
Before Song Jiang died, why did he poison Li Kui with poisoned wine? Only because he knows a big secret

Language is really a strange thing, sometimes it is simply a spell, as long as it is gently spit out, it can hold up an annihilated world and open a floodgates of life. ——Yu Qiuyu

Speaking of the Water Margin, one of the four famous works in China, I think many people have seen it, and the Water Margin, as a classic work closest to the lives of the people, has a wonderful plot, a distinct character image and characteristics. It is sought after by many readers. However, the end of the story is not perfect. More than 100 good men of Liangshan, under the leadership of Song Jiang, accepted the court's offer. He was also ordered to attack Fang La, who was also a good man in the green forest. The good men of Liangshan suffered heavy losses and eventually joined forces to eliminate Fang La. Song Jiang achieved battle merits and returned triumphantly. Looking forward to the high-ranking official Feng Lu that the imperial court had promised. However, the high-ranking official Feng Lu, who had been fantasizing, did not arrive, and all they were given was a sumptuous dinner.

Before Song Jiang died, why did he poison Li Kui with poisoned wine? Only because he knows a big secret

When Song Jiang, who returned triumphantly, saw that the official sent by the imperial court was Gao Qiu, he already had the answer in his heart. However, Song Jiang took his good brother, Li Kui, with him to die. When many readers see this, they will definitely have a question in their hearts, why does Song Jiang have to pull Li Kui along, why can't he die alone? Is there any story between the two of them?

Before Song Jiang died, why did he poison Li Kui with poisoned wine? Only because he knows a big secret

Some people speculate that due to Song Jiang's superstition, he knows that he has had several lives in the hands of the Yang World, so he is afraid of going to hell after death, and Li Kui is the person he trusts the most, so he will take him with him, so that when he reaches the underworld, there will be someone to protect himself and help himself. But if you look closely at this reason, you can only reluctantly say the past. As a good man in Liangshan, who has few lives in his hands. When you are alive, you are not afraid, but are you afraid after death? This statement feels more like a ridicule of the character of Song Jiang.

Before Song Jiang died, why did he poison Li Kui with poisoned wine? Only because he knows a big secret

And the "Red Bearded Dragon" Fei Bao once talked with Li Jun on the way back to Beijing in Pingding Fangla. Li Jun fantasized that after returning, he would accept the reward of the high-ranking official Feng Xue from the imperial court. And Fei Bao once said such a sentence: Taiping was originally determined by the general, and the general was not allowed to see Taiping. After hearing this, Li Jun suddenly woke up and left. Song Jiang, the leader of the good men of Liangshan, also understood this truth in his heart, and then he was deceiving himself. Song Jiang believes that he has worked hard and done a lot. He was also loyal to the emperor, and the emperor promised to add officials to the title, as long as he could destroy Fang La, the emperor would definitely keep his promise and give him a high-ranking official.

Before Song Jiang died, why did he poison Li Kui with poisoned wine? Only because he knows a big secret

In fact, there is a certain truth to our careful thinking about Song Jiang's idea. However, Song Jiang ignored the many traitors around the emperor, such as Gao Li and Cai Jing. They had all been robbed and humiliated by the good men of Liangshan. In their eyes, people like the good man of Liangshan could not survive in the world. The reason for the verbal promise was only to use them to destroy Fang La, and people like Gao Li and Cai Jing absolutely could not let someone with military talent like Song Jiang become a red person in the eyes of the emperor. Therefore, Song Jiang's end is doomed to death.

When he saw that the person who came to congratulate was Gao Li, Song Jiang's heart had completely understood. The king wants his subjects to die, and the subjects have to die, but because people are already trapped in the capital division, rebellion is already impossible, it is better to leave a good name of loyalty to the emperor. However, he was afraid that after his death, Li Kui would rebel again, so he had to let Li Kui follow him to death to prevent Li Kui from destroying his reputation as loyal to the emperor. From this, it is not difficult for us to conclude that the reason why Song Jiang wanted to take away Li Kui before he died was only to save his reputation and cover up the idea in his heart that he wanted to rebel again.

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