
The "Ten Deadly Sins" of Kitchen Waste

author:Shenzhen Yueneng environmental protection
The "Ten Deadly Sins" of Kitchen Waste

The "Ten Deadly Sins" of Kitchen Waste

Since the implementation of garbage classification throughout the country

"Kitchen waste" has become one of the most headache-inducing garbage

Food waste contains extremely high moisture and organic matter

It is easy to decay and produce a foul odor.

Kitchen waste is also one of the most common pieces of waste in life

When we eat and drink tea, we generate food waste

Today we will count in detail

Headaches of "kitchen waste"

Ten Deadly Sins

The number of first crimes is huge, and the pressure to deal with them is high

Due to differences in eating habits and cooking methods, compared with countries with excellent garbage classification results, in China, the proportion of kitchen waste in domestic garbage is as much as 60%, and the proportion of domestic garbage in some areas is even as much as 70%-80%, and the average annual growth rate is expected to reach more than 10%.

The "Ten Deadly Sins" of Kitchen Waste

Among them, the proportion of kitchen waste in Beijing has risen from 46% to 66% in the past 15 years. According to data released by the Beijing Municipal Urban Management Commission, in February this year, the average daily amount of household kitchen waste in Beijing was 3541 tons, and if calculated at an annual disposal fee of 901 yuan per ton, the annual cost borne by the government is about 1.16 billion yuan.

The "Ten Deadly Sins" of Kitchen Waste

The second sin produces a foul smell

Most of the kitchen waste is composed of leftovers, melon skins and other foods or the outer skins of food, including animal hooves, horns, eggshells, fish scales, eggshells, hair, plant branches, leaves, weeds, animal carcasses, livestock manure, etc. One of the characteristics of kitchen waste is that it is very easy to spoil and rot, resulting in a bad smell.

The "Ten Deadly Sins" of Kitchen Waste

The third crime is breeding mosquitoes and spreading diseases

Kitchen waste components of leftovers, melon peels, etc., in addition to being very easy to rot, produce a bad smell, but also particularly easy to provoke mosquitoes, breed mosquitoes, under the blessing of these mosquitoes and microorganisms, the decay of kitchen waste is also accelerated, and the stench is also upgraded again. If the kitchen waste is not well handled, it will not only spread diseases through mosquitoes, endangering health, but also greatly affecting our living environment.

The "Ten Deadly Sins" of Kitchen Waste

The Fourth Crime丨 Polluting Other "Good Garbage"

Kitchen waste often carries soup and water, which is easy to "pollute" other garbage. Originally, most of the garbage in the domestic garbage, such as paper, plastic, clothes, furniture, etc., as long as it is dry, clean, no odor, can have the value of recycling, are "good garbage". Once these "good garbage" are "polluted" by kitchen waste, they will become dirty and smelly, and there is no value for recycling.

It can be seen that kitchen waste has greatly reduced the recyclability ratio of garbage and increased the amount of garbage disposal in the entire city.

The fifth crime 丨 has a high water content, forming a garbage osmotic fluid

There is often soup water in the kitchen waste, and more water will be decomposed during the decomposition process, because after the mixing of other garbage, it will form the most unpleasant and difficult to deal with the garbage permeate.

The "Ten Deadly Sins" of Kitchen Waste

Garbage osmosis is not only unpleasant to smell, difficult to treat, it is also corrosive, the garbage transport truck transporting kitchen waste, will also be because of the corrosion of kitchen waste leads to corrosion and damage to the box, garbage infiltration all the way to throw, affecting the appearance of the city.

The sixth sin will be used to make gutter oil

The harm of "gutter oil" believes that there is no need to say more, eating "gutter oil", light food poisoning, heavy cancer. Therefore, "gutter oil" has always been strictly prohibited from being used for edible oil.

The "Ten Deadly Sins" of Kitchen Waste

The predecessor of "gutter oil" is kitchen waste, some illegal elements fish out a large number of dull and turbid pastes in the gutter, after a series of filtration, heating, precipitation, separation, these smelly kitchen waste will be transformed into clear gutter oil. These so-called "gutter oils" will be sold to some small traders, restaurants, etc. for huge profits.

The "Ten Deadly Sins" of Kitchen Waste

The Seventh Crime丨 Makes Garbage Disposal More "Inefficient"

The garbage osmotic liquid produced by kitchen waste is a kind of organic wastewater with high concentration and complex composition, and a separate sewage treatment plant must be built for it in order to discharge the garbage osmotic liquid after treatment.

In addition, the moisture content of kitchen waste is large, which affects the efficiency of waste power generation. When waste is incinerated to generate electricity, the moisture in the kitchen waste can not only not be burned to generate electricity, but also because the liquid water becomes water vapor, absorbing heat, resulting in a decrease in power generation efficiency. When there is too much kitchen waste, the fermentation time before waste incineration needs to be longer, and even more combustion substances such as kerosene need to be added to help the waste incineration be successfully completed. These have greatly increased the cost of waste-to-energy generation.

The eighth crime 丨 The culprit of the junkyard neighbor avoidance effect

Now residents know that not allowing landfills and incineration plants to be built in front of their homes or near them is the neighbor avoidance effect.

The "Ten Deadly Sins" of Kitchen Waste

One of the culprits of the garbage dump neighbor avoidance effect is kitchen waste: kitchen waste is constantly generated and emits odors during transportation, landfill, incineration and treatment, allowing neighbors to avoid it.

The ninth sin should have been fertilizer, but it became a pollutant

More than half of the components of kitchen waste, such as vegetable leaves, melon peels, oils, meat, tea, etc., are organic matter, which should have been made into fertilizer and can also be made into high-quality fertilizer.

The "Ten Deadly Sins" of Kitchen Waste

But as kitchen waste, it takes a lot of time, manpower and money to deal with it, and it becomes a headache pollutant.

The "Ten Deadly Sins" of Kitchen Waste

The Tenth Sin 丨 Turning food into kitchen waste is a sin

Most of the kitchen waste is composed of leftovers, why there is so much kitchen waste, the reason is that food waste has become a daily behavior of many people.

The "Ten Deadly Sins" of Kitchen Waste

Recently, the National Development and Reform Commission website officially released the "Anti-Food Waste Work Plan", which strengthened the law enforcement of anti-food waste. Wasting food is a crime, and the evidence is the increasing amount of food waste!

These ten deadly sins

Not only for the "criminals" – kitchen waste

It is also aimed at residents who do not separate garbage

As long as the kitchen waste is divided correctly

It can also clear the "crime"

Continue to shine elsewhere

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