
18 thought-provoking digital illustrations, reading them will make your life take many fewer detours

We often lament that life is difficult, as if we are trying to cross the mountains every day, but over a mountain, we will find that there is a mountain in front of us, never ending. Life, ah, is like this, full of difficulties and challenges, only by constantly climbing the peak, can we usher in a smooth road.

When we are young, we have all kinds of unrealistic dreams, and we can't understand the busyness of adults, until we become adults like them, we don't know that dreams must have, but reality and the present are the most important. Living in the urban jungle of reinforced concrete every day, people often forget what it is like to breathe freely, and let people forget what it is like to be slow before.

People are so chasing fame and profit that they forget their original intentions. Have you ever thought about what a person is really for in this life? Maybe you never thought about it, but there are many artists who use their illustrations to explore this issue with people, and many of these and other problems in real society, with thought-provoking illustrations, to open up a new perspective on the world.

18 thought-provoking digital illustrations, reading them will make your life take many fewer detours

Art is often related to human emotions, artists in the process of creation, will stimulate people to think, and find their own meaning, let us better understand their feelings, and the world of life, although some illustrations may be difficult to understand, but that unique perspective, to stimulate people to explore the meaning of their own ideas and feelings, is the most important.

Sarang Bagat, a digital artist from India, has created a group of refreshing illustrations based on various aspects of real life, and his illustrations are different from those shared by Xiao Dai in the past, with a strong sense of surreality. These digital illustrations with a storytelling nature can tell us more than the eyes can see.

18 thought-provoking digital illustrations, reading them will make your life take many fewer detours

Unique perspective, novel expression, each of Sarang Bagt's digital illustrations, can bring people a strong visual and spiritual double shock, perhaps, when you read the expressions in these paintings, you will want to understand a lot, how can not understand the real problems before, perhaps your life will be much smoother.

Next, let's "read" this talented Indian artist's digital illustrations about human nature, about the unspoken rules of society, and about the ills of reality, hoping that you will gain something after reading it.

1. Draw the tiger according to the cat.

18 thought-provoking digital illustrations, reading them will make your life take many fewer detours

2, the shackles of mobile phones.

18 thought-provoking digital illustrations, reading them will make your life take many fewer detours

3. Cat and mouse.

18 thought-provoking digital illustrations, reading them will make your life take many fewer detours

4. Broken mirrors.

18 thought-provoking digital illustrations, reading them will make your life take many fewer detours

5. Cage.

18 thought-provoking digital illustrations, reading them will make your life take many fewer detours

6. Ivory.

18 thought-provoking digital illustrations, reading them will make your life take many fewer detours

7. Reflection.

18 thought-provoking digital illustrations, reading them will make your life take many fewer detours

8. Cover-up.

18 thought-provoking digital illustrations, reading them will make your life take many fewer detours

9. Dance.

18 thought-provoking digital illustrations, reading them will make your life take many fewer detours

10. Mobile phone syringe.

18 thought-provoking digital illustrations, reading them will make your life take many fewer detours

11. Stage.

18 thought-provoking digital illustrations, reading them will make your life take many fewer detours

12. Mask.

18 thought-provoking digital illustrations, reading them will make your life take many fewer detours

13. Folded wings.

18 thought-provoking digital illustrations, reading them will make your life take many fewer detours

14. Surreal.

18 thought-provoking digital illustrations, reading them will make your life take many fewer detours

15. "Smoke" python.

18 thought-provoking digital illustrations, reading them will make your life take many fewer detours

16. Injury.

18 thought-provoking digital illustrations, reading them will make your life take many fewer detours

17. Engraving.

18 thought-provoking digital illustrations, reading them will make your life take many fewer detours

18. Struggle.

18 thought-provoking digital illustrations, reading them will make your life take many fewer detours

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