
There is a good book in life called Runan (Wang Jiqiang)

author:Palm reading Caizhou
There is a good book in life called Runan (Wang Jiqiang)

Reading thousands of volumes, walking thousands of miles, Runan, is full of color and fragrance. Watching dramas in childhood, those famous plays that are popular among the population are familiar, "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai", "The Legend of the White Snake", "Meng Jiang Girl", "Cow Lang and Weaver Girl", the drama interpreted by the four legends of ancient China is the most moving. Climbing the wall to see the drama is the joy of childhood and adolescence, the drama team that walks the village and alley, the Peking Opera, Lu Opera, Huangmei Opera, Partridge Drama, these four legends are also many themes, and we are original to the childhood.

Watching a play, asking for tickets, exchanging grain for tickets, the grandmother who is in charge of the house is not willing to watch other people's families go to the courtyard of the brigade to watch the play, I am blind to the eyes. I can only seek the second, climbing the wall to peek at the play. The next day, the plot was added to the fire in the classmate group, and it was very enjoyable.

Liang Zhu's oral inheritance has vividly brought my childhood to life. The taste of Chinese folklore, the yearning for love is strong. Liang Zhu's song, like the story of the popular population, is well-known and far-reaching, and is known as the song of love throughout the ages.

There is a good book in life called Runan (Wang Jiqiang)

During the Jin Dynasty, Zhujiazhuang in Shangyu County, Zhejiang, by the Yushui River, there was a daughter of Zhu Yuanwai, Yingtai, beautiful and intelligent, who learned poetry with her brother since childhood, and Mu Banzhao and Cai Wenji's talents, hated the family and had no good teacher, and wanted to visit Hangzhou to study. Zhu Yuanwai refused his daughter's request, Zhu Yingtai was eager to study, disguised as a fortune seller, and said to Zhu Yuanwai: "It is better to break according to the gua, or let Ling Ai go out." "I wish the father saw his daughter Qiao dressed as a man, without any flaws, and in order not to let her down, he had to reluctantly agree." Yingtai women dressed as men and went to Hangzhou to study. On the way, I met Liang Shanbo, a scholar who went to Hangzhou to study, and when I saw it, I read it very happily, and I picked up the soil for incense on the grass bridge pavilion and married Jinlan. A day later, the two came to Wansong Academy in Hangzhou City and enrolled in the school. Since then, the same window has been reading together, inseparable. Liang Wished the students for three years, and their love was as deep as the sea. Among them, there are also jokes from classmates, and Marvin Cai's obstruction. But Yingtai still loves Shanbo deeply, but Shanbo never knows that she is a woman, only thinks of brotherhood, and has no special feelings. Wishing the father and daughter, the return was urgent, and Yingtai had to return to his hometown in a hurry. Liang Zhu broke up and clinged to it. On the way to the eighteen-mile send-off, Yingtai constantly borrowed things to caress and hint at love. Shanbo is loyal and simple, and does not understand the reason. Yingtai was helpless, falsely claiming that the ninth sister in the family, whose character was similar to his own, was willing to act as a matchmaker for Shanbo, but Liang Shanbo's family was poor and could not arrive as scheduled, and when Shanbo went to the Zhu family to propose marriage, did he know that Zhu's father had given Yingtai xu to Ma Wencai, the son of Taishou who lived in The city. A happy marriage has come to naught. The two met on the platform, tearful eyes to each other, sadly parting. When parting, make a vow: you can't be born with the same cave, and you must die together! Later Liang Shanbo was summoned by the imperial court to be the Commander of Yin County. Let the mountain boy become depressed and die soon after. He was buried in Kowloon Ruins. Yingtai heard the bad news of Shanbo and vowed to be martyred. When Yingtai got married, he took a detour to the tomb of Liang Shanbo to pay tribute, and under the mourning induction of Zhu Yingtai, the wind and rain thunder and lightning were great, the tomb burst, yingtai jumped into the grave, the tomb was compounded, the wind stopped and the rain stopped, the rainbow hung high, Liang Zhu turned into a butterfly, and flew in the human world.

"Yu divides the world into Kyushu, Yu is among Kyushu, and Ru is in Yuzhou, so it is Tianzhong." Zhou Gongdan built a mountain in the sky here, placed a tugui on it, and measured the score of the japanese film test as positive. The "Tianzhongshan" inscription written by the great calligrapher Yan Zhenqing of the Tang Dynasty is still there today; liu Yuxi, a great poet of the Tang Dynasty, felt inspired after ascending tianzhongshan and visiting the Nanhai Temple, and wrote an immortal famous sentence: "The mountain is not high, and the immortal is named: the water is not deep, and the dragon is the spirit." A word said the bell spirit and magic of the treasure land in the sky.

There is a good book in life called Runan (Wang Jiqiang)

"Heavenly Zhongshan, three feet three, come to Tianzhongshan, one step can ascend to the heavens." This is a folk song that spreads in Runan. A bit of an exaggeration, but very expressive. "Three feet three", the pole mountain is small; "ascending to the heavens", also reflects the mystery of the heavenly mountains and the heavens and the earth. Indeed, Tianzhongshan is not a "mountain" in the true sense, it is just a symbol, a symbol, or a totem.

Tianzhong mountain, also known as Tiantai Mountain. The mountain is not high, and the immortal is named. Tianzhongshan is famous because it is the most central symbol in the world, and it is also the place of Yan Zhenqing, a great calligrapher, politician and patriotic old man of the Tang Dynasty, and there is his masterpiece "Tianzhongshan" inscription. Engraved on both sides of the gate of Tianzhongshan is the couplet written by Zhang Hai, chairman of the China Book Association, "The Shadow of The Guiying of Tianzhongshan has been running for eternity, and the public dignity of Yanlu has survived for eternity", which can well summarize the cultural connotation of Tianzhongshan.

During the middle years of the Tang Dynasty, Runan was the seat of government of CaiZhou. The Huaixi Festival made Li Xilie support the army and respect himself, establish himself as king, and oppose the imperial court. Using Cai Prefecture as a stronghold, he occupied Xuchang, attacked Kaifeng, besieged Ru Prefecture, and encroached on large areas of land in the Central Plains. Emperor Dezong issued an edict and sent Yan Zhenqing, the elder of the Three Dynasties and the crown prince Taishi, who was more than seventy years old, to Cai Prefecture to declare consolation, and Li Xilie was soft and hard, forcing Yan Zhenqing to make him prime minister, and Yan Gongning died unyieldingly, was imprisoned in Longxing Temple, and was later hanged by Li Xilie's envoys. Before Yan Gong died, he wrote three majestic and sonorous characters in Longxing Temple, namely "Tianzhongshan".

There is a good book in life called Runan (Wang Jiqiang)

The Tianzhongshan Monument not only shows Yan Zhenqing's desire to pacify the Central Plains and eventually unify the country, but also makes the smallest mountain in the world more famous.

Love and freedom are the same, and the story of Liang Zhu, the legend of love through the ages, is still fascinating. During the Western Jin Dynasty, there was a young man named Liang Shanbo in Liangzhuang, 30 kilometers south of Runan, who went to the Hongluoshan Academy to study at his parents' orders, passing by a place called CaoQiao, and resting in a pavilion on the side of the road. There is a Zhu Zhuang in the east of Liangzhuang, and there is a daughter named Zhu Yingtai in the Zhuang Shang Zhu Yuanwai family, who is very smart and devoted to studying, and persuaded her parents, the woman dressed as a man, the pseudonym Zhu Jiudi, and also went to Hongluoshan Academy to study. The two met at Caoqiao Pavilion, asked each other about their hometown and Nian Geng, became brothers, and went to Hongluoshan Academy to study together.

Hongluoshan School is surrounded by water on all sides, the scenery is pleasant, once, Liang Shanbo, Zhu Yingtai and their classmates played together, smashing mandarin ducks in the water with stones. Zhu Yingtai flashed his waist when he threw the stone, and his classmate shouted: "Wish the ninth brother like a woman." Zhu Yingtai's face was suddenly flushed.

Shi Niang was careful, found the body of Yingtai's daughter, and set up a boundary plate between Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai's bed. Liang Shanbo was born with a thick nature, and he did not know his intentions, and he did not expect that Zhu Jiudi was a woman for three years.

Yingtai went home to see his mother, and Shanbo sent eighteen miles. Along the way, Yingtai made many metaphors, and Liang Shanbo still did not understand his meaning. Finally, Zhu Yingtai said that the ninth sister in the family was not yet married, and wanted to say that he and Shanbo agreed. Coming to the Zhu family, Yingtai asked Shanbo to wait in the living room, saying that he would let the ninth sister come out to offer tea.

Yingtai changed into her daughter's costume and walked out with tea. Liang Shanbo said in surprise, "Aren't you Zhu Ninth Brother?" Yingtai said: "The ninth brother is the ninth sister, and the ninth sister is the ninth brother", and the two of them made a private contract for life.

There is a talent in North Ma Zhuang Ma Wencai, the grandmother's family is Zhu Zhuang's, Zhu Yuanwai has the heart to find a door for his daughter to marry, on the mother of Ma Wencai said media, Xu Yingtai in the Ma family, Yingtai helpless, against the heart of the promise.

There is a good book in life called Runan (Wang Jiqiang)

Shan Bo came to discuss the marriage as promised, and Yingtai tearfully said that it was too late. Shan Bo was so angry that he vomited blood on the spot, and died of illness after returning home. The family followed the instructions and buried it on the west edge of Maxiangguan Road, with a stele inscribed with beams and Zhu's name, black and red.

Ma Wencai married Zhu Yingtai, after the palanquin arrived in Ma Village, a sudden whirlwind blocked the way, Zhu Yingtai got off the palanquin to cry and sacrifice to the mountain uncle, the tomb suddenly cracked, Yingtai plunged into the tomb, and the tomb was immediately closed. Two butterflies fly golden and snow-white from the tomb and dance in the sky.

How many times have I listened to this story, I can't get tired of hearing it.

Delicious to Runan, can only be understood ineffable. Chicken meatballs are a must to taste in Runan, oily and not greasy, shiny as jade, chicken flavor is strong, soft and delicious, hey, enjoyable. Entering the county seat of Runan, several snack bars floated in a large pot of egg-sized balls, which is the characteristic name of Runan. The unique flavor makes people tireless, and many tourists are admiring to go to Runan.

Home cooking is proud of the People of Runan, chicken meatballs are made in a simple way, it is based on some sweet potato flour and chicken as the main raw material, the chicken is cut into small cubes, put in some salt, the chicken is wrapped in sweet potato flour, and then dough is made by hand into an egg-sized dough, fried in 80% hot oil. Every time you eat, soak it in warm water, then put the chicken meatballs into the boiling chicken soup pot, cook it for a while, add some chopped coriander, sesame oil, monosodium glutamate can be eaten, the taste is delicious, nutritious, mouth-watering, and deeply loved by the public. It is characterized by oil but not greasy, lustrous like jade, strong chicken flavor, soft and delicious, is a snack for all ages.

When I sat at the table as a child, I looked forward to the four large pieces on the table, and on the four large pieces, this feast will also be full of five flavors. Shabu tripe crispy soup, fat but not greasy, come to Runan, do not eat a bit, is regrettable. Of course, there are good places to eat, And in Runan's Huaifu Street, Niangniang Lane, and The entrance to the street, where snacks gather, you can see that there is shabu tripe everywhere.

Spicy shabu tripe is a famous snack in Runan, with a unique flavor and is still fragrant. Unfortunately, I, who don't like spicy people, don't have the confidence to be eager to try. The main ingredients of shabu tripe are tripe, bamboo skewers, meat slices, large ingredients, chicken soup, etc., and dozens of ingredients such as dried beans, or dipped, or simmered, or boiled, the tripe slices are made into semi-finished products, and then the belly slices are strung with bamboo skewers, put into the prepared hot pot and boiled, and then dipped in condiments made with sesame seeds and peanuts, which can be eaten.

There is a good book in life called Runan (Wang Jiqiang)

The simplest chicken meatball in the hometown is also made by the People of Runan. Going to the stove of the Runan people to find out is also the joy of life. Bring the soup and sauce to a boil before putting the frozen balls in. Once boiled again, add the taro and cook until soft. Finally, put the plucked lentils into it and cook them together. If raw taro is used, it should be peeled first, rubbed with salt water to remove the mucus on the surface, then washed, then boiled in cold water, and then eaten after boiling. When peeling, first cut off two ends, and then cut from the large head to the small direction, to use a knife longitudinally, the side of the cut taro is six-sided, so that the taste is easy to penetrate, but also to prevent boiling.  Life is to know it and not to know why, so countless gourmets have been born, and if the gourmets are all chefs, this life should be thorough. Shabu beef tripe has a long history, and you can feel the charm of these specialties during the preparation process. Shabu tripe is based on tripe as the main ingredient, and the cooking method is mainly cooked, and the taste is home-cooked. Peel off the tripe, remove the oil with a knife and cut the top knife into thick slices. Put water in the pot, put in the belly kernel when the water is boiling, stir it with chopsticks, and see that the belly slice has just been rolled up and immediately fished out and placed on the plate. Place the tahini, soy sauce, salt, spicy soy sauce, sesame oil and chopped coriander in a bowl and mix into a sauce and add to a plate with belly kernels.

There is a good book in life called Runan (Wang Jiqiang)

The method of spiced dog meat is simple is a common dish in the recipe of home-style cold dishes, the taste of spiced dog meat belongs to the five-spiced, the method belongs to the category, but how to make spiced dog meat is the best, mainly depends on their own taste habits to adjust the details, let yourself follow the feeling to make this spiced dog meat bar. Cut the dog meat into large pieces, wash it in boiling water, put it in a large pot, put all the spices together, add water until submerged, boil over high heat, then use medium heat, cook until crispy out of the pot, cool and remove the bones. Plate with slices of ginger as needed. When eating, take the condiments according to each person's preference.

Runan, why not just covet?

【About the author】Wang Jiqiang, pen name Yunfeiyang, currently lives in Zibo City, Shandong Province.

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