
The 12th Congress of the Communist Party of China in Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture was successfully concluded

author:China Jilin Net

On the morning of December 30, the 12th Congress of the Communist Party of China in Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture successfully completed its agenda and closed in Yanji.

The 12th Congress of the Communist Party of China in Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture was successfully concluded

The General Assembly shall have 465 delegates, 20 shall take leave of absence due to illness, and 445 shall be in fact, which shall meet the prescribed number.

The meeting was presided over by Comrade Tian Jinchen.

Tian Jinchen, Hong Qing, Feng Tao, Jin Jide, Zhou Jinxing, Mao Guangsheng, Liang Songbai, Su Jinghua, Pei Qingzhen, Liang Chunhua, Zhao Yonghao, Shi Qihua, Zhang Taifan, and Kang Fang, members of the Standing Committee of the Presidium of the Congress, sat in the front row of the rostrum, and other members of the Presidium of the Congress took their seats on the rostrum.

At 8 a.m., the Assembly began.

Under the supervision of the scrutineers of the congress, the 445 deputies attending the meeting elected by secret ballot 65 members of the 12th Committee of the Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture of the Communist Party of China, 12 alternate members, and 35 members of the State Discipline Inspection Commission. When the election results were announced, there was a loud applause from the audience.

The congress unanimously adopted the "Resolution of the Twelfth Congress of the CPC Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture on the Report of the Eleventh Committee of the CPC Yanbian Prefecture" and the "Resolution of the Twelfth Congress of the CPC Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture on the Work Report of the Eleventh Discipline Inspection Committee of Yanbian Prefecture of the CPC."

Comrade Tian Jinchen delivered a speech at the closing meeting. He said: Since the opening of the 12th CPC Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture Congress on 28 December, through the joint efforts of all the deputies, they have successfully fulfilled all the scheduled tasks. This congress is a congress that inherits the past and opens up the future, and even more is a congress that gathers strength and forges ahead in unity, and will certainly have a major and far-reaching impact on the economic and social development, party building, and progress of various undertakings throughout the state.

Tian Jinchen stressed that this conference holds high the great banner of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, conscientiously implements the spirit of the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping's inspection of Jilin and Yanbian, vigorously carries forward the spirit of the great founding of the party, completely and accurately implements the new development concept, summarizes and reviews the development achievements and experience enlightenment of our state in the past five years, deeply analyzes the opportunities and challenges currently facing it, and discusses and determines the overall ideas, development strategies, and tasks and measures for the economic and social development of the whole state in the next five years. Arrange and deploy all aspects of the work of comprehensively building a new Yanbian of socialist modernization. Through full deliberation and democratic elections, the congress produced a new state party committee and a state discipline inspection commission. During the meeting, the delegates attending the meeting conscientiously performed their duties and fulfilled their duties with full political enthusiasm and a highly responsible spirit, and actively offered suggestions and suggestions to ensure the complete success of the conference.

Tian Jinchen stressed that a new blueprint has been drawn and a new journey has begun. Realizing the goal of struggle set by this congress is our glorious and sacred historical mission. Party organizations at all levels throughout the prefecture should regard the study, propaganda, and implementation of the spirit of the congress as an important political task at present and for some time to come, meticulously organize and make meticulous arrangements, and earnestly unify the thinking and actions of the broad masses of party members and cadres and masses with the policy decisions and arrangements made by the congress, and pool their wisdom and strength on the goals and tasks set by the congress. All deputies should give play to their exemplary vanguard role, take the lead in studying, publicizing, and implementing well the spirit of the congress, and make unremitting efforts to build a new Yanbian for the comprehensive construction of socialist modernization with the spirit of never slacking off and the posture of indomitable struggle.

The congress ended triumphantly with the majestic sound of the Internationale.

Source: Yanbian News Network

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