
Attract 100,000 people in 1 hour! Southeast Caijin's first New Year's Eve speech decodes the foreign trade storm...

author:SoutheastErn Finance
Attract 100,000 people in 1 hour! Southeast Caijin's first New Year's Eve speech decodes the foreign trade storm...

The coming 2021 is an extraordinary year. We stand at the historical juncture of the 20th anniversary of China's accession to the WTO and open the chapter of the 14th Five-Year Plan.

Looking back at 2021, what does the 20th anniversary of China's accession to the WTO bring to Ningbo? Looking forward to 2022, is foreign trade still a good business?

On the last day of 2021, Southeast Caijin launched a series of New Year's Eve speeches on "Seeing the Sun in the Clouds, Spring and Warm Flowers", inviting Zhu Qiucheng, general manager of Ningbo New Oriental Industry and Trade Co., Ltd. and financial writer, to tell "20 Years of WTO Accession, Foreign Trade Storm". The 1-hour wonderful speech attracted 100,000 people to watch through the Yongshang APP, WeChat video number, Weibo live broadcast, headline live broadcast and so on.

Attract 100,000 people in 1 hour! Southeast Caijin's first New Year's Eve speech decodes the foreign trade storm...

In the eyes of this foreign trade youth who has been in business for 18 years, "this is the best era and the worst era." The core of determining "good or bad" lies in whether we can grasp the trend of the times.

Zhu Qiucheng believes that in the next 5 years, China will still be the best country in the world for entrepreneurship and innovation, and cross-border e-commerce and digital transformation will still be the trend of the times. For individuals, even in the face of difficulties and setbacks, they must maintain the courage to embrace change.

In Zhu Qiucheng's view, in 2021, the core of China's rapid growth in foreign trade lies in the lack of overseas production capacity, which leads to the replacement benefits of China's supply chain. Looking forward to 2022, the epidemic will still affect the global economy, and China's foreign trade and manufacturing industry will still face severe tests.

But opportunities always coexist with challenges. Zhu Qiucheng believes that cross-border e-commerce will still be the biggest mainstream model in this era. Entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs must go with the flow and believe in achieving their dreams.

Attract 100,000 people in 1 hour! Southeast Caijin's first New Year's Eve speech decodes the foreign trade storm...
In the future, the shopping model of cross-border e-commerce will come to an end, and it will be more important to polish products and build supply chains. In addition to Europe and the United States, foreign trade enterprises should pay more attention to niche markets such as the Middle East, India, Australia, South Korea, and Latin America; pay attention to popular categories such as toys, handicrafts, game puzzles, and video equipment. Enterprises should also seize the era dividend of RCEP and seize the business opportunities of brands going overseas.

For the majority of post-90s and post-00 entrepreneurs, Zhu Qiucheng said——

In today's China, both the market size and employment and entrepreneurship opportunities are unmatched by any country in the world. But young people are better off "accumulating first, starting a business later."

When choosing a track, we must avoid the Red Sea and monopolize the market, and we must also combine our own advantages and interests. You can pay attention to the consumer demand of your peers, and you can also focus on the "silver economy" by contrarian thinking.

Of course, entrepreneurship will inevitably encounter setbacks. Therefore, only by cultivating "contrarian quotient" and embracing the mentality of change can we go further.


Text: Yan Jin

First Instance: Zhang Bo Second Instance: Zhu Xinmin

Third Trial: Yin Hao Final Trial: Liu Xiongfei

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