
How powerful is Xu Huang, and why does he dare to single out Yan Liang and Wen Ugly? Isn't he afraid of death?

Xu Huang, Zi Gongming, Hebei Yang (

Southeast of present-day Hongdong, Shanxi

He was originally a chevalier general, Yang Fengbu, and later defected to Cao Cao. From then on, Xu Huang followed Cao Cao in his southern expedition to the north, made great military achievements, and made outstanding contributions to the establishment of Cao Wei's regime, and was known as Cao Wei."

Five sons of a good general


So, how powerful is Xu Huang?

How powerful is Xu Huang, and why does he dare to single out Yan Liang and Wen Ugly? Isn't he afraid of death?

I think Xu Huang's martial arts can rank among the first-class martial artists of the Three Kingdoms. There's a poem about oil that says:

One Lü Two Zhao San Dianwei, Four Passes Five Horses six Zhang Fei, Huang Xusun Tai two Xiahou, two Xu PangGan Zhou Wei, gun god Zhang Xiu and Wen Yan, although brave and helpless, too sad, twenty-four generals of the Three Kingdoms, the last Deng Ai and Jiang Wei.

This oil poem was first written in Mao Zonggang's "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", from which it can be seen that Xu Huang ranked fifteenth among the famous generals of the Three Kingdoms.

Of course, the ranking of this oil poem is not necessarily accurate, for example, Xu Huang once fought against Yan Liang and Wen Ugly at the peak of his life, and he was in the inferior position. Nevertheless, it is enough to explain the high level of Xu Huang's martial arts. The following author will tell you the story of Xu Huang's great battle against Yan Liang and Wen Ugly.

First, Xu Huang vs. Yan Liang

How powerful is Xu Huang, and why does he dare to single out Yan Liang and Wen Ugly? Isn't he afraid of death?

Xu Huang and Yan Liang fought each other in the twenty-fifth time of the Renyi:

Tuntu Shan Guan's three things, saving the white horse Cao Cao to break the siege.

At that time, Yuan Shao ignored the advice of Frustrated Zhi and sent the general Yan Liang as the vanguard to attack Baima. Soon, Liu Yan, the Taishou of Dong Commandery, was in a hurry and asked Cao Cao for help. When Cao Cao heard the news, he immediately led his army to Baima. The first person in Cao Cao's camp to fight Yan Liang was Lü Bu's general Song Xian, who was beheaded by Yan Liang within three rounds. Later, in order to avenge Song Xian, Wei Xu asked for orders to fight Yan Liang, and as a result, within one round, he was killed by Yan Liang.

Immediately afterward, Xu Huang fought Yan Liang, fought for twenty rounds, and was defeated. At this time, everyone will be terrified. The relevant descriptions in the speech are as follows:

Xu Huang responded with a voice, fought with Yan Liang for twenty times, and was defeated by the main front. The generals will be chestnut.

How powerful is Xu Huang, and why does he dare to single out Yan Liang and Wen Ugly? Isn't he afraid of death?

In the end, it was Guan Yu who came out of the horse before yan liang was killed.

From this battle, it can be seen that Xu Huang was bold and saw General Yuan Shao and "

Hebei Four Court Pillars

Yan Liang, the head of the group, was also completely unafraid.

Second, Xu Huang's war is ugly

As mentioned earlier, Yan Liang was extremely brave and fierce, beheading several generals of Cao Cao in a row, and finally beheaded by Guan Yu. Guan Yu was awarded the title of Marquis of Hanshouting for his military exploits. After Hearing the news of Yan Liang's death, Wen Qiu was furious and immediately asked Yuan Shao for his life to avenge Yan Liang.

How powerful is Xu Huang, and why does he dare to single out Yan Liang and Wen Ugly? Isn't he afraid of death?

Unexpectedly, this time, Cao Cao was ready, and he asked the army to pile up the heavy piles on the road to confuse the enemy and make the army camp on the mountain. After Wen Qiu led an army of 150,000 to Yanjin, the army immediately went to grab the weight. At this time, Cao Cao's army rushed down the mountain and defeated the Wen ugly army. Zhang Liao and Xu Huang saw the situation, chased after Wen Ugly, and shouted:

"Where to go?"

Wen Qiu saw that two generals were pursuing him, and he took a bow and arrow and shot Zhang Liao's helmet. Zhang Liao struggled to catch up, and was shot in the cheek by Wen Ugly's arrow, and the horse fell to its front hoof. At this moment, Wen Ugly rushed to Zhang Liao and was blocked by Xu Huang. After the two fought for a while, Xu Huang saw that the enemy was not enough, and he rode back. Suddenly, in an instant, Guan Yu appeared, and within three rounds, he cut Wen Ugly off his horse.

How powerful is Xu Huang, and why does he dare to single out Yan Liang and Wen Ugly? Isn't he afraid of death?

From this battle, it can be seen that Zhang Liao and Xu Huang are not wen ugly opponents together.

At this point, here's the problem:

Why did Xu Huang dare to challenge Yan Liang and Wen Ugly at his peak? Isn't he afraid of death?

The first point that needs to be explained is that Xu Huang must be afraid of death, otherwise he will definitely fight with Yan Liang and Wen Ugly to the end, and will not be in the inferior position, and run away when he sees the situation. As for Xu Huang's daring to single out Yan Liang and Wen Ugly at his peak, the author believes that there are the following three reasons.

First of all, Xu Huang is a very smart person, and every time he singles out Yan Liang and Wen Ugly, he seizes a good opportunity.

How powerful is Xu Huang, and why does he dare to single out Yan Liang and Wen Ugly? Isn't he afraid of death?

For example, when Xu Huang fought Yan Liang, Yan Liang had already fought with Song Xian and Wei Xu, and must have been exhausted. And Xu Huang was standing on the sidelines, full of energy, he took advantage of this time to single out Yan Liang, and the probability of winning was very large. Xu Huang really did not expect that Yan Liangzhiyong was far above him. Therefore, when Xu Huang knew that he was invincible to Yan Liang, he quickly slipped away.

For example, when Xu Huang was fighting against Wen Ugly, Zhang Liao was by his side. Xu Huang thought that even if Wen Ugly was strong, it would be difficult to beat the two of them. Therefore, he fearlessly singled out the ugly.

Secondly, Xu Huang had just surrendered to Cao Cao, and he needed to make meritorious achievements.

How powerful is Xu Huang, and why does he dare to single out Yan Liang and Wen Ugly? Isn't he afraid of death?

At that time, Xu Huang had just surrendered to Cao Cao. And he knew that Cao Cao's fierce generals were like clouds, all of them had experienced hundreds of battles, and they were first-class military generals. If Xu Huang wanted to be appreciated and reused by Cao Cao, he had to kill several generals to prove his strength.

Finally, Xu Huang, as a military general, must show a fearless spirit if he wants to make a name for himself.

Every military general hopes that he will have outstanding achievements and be respected by others. And to achieve this, it is useless to just talk about it, there must be action and performance.

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