
2022, with all the good affection

2022, with all the good affection
2022, with all the good affection

Text | Li Jia

Edit | Yan Bao

2022, with all the good affection

In the midst of all the thoughts, there is loss, there is gain, there is laughter, there are tears; some rejoice, some are painful, some are happy, and some are sad.

The north wind came through the mountains and opened a new chapter in the calendar. The old is over, everything is new.

2022, with all the good affection

Time flies, and the rush is frightening. Many simple and repetitive days quietly dissipated, everyone experienced too many people and things, no one lived easier, just some people, never cried bitter.

But in any case, those happy and unhappy, after all, are over.

2022, with all the good affection

Standing at the end of 2021, looking back at this year, there are partings, tears, reunions, joy... We have experienced countless stories, and when we look back, we will feel all the setbacks, difficulties, and those days of gritting our teeth and persevering, they are all clear and clear, like yesterday.

2022, with all the good affection

This year, we learned how to live with the virus, while actively preventing the epidemic, while loving life, even if the epidemic outbreak is sporadic, but the government, the community, the people will no longer panic and disorder, full of confidence and calm response.

This year, we can always feel the warmth brought by the ordinary little things of many ordinary people, some are soldiers in the frontier, some are employees in grass-roots posts, and some are ordinary people who work hard to live... Feel the power, feel the excitement, feel the warmth, these warm glimmers make people move, let people hope.

2022, with all the good affection

This year, extreme weather struck rapidly, Henan and Shanxi were extremely heavy rainstorms, we saw the People's Liberation Army fighting floods and rushing to the rescue at night, and we also saw ordinary people watching out for each other in the rainstorm... There has never been any savior, nor a god emperor, the real hero is the people of this land.

In this year, the Republic lost 28 academicians. These academicians have devoted their lives to the scientific undertakings they love, have no distractions, are unparalleled in their national soldiers, and are the backbone of the Well-deserved Chinese nation.

2022, with all the good affection

The stars fall, and the heavens and the earth mourn together. Gentlemen throughout the ages, my generation should be a model, pass on the torch, work hard, and look up at the stars with down-to-earth feet.

This year, although we are all afraid of suddenness, we are also slowly getting used to the unexpected. In the torrent of the times, we can all feel the weight of the times, and the concentration of sorrow and joy seems to be higher than ever.

2022, with all the good affection

This year, we have witnessed too much. There are not easy moments, but fortunately we all survived.

2022, with all the good affection

In this year, we have experienced a lot of things, but we also know that life is not a smooth road, no matter what kind of difficulties we face, no matter what kind of crises we face in life, we must learn to regulate our emotions, have hope, and live hard.

2022, with all the good affection

This year, even if there are many difficulties, we still rely on our own strength to complete the whole process of 2021. Whatever the past year, we arrive safely to witness the arrival of 2022.

In the past year, we have withstood all the pressure and difficulty, swallowed the tears shed late at night, faced the loneliness of those lonely homecoming at night, and carried the pain of those who did not dare to speak to our families, and survived this year from beginning to end.

2022, with all the good affection

However, no matter how dark the night, there is always dawn; no matter how difficult the day, they are all survived one by one. The sour, sweet, bitter and spicy in life is only the condiment of life after all.

Although life is not easy, we still face it bravely; even if we will be depressed, angry, and cry, we will never give up; cherish and love hard, actively live and work hard.

2022, with all the good affection

No matter how hard a life is, there are reasons to live it well; no matter how difficult a life is, there are ways to take it well. The long night is cold and dark, and you can still grit your teeth to survive the dawn sun.

Everyone has their own difficulties, and everyone is desperately trying to carry their own difficulties. The most terrible thing in life is not the endless difficulties, but the loss of courage and the abandonment of resistance.

2022, with all the good affection

Maybe look back decades later and suddenly feel that this year is just a fragment of the increasing obscurity of our life documentary.

However, every year there are timeless moments worth remembering, recalling and reflecting on, which will become a precious legacy for the rest of our lives.

Life will not treat everyone who strives to move up.

2022, with all the good affection

In this world, there are always some paths that must be walked alone, because no one can replace their feet. Every road that came up had a reason why he had to trek like that; every road he went down had a direction he had to choose.

2022, with all the good affection

In the years, through countless small pictures of time, we can understand the bitter taste that cannot be dissipated in ordinary life, "no longer feel ashamed of doing nothing", but often capture a little beauty and joy in it.

Wave your hand and say goodbye to yesterday. People and things in the past, there is no need to tangle, learn to empty, learn to break away. Those regrets of missing out will surely be the foreshadowing of surprises in the coming year. Be brave and wait for the flowers to bloom.

2022, with all the good affection

Between the raised hands and heads, some people and things are separated to the other side of time, and those who seem to be familiar with each other quietly go away.

Perhaps it is because of these memories and these moments that 2021 has become so different, shining in the memory; it is what makes us look up and stand tall and stride forward.

The road ahead is vast, and everything can be expected. After many years of coming, my heart is always happy.

2022, with all the good affection

No matter what kind of difficulties we encounter, I hope we have the courage to start, and we have the strength to persevere and strive to make 2022 a dream!

I hope that all the persistence can be exchanged for flowers; even if the road ahead is bumpy, it will always be brave to move forward. I also hope that all people have a smile on their face, a light in their eyes, and love in their hearts!

2022, with all the good affection
2022, with all the good affection
2022, with all the good affection

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