
So why is there so many people who miss the rotten Republic of China? Look at the picture and speak, and peel off the coat of the Republic of China

What does the Republic of China really look like? Let's speak with photos taken during the Republic of China period.

After dissecting, will anyone still think of dreaming of returning to the Republic of China and desperately singing praises for the Republic of China?

So why is there so many people who miss the rotten Republic of China? Look at the picture and speak, and peel off the coat of the Republic of China

1. Whose Republic of China is the Republic of China

If you change this photo to color, many people still think that this is modern Japan? In fact, this is the life of the upper classes of the Republic of China.

Look at the lives of these people: there are flowers, there are beautiful women, there are sofas, there are suits, there are perfumes, there are flush toilets, and more importantly, they are powerful and powerful.

There are 40,000 people in the Republic of China, but who is the Republic of China? Is it forty million people? No, the Republic of China belongs to these big families of the Republic of China.

Whether it is the "four major families" or the "four hundred families", it is this group of people who occupy all the high-quality resources of the Republic of China, including all the power, minerals and beautiful women in the Republic of China, right?

So why is there so many people who miss the rotten Republic of China? Look at the picture and speak, and peel off the coat of the Republic of China

2. What is the life of the bottom of the Republic of China?

Look at this group of people, like the people in goose city?

Look at the sluggish eyes of the people of the Republic of China, the half-naked bodies and their dull bodies and souls, like a bunch of thinkingless lambs?

If the sharp-eyed reader will also find that some of them still have braids, yes, this is the Republic of China, and many people's braids never want to be cut.

Whether it is the Book of Shangjun or the Zizhi Tongjian, or the sage's classic saying that "only can be ruled, it is unknowable", in the eyes of the emperors, these ignorant people are the ideal "good people" in their eyes, aren't they?

So why is there so many people who miss the rotten Republic of China? Look at the picture and speak, and peel off the coat of the Republic of China

3. The era of hooliganism

Although the author himself respects Mr. Du, he still has to take out photos of his family to make some articles.

Why would a legitimate government resort to a bunch of rogue Ah Fei? In fact, this is exactly the imperial technique of the Eastern Empire for thousands of years.

Whether it is the Cao Gang of the Qing Dynasty in Li Wei's hands or the Qing Gang of the Republic of China, in other words, they are just a group of lackeys under the emperor.

In the operation of the empire, the emperor will encounter a lot of things he wants to do and violate ethics and the rule of law, at this time they just have to direct the gang behind their backs, they will leave themselves behind.

When necessary, you can also arrest a group of gangster brothers, that is, to prove their greatness, and to save a fat year like raising pigs and killing pigs, and to buy people's hearts.

But no matter how fans of the Republic of China wash their whites, without the acquiescence of the Republic of China government and the gangsters who protect the Republic of China, they can't survive even a day, can they?

So why is there so many people who miss the rotten Republic of China? Look at the picture and speak, and peel off the coat of the Republic of China

4. The Republic of China is a gentry

What is a gentleman? Lu Xun's Grandfather Zhao is a gentry, and the gentleman in this photo wielding a civilized stick and beating and begging the elderly in the street is also a gentry.

You have to ask the gentleman why he beat this poor old lady, but the author says from the bottom of his heart that the responsibility really lies with the old lady.

In the eyes of the gentry of the Republic of China, why are the poor people of the Republic of China poor? Because they don't work hard enough, because they rely on it, because they are born to be inferior in their bones...

When the poor people of the Republic of China retort that you gentry not only occupy the best land and minerals of the nation, but you also occupy all the power, will you give us the opportunity for cattle and sheep to develop and grow?

When the gentry heard this, just like Grandpa Zhao angrily beat Ah Q, they didn't care why you were poor, anyway, you were poor all your own problem.

You're poor, you're poor and still complaining everywhere, who don't beat you?

So why is there so many people who miss the rotten Republic of China? Look at the picture and speak, and peel off the coat of the Republic of China

5. Officials of the Republic of China who play a general role

When it comes to acting skills, all officials of the Republic of China should be Oscar winners.

Look at these officials of the Republic of China, in order to show their compassion and love, in the ice and snow, they actually condescended to the slums and braved the wind and cold to comfort the poor people who did not have a good life.

In order to show their fraternity and greatness, they will not only publish such photos in the newspapers, but also find first-class rogue literati to sing their praises and praises.

These people will never believe that their hypocrisy and greed will one day go down in history, but the question is, will they care?

So why is there so many people who miss the rotten Republic of China? Look at the picture and speak, and peel off the coat of the Republic of China

6. Bandit logic obtained out of the box

What is out-of-line acquisition? Robbers, for example.

This tree was planted by me, this road is opened by me, I want to cross this road, leave the money to buy life.

Some people say, isn't this robbery? The so-called breakthrough acquisition, to put it bluntly, is to grab.

For example, a sample of very low-priced commodities, the price itself is only worth 1 yuan, but people want 100 yuan a package to sell to you, you do not buy their is not OK, this is a breakthrough acquisition.

In the Republic of China, whoever has the power has the power to obtain the power out of the ordinary, what is the difference between this and the robbers?

So why is there so many people who miss the rotten Republic of China? Look at the picture and speak, and peel off the coat of the Republic of China

7. The "Great Benevolent Man" that is difficult to find in eternity

The original purpose of this old man was to rely on this photo to make a name for eternity, but later the development of history tells us that this has become the evidence of his infatuation for thousands of years.

Look at the cute face of this great old man, and then look at the hungry little faces around him, reader, don't you think he is the greatest "great benevolent man" in the world?

So why is there so many people who miss the rotten Republic of China? Look at the picture and speak, and peel off the coat of the Republic of China

8. Is there still a royal law? Is there still a law?

Whenever the author sees this picture, the author can't help but applaud the director of this play, and only five words explain everything about the Republic of China, right?

So why is there so many people who miss the rotten Republic of China? Look at the picture and speak, and peel off the coat of the Republic of China

9. On the Law of the Republic of China

Does the Republic of China have laws? There is, and is very complete, created by a group of true elites.

Even if the most complete law is not enforced or selectively enforced, what is the difference between that and not being able to do it?

The Republic of China has laws, but it is only aimed at the poor people at the bottom, isn't it?

So why is there so many people who miss the rotten Republic of China? Look at the picture and speak, and peel off the coat of the Republic of China

10. The prince who punched him in the face investigated the case

We have also learned this story of the Republic of China in the primary school history books, but here the author will make a brief rambling again.

When the emperor of the Republic of China sent the crown prince to Jiangnan to investigate the case, cha lai cha actually found their own family.

The prince was still young at the time, and he thought that he could solve all problems with his enthusiasm and justice alone, but he did not know that in the Republic of China, there were already all kinds of entanglements, and no one could shake the interests of these big figures.

The prince's investigation of the case this time is false, and taking this opportunity to eliminate dissidents is the truth, isn't it?

You've seen doctors operate on themselves, but have you ever seen doctors operate on themselves?

So why is there so many people who miss the rotten Republic of China? Look at the picture and speak, and peel off the coat of the Republic of China

11. The embarrassment of the Emperor of the Republic of China

Speaking from the heart, the emperor of the Republic of China also wants to govern the Republic of China well, but the question is whether the Republic of China can decide for himself?

Some people say, isn't he the emperor? But how did the emperor of the Republic of China come up? He himself was a pile of, and what right did he have to shake his courtiers?

To investigate, the first person to investigate is the Emperor of the Republic of China himself, isn't it?

So why is there so many people who miss the rotten Republic of China? Look at the picture and speak, and peel off the coat of the Republic of China

12, what about your motherfucker's Italian cannon?

What happens when the problems of the Republic of China accumulate to a certain extent? There will be countless mud legs like Li Yunlong.

Although Li Yunlong and these people speak very rudely, are they unreasonable in what they say?

So why is there so many people who miss the rotten Republic of China? Look at the picture and speak, and peel off the coat of the Republic of China

13. Whoever dares to tell the truth in the Republic of China will die

We all learned this text when we were in elementary school, and the literati in the photo was assassinated by Kuomintang agents because he said a few big truths.

In the Republic of China, when everyone was telling lies and everyone was scrambling to sing hymns, whoever told the truth was doomed to live not long, right?

So why is there so many people who miss the rotten Republic of China? Look at the picture and speak, and peel off the coat of the Republic of China

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