
Small class sizes for young children | large, medium and primary schools

Small class sizes for young children | large, medium and primary schools

hi! I'm PMTkevin, and today I'm going to share a lego toddler small class, large, medium, and small. At the beginning of the design of this lesson at that time, it was hoped to be able to integrate some children with cognitive knowledge points into the science and technology innovation, and combined with the age characteristics of small class children, their known knowledge range was mainly in the life scene, so that there was a large, medium, and small course.

Small class sizes for young children | large, medium and primary schools

In fact, the dimensions of large, medium, and small are very broad, and the room for play in the curriculum is also very large, such as the age of large, medium, and small, and the children in the small class are small, so the brothers and sisters of the primary school and junior high school are middle for them, and the parents are big for them.

Small class sizes for young children | large, medium and primary schools

Or the size dimension of the item, you can see the three different sizes of cups shown in the above figure.

Small class sizes for young children | large, medium and primary schools

What I chose in this lesson is the dimension of space.

Example bootstrap:

Children, you see the chair in our room is not very small, and then in the place just into the door what ah, the sofa is not right, is not much larger than the small chair, and then our children sleep on the bed is not larger, different sizes of objects are not occupied by the space is also different ah? So today, we will understand and compare three objects of different sizes.

Small class sizes for young children | large, medium and primary schools

On the construction, you can see that I have made three spaces of different sizes, and through each space can accommodate the different and size of the objects, further strengthen the children's perception of the large, medium, small and spatial.

Well, today's sharing will go here first, thank you for watching, we will see you in the next issue! Remember to keep following me!

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