
Promoted horse to the AFC Champions League!

At present, only the last two rounds of the Chinese Super League remain. After the champion has been locked up by Shandong Taishan, what remains is the battle for the top four ranking honors.

Promoted horse to the AFC Champions League!
Promoted horse to the AFC Champions League!

The top four are more of a struggle for AFC Champions League qualification. Changchun Yatai is currently ranked fourth, 9 points ahead of fifth-place Shenzhen team, and the top four teams have been born, namely Shandong Taishan, Guangzhou, Shanghai Haigang and Changchun Yatai. The suspense that remains is just a 2-4 ranking battle. The most intense is the runner-up battle, if the current round of Guangzhou and Haigang win, the direct dialogue in the final round of the league will determine the final league runner-up and third place.

The Shenzhen team is undoubtedly the most disappointing to the fans, this season Shenzhen has introduced Colombian foreign aid Kintro and Brazilian center Caldek, as well as midfielder Wakaso, who made great contributions to Jiangsu Suning's victory last season, and finally the Chinese Super League Fast Horse, who played for Tianjin Achimpen last season.

Coupled with a number of very experienced players in China, Gao Lin, Wang Yongpo, Zhang Lu, and young player Dai Weijun, the configuration of the Shenzhen team this season, in the "current environment of the Chinese Super League", can be said to be quite luxurious. However, their results were not satisfactory, and they did not meet their goal of striving for the AFC Champions League at the beginning of the season.

Recently, some media exposed that The contract between Shenzhen coach Carlos and the team is about to expire, and the last 2 league games of the team may be commanded by Zhang Xiaorui. Perhaps, the Shenzhen team can find a new manager in advance to prepare for the next season's goals.

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