
What we have to cross in the New Year is our minds, not life itself

author:Old Zhao

Goodbye to another year, 2021, how special is it? How emotional is that? None of them seem to have.

What we have to cross in the New Year is our minds, not life itself

Joyful, sad, sad, bland, in any year there will be. No matter how many people come and go, no matter how they remember and say goodbye, every year they still have those few people in their hearts. Whether you carry a weight forward or lie flat on the ground, you can't get rid of life.

So, all the New Year's Eves in the past, if you have to ask me to say a year that is still fresh in my memory, to be honest, no. If this day can be remembered by me this year, it is most likely that my daughter was closed in Xi'an because of the epidemic and could not replenish her daily necessities, and she was struggling with whether to take out the little chicken leg left to make a New Year's Eve meal for herself.

I can't remember, not a big problem, nor a problem of my own lack of life, but who I put it on, it should be the same as me. This can only show that life itself, there are not so many ups and downs, except for the short busy work of the parents in food, clothing, housing and transportation, there is no big deal at all. In addition to the emotional turmoil in the heart, most of the time, we are in the step-by-step, follow the rules, the waves of life.

So, asked a few people, including wives and daughters, what expectations and wishes after the New Year' Eve, the results are the same, that is, is there any difference? December 31, 2021 and January 1, 2022, in addition to the different dates, there is no difference in content, the meal should be eaten the same, the sleep should be the same, and the face should be faced the same.

What we have to cross in the New Year is our minds, not life itself

There are also emotions in the same way, that is, there is some relief, some impatience, and some sense of ease of saying goodbye. I think it's all normal life.

Staying in a unit for a long time will be there.

There will be a long time with someone.

Maintaining a state of life for a long time will happen.

Always staying in a city in a place will have.

Of course, a year is too long, and there will be.

For a long time, it is not how bad it is, it is not how dissatisfied, it is not how much you want to change, how you want to break free, it is not how unacceptable it is, or it is that you may want to move, stretch it out, and let yourself feel your existence and the existence of time again. Are you actually expecting change? To be honest, it didn't.

After 2021, can we really say goodbye to anything? No, there is no point to say goodbye, because all that happens, we are trying to face, all the emotions, we are trying to persevere, all the time, we are all experiencing. But a farewell is incomplete.

2022 is coming, do you really want to be different? No. I long for those people in my life not to change, I long for the emotions I have not to change, I long to get along with life not to change, if I must change, it is to hope that I myself can change to become more in line with the standards of a son, the standards of a lover and husband, the standards of a father, the standards of a friend, the standards of a person who is at ease. Others, not wild hopes, no extravagance.

New Year's Eve, the span is always time, and in our own life, what we need to cross is always our own minds, we don't mind thinking big, but we must be able to do small enlightenment. Where is the goal we can cross!

What we have to cross in the New Year is our minds, not life itself

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