
Is it more nutritious to eat raw? About eggs, the 4 rumors that have been spread the most, let's refute them one by one

Eggs are arguably the most inexpensive food on the planet.

You know, an egg not only contains 7 grams of protein, but also has all 8 essential amino acids needed by the human body, rich in lecithin.

The most important thing is that the protein type and amino acid composition ratio in eggs are perfect, second only to breast milk.

However, because of the prevalence of eggs, egg red is not much, there are many problems with eating eggs, and there are also some misunderstandings.

Is it more nutritious to eat raw? About eggs, the 4 rumors that have been spread the most, let's refute them one by one

For example, these 3 types:

Raw eggs, are they really delicious?

There are also many ways to cook eggs, which can be directly fried, fried, raw or boiled. Of course, there is another method that the average person will not choose----- eat it raw.

I believe that many people have watched Japanese dramas or cartoons and seem to find that Japanese people like to eat raw egg bibimbap.

Is it more nutritious to eat raw? About eggs, the 4 rumors that have been spread the most, let's refute them one by one

For some bodybuilders and health-loving people, eating raw is a way to directly take all the nutrients, which can ensure that the nutrients contained in the eggs are not destroyed and wasted.

Leaving aside whether this way of eating is delicious, from a health point of view, raw eggs may hide many health risks.

Is it more nutritious to eat raw? About eggs, the 4 rumors that have been spread the most, let's refute them one by one

Raw eggs, there are a lot of bacteria

Many eggs are sold with chicken manure or blood on their shells, which in itself causes some contamination.

Because there are many small holes in the eggshell, the yolk communicates with the outside world through these small holes, so it creates opportunities for the invasion of microorganisms and bacteria.

Therefore, raw eggs will carry some pathogenic bacteria or microorganisms.

Among the many microbial infections, the most susceptible to egg infection is Salmonella. In China, the presence of Salmonella can be detected from eggs and egg products every year, and the detection rate is as high as 44%.

Salmonella is almost always present in meat, eggs and milk.

If the human body ingests this bacterium, it may have diarrhea, fever, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and other manifestations of food poisoning, which can be life-threatening in severe cases.

The way to effectively prevent Salmonella infection is to heat the food, boiled eggs and fried eggs at high temperatures will not contain bacteria, so from the perspective of food health, raw eggs are not hygienic.

Is it more nutritious to eat raw? About eggs, the 4 rumors that have been spread the most, let's refute them one by one

Raw eggs, can you really retain all the nutrients?

In fact, raw eggs and boiled eggs, the nutrients between the two will not be too different, even if you eat raw eggs, in fact, there is not much difference from eating cooked eggs.

According to scientific analysis, the digestion and absorption rate of cooked eggs in the intestine after cooking is 100%, while eating raw is only 35-50%. This is due to the fact that after the eggs are cooked, they can also improve the digestion and utilization of the proteins in them.

Is it more nutritious to eat raw? About eggs, the 4 rumors that have been spread the most, let's refute them one by one

Can I eat eggs with a cold?

Colds are divided into mild and severe colds.

Mild colds recommend eating foods that are easily digested and absorbed, and eggs are a good part of this food.

Eggs contain calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium, potassium and various vitamins, which are easy for the stomach to digest and intestinal absorption, and will not cause any impact on the gastrointestinal tract.

If a cold is accompanied by diarrhea, abdominal pain, or vomiting, it is best to seek medical treatment in time, and the required diet should also take the advice of a doctor.

In fact, the cold does not affect the patient's ability to eat eggs, provided that the patient can tolerate a large amount of protein in the egg, and there will be no diarrhea, abdominal pain and other digestive tract problems after eating.

Is it more nutritious to eat raw? About eggs, the 4 rumors that have been spread the most, let's refute them one by one

Eggs, can not be eaten with soy milk?

It is said that soy milk contains trypsin inhibitors, which will inhibit the digestion of proteins and thus affect the absorption of nutrients in eggs.

In fact, the soy milk we drink, the trypsin inhibitor has long lost its activity during the cooking process, and does not have the effect of inhibiting protein digestion.

So please rest assured, when drinking soy milk, you can feel free to mix boiled eggs, tea eggs, etc., do not worry at all.

Is it more nutritious to eat raw? About eggs, the 4 rumors that have been spread the most, let's refute them one by one

Can you eat up to two eggs a day?

Many people are afraid of the cholesterol in eggs, and eating more will exceed the standard.

But in fact, the blood cholesterol level and the daily intake of cholesterol is not much related, but with the intake of fat, activity intensity and so on will be more related.

For healthy adults, if they like to eat eggs, eating two or three eggs a day is not too much of a problem.

Of course, too much protein will increase the burden on the liver and kidneys, so if there is a problem with the liver and kidney burden, you may wish to consult a doctor in advance.

Is it more nutritious to eat raw? About eggs, the 4 rumors that have been spread the most, let's refute them one by one

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