
After Qin Shi Huang was called emperor, all the emperors were called His Majesty, why did the Song Dynasty call the emperor "official"?

Rule the world with the scholars, not with the people to rule the world!

After Qin Shi Huang was called emperor, all the emperors were called His Majesty, why did the Song Dynasty call the emperor "official"?

In 221 BC, Yingzheng unified the Six Kingdoms and established the first great unified dynasty in Chinese history, the Qin Dynasty. Yin Zheng felt that he had created a great dynasty, and his merits were comparable to the three emperors and five emperors in the ancient times, so he took the words emperor and emperor and formed the emperor, which was used to call himself the first emperor.

After Qin Shi Huang created the emperor system, successive dynasties also followed suit and used the emperor system. With the development of the times, people call the emperor in a variety of ways, such as calling the emperor His Majesty, The Holy Lord, the Emperor and so on.

After Qin Shi Huang was called emperor, all the emperors were called His Majesty, why did the Song Dynasty call the emperor "official"?

However, the Song Dynasty was very special, whether it was ministers, or ordinary people, or harem concubines, they called the emperor not His Majesty, the Emperor, but called it "Official Family", so what is the special meaning of the word "Official Family"?

The Song Dynasty is a relatively special dynasty, the literary atmosphere is too heavy, the Song Dynasty for three hundred years of the Jiangshan is basically the literati in governance, there are no military generals. Any dynasty can find a large number of fierce generals, but only the Song Dynasty did not, and throughout the history of the Song Dynasty, there are very few fierce generals.

So why did the Song Dynasty have a situation of many literati and few warriors? This is related to the national policy of the Song Dynasty. After the Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin established the Song Dynasty, he established a basic national policy - "co-rule the world with scholars".

After Qin Shi Huang was called emperor, all the emperors were called His Majesty, why did the Song Dynasty call the emperor "official"?

The emperor of the Song Dynasty wanted to rule the world together with the scholars, and the emperor and the ministers jointly created a prosperous world, so the emperor reused a large number of literati and ignored the warriors, which was also the reason for the weakening of the military strength of the Song Dynasty.

No matter what the emperors of the Song Dynasty did, they followed this national policy, including why the emperor was called "official". The Xiangshan Yelu records: "Shang (Zhenzong) asked drunk: Why is the Son of Heaven an official?"

The courtiers remembered Jiang Ji's "Theory of Ten Thousand Machines" that the three emperors were in the world and the five emperors were in the world. And the virtue of the three or five, so it is known as the official family. "The Three Emperors are the Official World, the Five Emperors are the Family World, and the Song Dynasty Emperors annexed the virtues of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, so they are called the Official Family."

After Qin Shi Huang was called emperor, all the emperors were called His Majesty, why did the Song Dynasty call the emperor "official"?

What is the official world? Popularly speaking, it is Zen concession, the monarch lets people with both moral integrity and ability to be the one, everyone in the world is qualified to compete, and whoever has both moral integrity and ability can become a monarch.

What is home? The monarch passes the throne to his sons, only his own descendants can be appointed, not let others do it, only the monarch himself can rule the world, and others are not qualified.

Since Yu Chan took the throne to his son, the family world was formed until the fall of the Qing Dynasty.

After Qin Shi Huang was called emperor, all the emperors were called His Majesty, why did the Song Dynasty call the emperor "official"?

In these three thousand years, except for the Song Dynasty, other dynasties are all family worlds, and the emperor alone counts. Only the Song Dynasty is different, it is the family world and the official world, the emperor and the minister together to govern the world, which corresponds to the basic national policy of the Song Dynasty.

The emperor of the Song Dynasty was the representative of the family world and the official world, so it was called "official family". Because the Song Dynasty implemented the policy of "ruling the world with scholars", the status of the literati of the Song Dynasty was very high, and it was also the happiest era of literati in history!

After Qin Shi Huang was called emperor, all the emperors were called His Majesty, why did the Song Dynasty call the emperor "official"?

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