
"Hello, 2022" Wu'an, Hebei: There is no production without environmental protection


Wu'an, Central Broadcasting Network, January 1 news (reporter Qian Cheng) Voice of China large-scale record report "Hello, 2022" launched the second article "Hebei Wu'an: No Environmental Protection, No Production".

Dong Huijun is the technical leader of a private steel company in Wu'an, Hebei Province, and since graduating from university in 1997, his work has always revolved around steel.

Dong Huijun: After graduating from a steel university in Tangshan, I was assigned to China Steel Xingji, and later, I happened to need steel talents here, and I came after an interview.

In 2003, Dong Huijun came to Wu'an, and he is still impressed by the work scene at that time.

Dong Huijun: At the earliest, there was no hardening of the ground, it was a gray floor, and when I jumped to that time at work, the dust snapped and got up. At that time, it was impossible not to take a bath after work, and it was impossible to wash clean if the bath time was short.

"Hello, 2022" Wu'an, Hebei: There is no production without environmental protection

△ Yuhua factory ironmaking yard

Wu'an City, located in the south of Hebei Province, is the traditional old industrial base and raw material base of Hebei Province, and steel, coking and cement have been the pillar industries of the local area for a long time. Dong Huijun said frankly that the early steel enterprises, the development is relatively extensive, the pursuit of economic benefits is the primary goal of many enterprises.

Dong Huijun: At that time, we were very happy when we said that the sintering machine was smoking, which proved that we could produce normally and make money. At that time, I didn't have to say hello to the blast furnace, so I went straight up.

Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, environmental protection work has become a top priority. How to crack the situation of steel siege has become a difficult problem in front of Wu'an, and the transformation of steel companies is imminent.

"Hello, 2022" Wu'an, Hebei: There is no production without environmental protection

△ Yuhua plant area 80MW dry desulfurization

From material transportation and storage to sintering, ironmaking, steelmaking... Every link is undergoing reinvention.

Walking into the enterprise factory area covering an area of about 6,000 acres, the reporter saw that every 40 meters there is an automated intelligent atomization pile. Dong Huijun said that compared with the previous common sprinkler truck, the advantages of atomized piles are energy saving and high efficiency.

Dong Huijun: Sprinkler trucks or spray trucks should burn oil, because sprinklers can easily short-circuit with electricity. In addition, the sprinkler's water spray device is generally directional. There are also some places where cars can't drive and have to be carried out manually. After using the atomized pile, there is no need for a car to run on the road, and it is dynamic, it can be automatically detected.

The steel smelting process involves three types of pollutants, including waste gas, waste water and waste residue, of which the waste gases such as sulfides, nitrogen oxides and soot dust produced by coking and sintering are the most serious. Dong Huijun told reporters that the company's production and environmental protection equipment have been transformed and upgraded in recent years. At present, all aspects, including sintering, have met the requirements of environmental protection.

Dong Huijun: Our sintering machine is also a flue gas cycle, originally open sintering, now closed sintering, internal pollution has been sucked away. For the flue gas generated by the sintering machine, we will use the waste heat in the boiler, and finally the waste flue gas will reach the national emission standard through desulfurization and denitrification.

"Hello, 2022" Wu'an, Hebei: There is no production without environmental protection

△ Yuhua factory no. 2 workshop coarse medium rolling point dust collector

In October 2021, the State Council issued the "Carbon Peak Action Plan before 2030", and how to further improve the technical level and reduce energy consumption under the requirements of achieving the "double carbon" goal has become the focus of Dong Huijun's work.

Dong Huijun: A lot of work has been done in terms of unorganized governance, organized emissions, and clean transportation. At present, we are more environmentally friendly than production, our slogan is enterprises in order to produce, without environmental protection there is no production.

From formulating strategic routes to full staff training, the concept of green and low carbon is running through the development and transformation of enterprises. Dong Huijun said that at present, enterprises are undergoing intelligent transformation, and with the gradual completion of transformation, the effectiveness of environmental protection will be greatly enhanced.

Dong Huijun: After the new equipment is put into production, our intelligence will be fully integrated, which is a stage of cocooning butterflies and nirvana rebirth for our enterprise.

"Hello, 2022" Wu'an, Hebei: There is no production without environmental protection

△ Data map: Wu'an City East Industry City Integration Innovation Zone is full of greenery Li Shufeng photo

The development process of Dong Huijun's enterprise is also the embodiment of Wu'an's environmental protection work, Liu Bingzhao, deputy director of the Wu'an Ecological and Environmental Branch, said that from de-capacity, key enterprises to retreat from the city, to strengthen industry emission reduction, enterprise in-depth governance ... Wu'an's investment is also unprecedented.

Liu Bingzhao: Many of the ultra-low emission equipment standards on our side are better than theirs internationally, and the standards are much stricter than theirs.

Liu Bingzhao deeply feels that environmental protection work is not difficult for a heavy industrial city like Wu'an, whether it is the adjustment of the industrial structure or the structural changes related to transportation and energy.

Liu Bingzhao: In terms of industrial structure, at present, we are engaged in retreating from the city to the park, reducing the amount of integration, although in this reform, but the number of steel enterprises in Wu'an is still more than other counties and municipalities in China, and it is still a heavy industrial city. Transformation and upgrading is a trend in the future, but in recent years, I personally think it is still a difficult point.

This year is Liu Bingzhao's 27th year in the environmental protection work, looking back on the past year, Liu Bingzhao admitted that this is the most stressful year since he worked. From the province to the city, the monitoring and deployment of environmental protection has been meticulous to every day.

Liu Bingzhao: We held a provincial dispatch meeting last night, and after the scheduling meeting, we continued to drive until 1:30 a.m. today, which is also regular, not that occasionally, we also adapted, not only me, every comrade is like this.

"Hello, 2022" Wu'an, Hebei: There is no production without environmental protection

△ Data map: Wu'an Jiulong Mountain Ecological Restoration Park butterfly into the city back garden Li Shufeng photo

Blue sky, clear water and pure land are not only important indicators for China's fight against pollution, but also the well-being of the people's livelihood that is closely related to the lives of the people. Looking back at the past year, wu'an has more days of blue sky and white clouds than in previous years, and the changes in Wu'an are also the epitome of the changes in the national ecological environment.

Liu Bingzhao: Especially after November and December last year, the fog and smog of the past were almost gone, and even if there was, it was a short time and the pollution level was light. For example, our composite index, as of now 5.76, is down about 16.5% year-on-year, and the change is very large.

Dong Huijun said that in the past year, the permanent presence and 24-hour monitoring of environmental protection department staff have indeed brought a lot of pressure. In the new year, he is also ready to continue to face difficulties.

Dong Huijun: In the process of investigation, good enterprises naturally appear on the surface, and bad enterprises also surface. Bad companies should be downgraded, and production should be reduced, which will promote fair competition, but the process is certainly painful, painful and happy.

"Hello, 2022" Wu'an, Hebei: There is no production without environmental protection

△ Data map: Wu'an City's western cultural tourism and health resort has a verdant splendid mountains and rivers Li Shufeng photo

For enterprises, transformation is painful and happy, and for environmental protection workers like Liu Bingzhao, who pay day and night for the environment in which they live, they are tired and happy.

Liu Bingzhao: The air quality is not good or the smog in Wu'an is too strong, now there are very few words mentioned, the number of times we have sunbathed our blue sky and white clouds on social platforms is more and more, and the time to see the stars flickering at night is also very much, we feel that it is worth doing so much environmental protection work as an environmental protection person.

"Hello, 2022" Wu'an, Hebei: There is no production without environmental protection

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