
The "Taihu Guerrillas" of Taihu Commander Xue Yonghui belonged to the Unit led by the New Fourth Army?

During the Period of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, in the area around Taihu Lake in Wuxi, an anti-Japanese guerrilla force led by Xue Yonghui and Gu Fuxing was active, and they relied on the vast Taihu Lake to continuously and fiercely attack the arrogance of the Japanese Kou and enhance the confidence of the Chinese nation in the victory of the War of Resistance.

The "Taihu Guerrillas" of Taihu Commander Xue Yonghui belonged to the Unit led by the New Fourth Army?

Xue Yonghui, commander of Taihu Lake, served as the first county magistrate of Wuxi County after liberation

From the bombing of Wuxi Railway Station by the Japanese army on September 28, 1937, and the fall of Wuxi County on November 25, 1937, the people of Wuxi entered the most tragic nightmare.

In order to eliminate the spirit of resistance of the people of Wuxi, the Japanese Kou carried out a fascist atrocity that exterminated humanity in Wuxi.

First, the Japanese came, committed numerous crimes against Wuxi, and also frightened a group of national scum without backbones.

1. The Japanese army has successively created dozens of large-scale massacres in Wuxi, such as the Tanhuadun Massacre, the Nanqiantou Massacre, the Xuxiang Massacre, the Sitou Massacre, and the Mashan Massacre.

Japanese military reporter Hondo Katsuichi wrote in "Marching toward Nanjing": The streets of Wuxi County are deserted, and on both sides of the road lie some charred naked corpses that have been charred by wheels, some of which are only bones... The city of Wuxi, with a population of 200,000, could hardly find a single resident after the departure of the large troops.

The "Taihu Guerrillas" of Taihu Commander Xue Yonghui belonged to the Unit led by the New Fourth Army?

Rikou was about to assemble from the West City Gate of Wuxi County again and prepare to go to the countryside to sweep up

The "Taihu Guerrillas" of Taihu Commander Xue Yonghui belonged to the Unit led by the New Fourth Army?

The Japanese massacred the people of Wuxi

According to statistics, in the early days of the fall of Wuxi, the Japanese army killed more than 14,150 people in Wuxi County alone.

2. Rikou arbitrarily rapes Wuxi women in broad daylight.

In addition to setting up "comfort stations" in the city's Sheng Lane, Fengguang Bridge, and International Hotel, the Japanese army also wantonly raped women on the streets. When they collectively raped 20 women who had taken refuge here by the Red Cross Society in Dongmen Jinshifang Lane, each woman was gang-raped by seventeen or eight devils, and 6 to 7 people were raped on the spot and 6 to 7 people died...

In the early days of the fall, the Japanese army captured more than 3,000 women in Wuxi County; during the 8-year War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, more than 10,000 women were raped by the Japanese army in Wuxi County.

The "Taihu Guerrillas" of Taihu Commander Xue Yonghui belonged to the Unit led by the New Fourth Army?

A Wuxi girl

3. There are also countless property losses caused by the Japanese to the people of Wuxi in the sky-high fire.

In Wuxi County, 102 rural villages were completely burned, 92 villages were partially destroyed, more than 160,000 houses were burned in the county, and hundreds of thousands of people were displaced.

During this period, a large number of Wuxi traitors, including Miao Bin, threw themselves into the arms of the Japanese and helped the Japanese to mutilate the Wuxi compatriots.

The "Taihu Guerrillas" of Taihu Commander Xue Yonghui belonged to the Unit led by the New Fourth Army?

Wuxi County under japanese occupation

Second, the atrocities of the Japanese army also aroused the incomparable anger of the brave people of Wuxi, and everyone organized teams to fight.

In the face of the atrocities committed by the Japanese, the people of Wuxi spontaneously stood up to fight against the Japanese, and the anti-Japanese organizations mushroomed.

1. Chen Fengwei formed the Huaixi Five Townships Joint Defense Brigade in the Dongting and Chaqiao areas; Yan Gongwei formed a joint defense brigade in the areas of Zhaimen and Zhangjing; Zhu Ruoyu formed a night defense brigade in Northeast Tang and gradually expanded into a guerrilla force; Huang Dasan established an anti-Japanese self-defense brigade at Zhoutan Bridge; Qiang Xue organized the Meicun Self-Defense Joint Defense Brigade...

2. Gu Fuxing (Gu Zhengji), a Wuxi native, formed a team in the Xushe area, and they killed four Japanese Kou and an interpreter at Huazhuang in March 1938; in late May 1940, Gu Fuxing killed the Japanese captain Omijima of the Xin'an stronghold.

The "Taihu Guerrillas" of Taihu Commander Xue Yonghui belonged to the Unit led by the New Fourth Army?

Guerrilla warfare in water towns enriched China's guerrilla warfare tactics

In addition to these small-scale local anti-Japanese struggles, the main body of Su Yu's First Division of the New Fourth Army (such as Ye Fei's First Brigade) and later the Sixth Division of the New Fourth Army were strong revolutionary troops that grew up and developed in southern Jiangsu, including Wuxi.

The anti-Japanese action of the people of Wuxi is like a torch in the night, which points out the direction in which the people want to advance and also strengthens the confidence of the masses in Wuxi in the victory of the anti-Japanese resistance.

After the Anhui Incident, the Sixth Division of the New Fourth Army was established in the Taihu Lake area in the south of the jiangsu Province and in the areas occupied by the enemy along the coast of the river, and the Taihu Lake guerrillas also made a name.

After the reconstruction of the New Fourth Army after the Anhui Incident in southern Anhui in 1941, Tan Zhenlin established the Sixth Division of the New Fourth Army in the southern Jiangsu region, of which the division headquarters was in zhaimen in today's Xibei Town, Wuxi.

In this context, Gu Fuxing's anti-Japanese guerrilla unit was reorganized into the Taihu Anti-Japanese Guerrilla Detachment of the New Fourth Army, with Gu Fuxing as commander and Su Zhengxi as deputy commander.

After Gu Fuxing defected to the Kuomintang under the deception of Su Zhengxi, Xue Yonghui became the commander of the Taihu guerrillas.

The name of the "Taihu Guerrilla" team has been playing even louder ever since.

(Note: Later, Gu Fuxing returned to the Taihu guerrillas.) )

The "Taihu Guerrillas" of Taihu Commander Xue Yonghui belonged to the Unit led by the New Fourth Army?

Taihu Lake Guerrilla Memorial

In accordance with the spirit of guerrilla warfare of our party and in combination with the geographical characteristics of the dense water network in the Wuxi area, the Taihu guerrilla unit creatively developed guerrilla warfare in the water towns of Jiangnan. They flexibly transported various tactical combinations such as blockade warfare, encirclement warfare, ambush warfare, roundabout warfare, quick decisive battle, and breakthrough warfare, and achieved fruitful results and dealt a heavy blow to the Japanese puppet army.

In the arduous and glorious struggle, Xue Yonghui and the Taihu guerrillas became an anti-Japanese banner in the hearts of the people in the Taihu lake area in southern Jiangsu.

The "Taihu Guerrillas" of Taihu Commander Xue Yonghui belonged to the Unit led by the New Fourth Army?

Taihu guerrillas

Therefore, in terms of combat sequence, the Taihu guerrillas belonged to the Eighteenth Brigade of the Sixth Division of the New Fourth Army under the leadership of Tan Zhenlin.

The "Taihu Guerrillas" of Taihu Commander Xue Yonghui belonged to the Unit led by the New Fourth Army?

After eight years of war of resistance, the people of Wuxi finally ushered in victory

Conclusion: Xue Yonghui led the Taihu Lake guerrillas, which were scattered, scattered and rebuilt, and they successively had more than 200 members martyred, and the heroic deeds can be sung and wept.

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