
Hefei "artificial sun" 70 million °C running more than 1,000 seconds to set a new record, a larger one under construction

Controlled nuclear fusion technology is the future energy mode that all mankind has high hopes for, it uses the principle of sun combustion to release heat, so this kind of experimental device is often called "artificial sun", China's Chinese Academy of Sciences Hefei Institute of Physical Sciences Institute of Plasma Physics has a "artificial sun" known as the "artificial sun" known as the all-superconducting tokamak nuclear fusion experimental device (EAST), on the evening of December 30, 2021, this device has created a world's largest - Achieves 1056 seconds of long pulse high-parameter plasma operation at a high temperature of 70 million °C.

Hefei "artificial sun" 70 million °C running more than 1,000 seconds to set a new record, a larger one under construction

Before we often heard how many seconds of artificial solar devices in a country created operational experiments, this time is usually a few seconds or tens of seconds, some even less than 1 second, this time the Artificial Sun of the Hefei Institute of Physics created a running time of 1056 seconds, a total of 17.6 minutes, is the world's first artificial solar device more than "thousand seconds" time, creating the world's Tokamak device high temperature plasma running the longest record, some industry experts believe that such a length of time has approached the minimum requirements for practical operation.

Hefei "artificial sun" 70 million °C running more than 1,000 seconds to set a new record, a larger one under construction

Superconducting tokamak device is a kind of ring describer that uses magnetic constraint and vacuum insulation to achieve controlled nuclear fusion, the operating principle is to add a small amount of hydrogen isotope deuterium or tritium in the vacuum chamber of the device, and then through physical methods to make it into a plasma under high density and high temperature conditions, and then a fusion reaction occurs, then a powerful energy will be generated. The superconducting tokamak has been recognized by the scientific community as the most effective way to explore and solve the engineering and physical problems of future steady-state fusion reactors.

Hefei "artificial sun" 70 million °C running more than 1,000 seconds to set a new record, a larger one under construction

The all-superconducting tokamak nuclear fusion experimental device of the Institute of Plasma Physics of the Hefei Institute of Physical Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has been built for 10 years since its inception, with a diameter of about 8 meters and a weight of more than 400 tons, which is all the medium and large tokamak devices that have been built in the world.

Hefei "artificial sun" 70 million °C running more than 1,000 seconds to set a new record, a larger one under construction

In February 2016, the all-superconducting tokamak physics experiment in Hefei achieved the longest plasma discharge with an electron temperature of 50 million °C; on November 12, 2018, EAST achieved another 100 million °C plasma discharge; on May 28, 2021, The fully superconducting tokamak nuclear fusion experimental device created a repeatable high temperature of 120 million °C and lasted for 101 seconds, while also achieving 160 million °C for 20 seconds of operation, and now it has achieved a long pulse high-parameter plasma operation of 1056 seconds at a high temperature of 70 million °C, breaking the world record it holds, marking that China is at the world's leading level in controlled nuclear fusion research.

Hefei "artificial sun" 70 million °C running more than 1,000 seconds to set a new record, a larger one under construction

Gong Xianzu, head of the experimental operation of the Hefei EAST device, also said: "The long-pulse high-parameter plasma with an electronic temperature of nearly 70 million degrees Celsius is maintained for 1056 seconds, and the injected energy reaches 1.73 GJ, which is of great significance to the experiment, and the realization of the thousand-second plasma operation has laid a solid scientific and experimental foundation for the future construction of a steady-state fusion engineering reactor." ”

Hefei "artificial sun" 70 million °C running more than 1,000 seconds to set a new record, a larger one under construction
Hefei "artificial sun" 70 million °C running more than 1,000 seconds to set a new record, a larger one under construction

Controllable nuclear fusion power generation technology and today's nuclear energy power generation technology is not the same, today's nuclear power plants use controllable nuclear fission technology, inseparable from the radioactive uranium, plutonium and other heavy elements, once the nuclear leakage occurs, it will cause difficult to clean up the nuclear pollution situation, so many nuclear power countries in the world have limited the application of nuclear power generation technology, shut down many nuclear power plants. However, controllable nuclear fusion technology does not exist in such a situation, it does not exist in the case of heavy element pollution, and after the nuclear fusion device is turned off, the high temperature and high pressure environment disappears immediately, and the nuclear reaction will stop immediately, so it is very safe.

Hefei "artificial sun" 70 million °C running more than 1,000 seconds to set a new record, a larger one under construction

Hefei this all-superconducting tokamak device is only a nuclear fusion experimental reactor, China's next generation of "artificial sun" - China Fusion Engineering Experimental Reactor (CFETR) has completed the engineering design and begun to build, this is a larger nuclear fusion reactor, according to the "Golden Investment Network" September 29, 2021 news said that its fusion reactor host key system comprehensive research facilities are under construction, planned to build a nuclear fusion engineering experimental reactor by 2035, began to practical power generation of large-scale scientific experiments, By 2050, the fusion engineering experimental reactor experiment will be successful and a large fusion commercial demonstration reactor will be built, and the technology of controllable nuclear fusion power generation will be initially mastered, and human beings will no longer worry about energy problems.

Hefei "artificial sun" 70 million °C running more than 1,000 seconds to set a new record, a larger one under construction


World Wide Web December 31, 2021 article "1056 Seconds! Chinese The operation time of the sun exceeds a thousand seconds"

September 29, 2021 article "China's nuclear fusion research sets a world record, 'artificial sun' is expected to provide electricity within 10 years"

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