
Follow-up 73 years study published: old age life is related to weight, do you weigh up to the standard?

People know that wanting a good body is related to a healthy and scientific lifestyle, but they never think that how long they can live is related to their weight. In the "Annals of Epidemiology", such a study was published: if you can maintain a normal weight when you are young, and people who are slightly fat in old age have a lower mortality rate!

Science tells you: What weight is the healthiest?

For what weight is the best, many elderly people have different interpretations.

Follow-up 73 years study published: old age life is related to weight, do you weigh up to the standard?

Some people think that now that the living conditions are better, they should eat and drink more, and pay attention to "being able to eat is a blessing." This concept extends to their grandchildren and has led to serious weight obesity problems in some adolescents.

Another part of the people believe that obesity will be three high, people should be thinner to be healthy, the diet should be vegetarian, and the emphasis is on coarse tea and light rice.

These two concepts tend to bring more health problems, and overweight will not only lead to a rise in the three high risks, but also bring a burden to the elderly's already fragile bones and joints, triggering a variety of problems. Weight on the other hand will be prone to sarcopenia, causing malnutrition and other problems such as dizziness and fatigue.

For what kind of weight is healthy, you can refer to the following study.

Follow-up 73 years study published: old age life is related to weight, do you weigh up to the standard?

American scientific researchers have carried out a follow-up study for 73 years, the results were published in the well-known medical journal "Epidemiological Yearbook", after taking into account gender, medical history, life habits and other differences, the results of the study are: if you can maintain a normal weight when young, and when you are young, the body is slightly fat, the mortality rate is lower!

The relationship between survival and weight in the elderly is in a "U" shape, and low weight increases mortality by 10%, while high body weight increases mortality by 8%. Because the height of the elderly is reduced due to the deformation of the curvature of the spine, the most scientific weight of the elderly is to maintain the BMI between 20 and 26.9.

The Chinese of BMI, called body mass index, is the gold standard for measuring weight, and is calculated as follows:

Follow-up 73 years study published: old age life is related to weight, do you weigh up to the standard?

The problem of weight management is serious: 600 million Chinese people are overweight and obese!

Regarding the problem of overweight and obesity in China, The Lancet has published three articles in its sub-journal Diabetes and Secretology to reflect it.

Follow-up 73 years study published: old age life is related to weight, do you weigh up to the standard?

We can see in this study that the overweight rate of adults over 18 years old in China has reached 34.3%, and the obesity rate has reached 16.4%! The overweight rate of preschool children under the age of 6, who should not be obese and overweight, also reached 6.8% and the obesity rate was 3.6%; the overweight rate of underage adults aged 6 to 17 was also as high as 11.1%, and the obesity rate was 7.9%.

According to the distribution of the population data of the latest census according to the age group distribution, the number of overweight and obese people in China has reached 600 million.

Follow-up 73 years study published: old age life is related to weight, do you weigh up to the standard?

Although the current overweight obesity rate in the United States is higher than that in China, due to the high domestic population base, we have become the country with the highest overweight and obese population.

3 Tips: Easily maintain a healthy weight

Many people feel that overweight and obesity are nothing, because China has not yet defined obesity as a chronic disease. Overweight and obesity increase the burden on the body and increase the risk of various diseases. According to the IARC cancer study, there is sufficient evidence that there are 13 cancers associated with obesity, almost all over the body.

It is also very simple to control your weight, just follow these 3 techniques.

1. Maintain a healthy and reasonable diet

We can be more diverse in our daily diet, and the types of foods we eat each day are as good as 12. The type of food follows the eight-character recipe: meat and vegetables are reasonable in thickness and thickness.

Follow-up 73 years study published: old age life is related to weight, do you weigh up to the standard?

The elderly should pay attention to protein supplementation, because as they age, protein synthesis in the human body will decline. Coupled with decreased absorption capacity, protein deficiency occurs.

A rich diet can supplement the human body with different trace elements, such as deep-sea fish can supplement omega-3 fatty acids, dairy and soy products can supplement calcium, vitamin D and so on.

2. Adhere to reasonable exercise to alleviate muscle loss

In terms of exercise, it is not recommended that the elderly carry out medium-high-intensity exercise. It can be based on low-intensity outdoor exercises such as walking, race walking, and stretching, and outdoor exercise 3 to 5 times a week, 30 minutes to 1 hour at a time. Moderate exercise can alleviate muscle loss in the elderly and also prevent osteoporosis.

Follow-up 73 years study published: old age life is related to weight, do you weigh up to the standard?

In Japan, people also use a combination of transportation and insurance in order to prevent sarcopenia. Yamauchi, a professor of metabolic diseases at the University of Tokyo, published a paper in which he used WLnad-like molecules in a human experiment to alleviate sarcopenia in healthy elderly volunteers, resulting in significant improvements in muscle strength, limb flexibility, and stride speed.

After making WLnad molecules a key research project in Japan, Litevigie Bio has achieved mass production of them, which was included in the category of legal food raw materials in Japan last year, and was used by a large number of elderly people with exercise. After the introduction of the "wlnad" in China, it was also tried by real estate tycoon Pan Shiyi and Li, the former richest man in Hong Kong, at a high price.

3. Regular physical examination

A large part of the cause of rapid emaciation comes from the cause of physical diseases, common tumors, tuberculosis, diabetes, gastritis, depression, and senile autism can all affect weight loss.

If the diet is reasonable and exercise is also being done, but the weight has been very light, it is necessary to pay attention to and physical examination in time to intervene in the disease in the body as soon as possible.

Follow-up 73 years study published: old age life is related to weight, do you weigh up to the standard?

"It is difficult to buy the old and thin" is a common saying in China, but the development of science to this day, this kind of statement is no longer worth advocating. Weight and physical health are directly linked, and if you want to enjoy a few more years of happiness, it is only right to control your weight within a reasonable range.

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