the opportunity.

In 2028, the year of PengShen, the year of 2029, and the year of Gengjiao, the year of Penghe ji Tuguan star constrains the power of the Japanese lord Nongshui, guides the Ding Huo CaiXing to continue to be in harmony with the Nongshui Sun Lord, so that the relationship between the Japanese Lord and the Fortune Star is better. It means that in these years, the career fortune of the Chinese and Japanese lords will develop steadily, they will get the help of nobles, and the business income will also increase a lot.

Congratulations: A zodiac sign where wealth is about to skyrocket

From 2031 to 2040, the Japanese lord will take the Czi luck, and the Japanese lord has entered the old age life after the age of 61. In some years, if you still have the energy to continue to do business and earn money, there is no shortage of money in your later years.

It is suitable for coordinated development with people who belong to rabbits, snakes, horses and chickens. The place of birth or the south to develop, there is a sign of smooth wind and water. It is not suitable for wearing metal ornaments, nor is it suitable for raising fish and growing flowers and plants at home. Dress more red, purple, pink, brown, earthy, coffee, yellow clothes.

You have medium fortune in your life, easy to break in 2021, good fortune from 2022 to 2027, as long as you work hard, you can easily increase your income.

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