
Top 10 specialties of Shanxi

author:Pony food diagram

Recognized as the best 10 Shanxi Jin cuisine classics, you also know those

Over-oiled meat: Known as "three Jin and one taste", its origin has a variety of theories, and the practices in various places are different. The more famous ones are Datong, Taiyuan, Yangquan, Jincheng over oil meat, Jincheng 'rice over oil meat", characterized by multi-soup water, with freshly out of the pot of rice to eat together is a must. The method of oiled meat is similar to fried crispy meat, lean pork, meat cut into triangular slices, marinated and sizing, oiled out of the pan, and many ways to eat can be made into stew, stew, feast stir-fry and so on. Traveling to Shanxi without eating oil and meat is equivalent to not having come to Shanxi.

It is a kind of noodle food made with noodles, because its shape is like "fence bucket", which is called "栳栳" by the people. That's why it's called a chestnut. The production method of making noodles is like hemp food, kneaded and steamed in a pot, dipped in a special sauce when eating, and the sauce and meat can be added at will. The taste is different, delicious enough to eat.

Taiyuan Mind: Transcendental origins in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties. It is a kind of food prepared with eight raw materials such as fatty lamb, yellow flowers, simmered noodles, lotus root, long yam, galangal, sake lees, and rice wine, so it is also known as Eight Treasures Soup. When you eat it, you can feel the mixed aroma of wine, medicine and lamb, which is delicious and delicious, and the more you eat it, the more fragrant it becomes. It also has the function of nourishing and invigorating blood.

Haggis cutting: is a local specialty snack in Shanxi. It is also called haggis in other provinces and cities. A traditional folk snack that people often eat in many areas of the north, mainly popular in Shanxi, Shaanxi, Inner Mongolia, Ningxia and other regions, people in these places will eat it as breakfast, the streets and alleys are full of stores selling this snack, often full of high-end friends.

Pea cake: Also known as bean paste cake or Chengsha cake is a special snack in Taiyuan, which is a sweet tooth and is mostly eaten in summer. It is made by peeling and grinding powder with fine peas and adding sugar, persimmon cake and persimmon cream.

Picking the tip: Weighing the plucked fish, picking the strands, is to use chopsticks to pick the noodles along the edge of the plate. The method of this pasta is also very simple and very homely, the flour is stirred into a thicker batter with chopsticks, put on the plate, prepare a chopstick, after the water is boiled, use the chopsticks to pull into the water on the edge of the plate, into the water to become the shape of noodle fish, boiled two fish out of the ready-to-eat, can be fried, stewed, dry mixed. The way of eating can be varied, and the side dishes can be matched. Seasonings are also abundant.

Carp Jumping Dragon Gate: Developed and changed on the basis of sweet and sour carp. In the creation, it is necessary to apply exquisite cutting knife skills, carving techniques, cooking heat and plate modeling, focusing on the instantaneous action of depicting the "jumping dragon gate", so as to achieve godlike and intentional existence, vividly and vividly expressing this ancient myth. It is said that in ancient times, students who rushed to Beijing to take the exam would let them eat a bite of this dish when they left, expressing their wishes.

Sea buckthorn opened his mouth to laugh: In this dish, jujube can replenish qi, nourish blood and calm the spirit; soft yellow rice can nourish yin, qi and replenish; seasoned with sea buckthorn juice, not only taste sweet and sour, but also cough expectorant, digest stagnation. Autumn and winter are perfect for supplementing with this dish.

Shanxi large stew: large stew is rich in content, soup is thick in umami, rich in nutrition, suitable for all ages. The main raw materials of large stew are generally meat slices, fried tofu, potato chunks, meatballs, soybean sprouts, eggplant, beans, kelp and vermicelli. The ingredients are abundant, and the feast is often present.

Steamed pork: pork, potatoes, cooked and chopped, then add flour, seasoning ingredients stir and mix, put into a bowl and steam. Heat and cut into pieces when eaten, and taste like a fairy.

In ancient times, Dingxiang steamed meat was a tribute to the local tribute court, and it was regarded as a treasure by successive court royal courts. It is also a must-have dish for local folk banquets.

Top 10 specialties of Shanxi
Top 10 specialties of Shanxi
Top 10 specialties of Shanxi
Top 10 specialties of Shanxi
Top 10 specialties of Shanxi
Top 10 specialties of Shanxi
Top 10 specialties of Shanxi
Top 10 specialties of Shanxi
Top 10 specialties of Shanxi