
Notice of the National Patriotic Health Office on carrying out the "New Year" patriotic health special activities to help normalize the prevention and control of the epidemic

Notice of the National Patriotic Health Office on carrying out the "New Year" patriotic health special activities to help normalize the prevention and control of the epidemic

Quan'ai Wei Ban Fa [2021] No. 5

All provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps Love and Health Office:

At present, the overall national epidemic situation remains relatively stable, but cases still occur from time to time, and with the approaching of holidays such as New Year's Day and Spring Festival, the population flow has increased, and the prevention and control work cannot be ignored. In order to further create a clean, tidy, healthy and orderly social atmosphere and consolidate the achievements of normalized epidemic prevention and control, the National Patriotic Office decided to carry out the "New Year" patriotic health special activities. The relevant requirements are hereby notified as follows:

1. Theme and time of the event

(1) Theme: "Building a Healthy Home and Sharing a Healthy Festival"

(2) Period: December 2021 to March 2022

2. Activity content

All localities should focus on "paying attention to hygiene, cleaning up dirt and controlling chaos, and preventing and controlling disease vectors", vigorously guide all sectors of society and the general public to cultivate a civilized, healthy, and green and environmentally friendly lifestyle, continuously improve the appearance of urban and rural environmental sanitation, consolidate the mass foundation for epidemic prevention and control, and create a healthy, clean, civilized, orderly, healthy and peaceful holiday environment.

(1) Continue to promote activities to advocate a civilized, healthy, green and environmentally friendly lifestyle. All localities should make full use of all kinds of media and effective carriers to further strengthen the publicity of health knowledge, guide the masses to consciously practice a civilized, healthy, green and environmentally friendly lifestyle, and strive to promote the cultivation of healthy people and cultivate a healthy culture. It is necessary to actively carry out the activity of "popularizing health science into enterprises (units)", focusing on window units such as ports and airport stations, supermarkets, shopping malls and other personnel gathering places, cold chain transportation management, food production and operation and other key industries, do a good job in the prevention and control of infectious diseases, especially the prevention and control of respiratory infectious diseases in winter and spring, and guide the prevention of sanitary cleaning, disinfection and personal protection. It is necessary to use the education before the Spring Festival holiday in schools to carry out a "health science popularization into the classroom" activity to guide students to do a good job in personal hygiene during the winter vacation, adhere to healthy living habits, and through "small hands holding big hands" to drive family members to abandon bad habits and develop a civilized, healthy, green and environmentally friendly lifestyle.

(2) Vigorously carry out comprehensive improvement of urban and rural human settlements. All localities should concentrate on deploying and carrying out a large-scale environmental sanitation rectification operation before the festival, focusing on key areas such as border port areas, along railways and highways, residential quarters, farmers' markets, back streets and alleys, construction (demolition) construction sites, urban villages, and urban-rural junctions, thoroughly cleaning up sanitary dead ends and debris in public places, community courtyards, roofs of corridors, and green belts, removing accumulated garbage, and continuously strengthening environmental sanitation management. It is necessary to extensively mobilize the masses to do it themselves, actively carry out the "two festivals" environmental sanitation cleaning, carry out a major cleanup of the indoor and outdoor environment of the family and the courtyard of the community, and keep the home environment clean, tidy and orderly. It is necessary to focus on the centralized cleaning and rectification of airport stations and other places with large mobility during the two festivals, do a good job of cleaning and cleaning in a timely manner, and strengthen the elimination of key parts, effectively reduce the risk of the spread of the epidemic through the external environment, and ensure that the broad masses of people can travel with confidence.

(3) Comprehensively strengthen vector biological control. All localities should eliminate the breeding ground of the "four pests" by entrusting third-party professional companies and organizing the masses, and control and eliminate the breeding environment of vector organisms such as rats, cockroaches, mosquitoes, and flies from the source. The northern region should focus on the eradication of rats, strengthen the prevention and control of vectors in various markets, especially farmers' markets, and resolutely avoid the occurrence of hemorrhagic fever and plague. The southern region should take advantage of the best period for mosquito control in winter, when mosquito activity is weak, the resistance is poor, and the aggregation range is concentrated, to carry out unified activities to eliminate overwintering adult mosquitoes and mosquito eggs, and effectively curb the breeding and adult mosquito density of mosquitoes next summer. Beijing Municipality, Hebei Province and its neighboring provinces should go all out to do a good job in ensuring vector biological control for the Winter Olympic Games and the Winter Paralympic Games, focusing on the venues and surrounding areas involved in the Winter Olympic Games, comprehensively investigating and rectifying the key places where vector organisms breed, organizing professionals to do a good job in vector elimination and killing, and ensuring the safe holding of the Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games.

(4) Make every effort to create a smoke-free holiday atmosphere. All localities should continue to carry out tobacco control publicity, give full play to the role of authoritative experts, enhance the public's understanding of the harm of tobacco, call on everyone to abandon stereotypes such as sending cigarettes and respecting tobacco, and consciously do not send cigarettes, do not respect cigarettes, and drink less alcohol during holiday gatherings, and create a healthy and self-disciplined holiday atmosphere. It is necessary to vigorously publicize that not smoking is a civilized behavior, and not allowing others to smoke second-hand smoke is a social moral behavior, promote the formation of a good social atmosphere of not smoking in front of others and the courage to refuse second-hand smoke, so that the broad masses can spend a smoke-free healthy festival. Beijing Municipality and Hebei Province should further do a good job in guaranteeing smoke-free Winter Olympics.

3. Activity requirements

All localities should combine local realities and the current requirements for the prevention and control of key infectious diseases in winter and spring, earnestly strengthen organizational leadership, act quickly, pay close attention to formulating specific work plans, clarify target tasks, key work lists, and division of responsibilities, and strive to promote the implementation of various tasks in detail, so as to ensure that the patriotic health activities of "Welcoming the New Year" achieve tangible results. All local love and health offices should give full play to the role of overall planning and coordination, strengthen communication and cooperation with all member units, widely mobilize all sectors of society and the broad masses to actively participate in activities, and promote the formation of a good social atmosphere in which everyone participates and everyone works. During the event, all localities should timely sort out and report the work highlights and dynamics of the special activities, and the National Patriotic Health Office will organize the publicity and promotion of the experience of the activities in various places in a timely manner in the form of work briefings and experience exchanges.

National Patriotic Health Office

December 22, 2021

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