
good news! This newspaper's "Bailai Poetry Society" won the Guangxi Literature and Art Huashan Award

good news! This newspaper's "Bailai Poetry Society" won the Guangxi Literature and Art Huashan Award

On December 28th, the Department of Culture and Tourism of the Autonomous Region and the Autonomous Region Federation of Literature and Art officially announced the winners of the second Guangxi Culture and Art Award, and the guangxi Nationalities Daily"s "Bai Lai Poetry Club" project (main creators Huang Haoyun, Wei Xiuguan, Huang Peng, etc.) won the second Guangxi Literature and Art Huashan Award and Innovation Award, which is the first time this newspaper has won this honor.

good news! This newspaper's "Bailai Poetry Society" won the Guangxi Literature and Art Huashan Award
good news! This newspaper's "Bailai Poetry Society" won the Guangxi Literature and Art Huashan Award
good news! This newspaper's "Bailai Poetry Society" won the Guangxi Literature and Art Huashan Award
good news! This newspaper's "Bailai Poetry Society" won the Guangxi Literature and Art Huashan Award
good news! This newspaper's "Bailai Poetry Society" won the Guangxi Literature and Art Huashan Award

In May 2019, Guangxi Nationalities Daily founded the national cultural brand "Pei Lai Poetry Society", launched once a month, regularly planned the creation of theme poems, published original poetry works, and has published 32 special editions of poetry with 44 editions, publishing more than 500 poems by more than 100 poets of more than 100 nationalities across the country, including Han, Zhuang, Mongolian, Hui, Tibetan, Miao, Yi, Buyi, Manchu, Dong, Yao, Bai, Tujia, Kazakh, Mulam, Maonan, Mulam, Pumi and other ethnic groups. He has launched special editions on major themes such as the 85th anniversary of the Xiangjiang Campaign, tribute to the model of the times Huang Wenxiu, the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China, the third march of the Zhuang nationality, the propaganda month of national unity and progress, the fight against the epidemic, poverty alleviation, the centenary of the founding of the party, and rural revitalization, and launched the country's first special issue of poetry on the theme of forging a solid sense of the Chinese national community. At the same time as the paper media was launched, the works were jointly released on the website of Guangxi Nationalities Daily, WeChat public account, Toutiao number, Baidu number and other all-media, and disseminated through multiple channels, forming a gathering effect in the poetry world.

The "Bai Lai Poetry Society" organized 6 poetry readings, 2 literary collections, 2 PEN meetings, and 3 essay collection activities. From January to March 2020, the "Bai Lai Poetry Society" launched 11 series of special topics "Poetry Help, Fight the Epidemic with One Heart" for the first time, and published 139 poems by 109 poets. In September 2020, the topic of "Poetry Helps Fight the Epidemic with One Heart" was praised by the Central Propaganda Department. In October 2020, he participated in the research and wrote the consultation report "Suggestions on Promoting the High-quality Economic and Cultural Development of "Huashan" with the "Bilai Poetry Society"" and won the affirmative instructions of the leaders of the autonomous regional people's government. Nearly 100 mainstream media across the country have reported or commented on the "Bali Poetry Society", which is known as the "Bali Poetry Society Phenomenon".

Source: Guangxi Nationalities Daily| Reporter: Huang Haoyun | Intern Editor: Song Wenping

Editor-in-charge: Huang Yun | Review: Liang Qing | Review: Meng Shuqi | Producer: Wei Xiuguan

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