
The term fascist was not invented in Germany, it had appeared long ago

In the Second World War, we often hear some such words, overthrowing fascism, opposing the fascist empire, etc., and Germany is the representative of fascism, but what fascism really means, and how many people know it, some think that fascism is Germany, Germany is fascism, or think that fascism was invented by Germany, but the word fascism was not invented by Germany, but appeared as early as the Roman Republic, in the Roman Empire, the word is a bundle, This stick was owned by the Roman dictator.

The term fascist was not invented in Germany, it had appeared long ago

And the Roman Republic in peacetime by two consuls to hold the highest executive power, the reason for the establishment of two consuls is to hold each other, only in war or national emergency, the establishment of dictators, because it is a period of emergency, so the dictator has great power, the power of life and death, whenever you want to execute a person, are with a bundle of sticks, first whipped, beaten to the skin and then killed with an axe, in the Roman Empire is a criminal law, so the first to create fascism is not Hitler of Germany, It was Mussolini in Italy, and the Roman Empire was later Italy, so how did it evolve into the current fascism?

The term fascist was not invented in Germany, it had appeared long ago

After the end of the First World War, Mussolini established a fascist party in Italy, advocating and promoting fascism, the party members wear black uniforms, so also known as the "black shirt party", in 1922, Mussolini launched a coup d'état, seized power, established the world's first fascist dictatorship in Italy, therefore, fascism became synonymous with dictatorship and violence, during the Second World War, Japan, Italy under Mussolini, Germany under Hitler is three typical fascist countries, Constantly killing the peoples of other countries, because fascism is the enemy of human civilization, Hitler burned books in Germany and burned the works of Marx, Heine, Zola and many other precious treasures of human culture.

The term fascist was not invented in Germany, it had appeared long ago

To put it bluntly, fascism is the representative of darkness, destruction, and brutality, the "sworn enemy" of all beautiful synonyms, the Nazi party Hitler on the basis of fascism, transformed, these Nazi parties, wearing brown uniforms, also known as the "brown shirt party", in 1933 Hitler with the support of The German monopoly capitalists, became the prime minister of the cabinet, in 1934 The German President Hindenburg died, Hitler created the "Reichstag arson case", launched a coup, seized power, became the head of state, abolished the democratic republic in Germany, The establishment of a fascist dictatorship that was more despotic and brutal than in Italy, the mass murder of Jews, and even the construction of crematoria, how bloody.

In addition to the promotion of fascism in Germany, there is also a country that worships fascism, this country is the Japan we are familiar with, but Japan's fascism is different from Germany, Japan's fascism is mainly the Japanese military, some right-wing parties and "royal literati" have acted as accomplices and drummers, Japanese fascism is more militaristic and dictatorial, so it is called "Japanese militarism", no matter how it evolves, the word fascism is not invented by Germany, the Roman Empire has appeared.

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