
Yongzheng Dynasty: Put on the yellow coat, Zhixian must kneel down to the gatekeeper Nian Tangyao, is this possible?

As a classic drama of official power and power, "Yongzheng Dynasty" depicts the high temple "Nine Sons and Nine Concubines" and the political struggle of the party and the big men of the court, but also gives us a perfect picture of a vivid and flexible political ecology of the ancient officialdom. For example, when the prince is proposed, the "redness and blackness" of hundreds of officials are also like the suppression and revenge after the prince is restored.

Yongzheng Dynasty: Put on the yellow coat, Zhixian must kneel down to the gatekeeper Nian Tangyao, is this possible?

This scene is a drama, although it is a joke, but it has a strong "reality". Because, as we all know, the so-called real world is exactly that.

In this play, Nian Qianyao's personal opportunity between gaining momentum and losing power is a perfect show to me, what is "the world is hot and cold", what is "the wall is pouring down the crowd, breaking the drum and pounding".

I think that at the beginning, when Nian Qianyao was still a great general, there were countless people who sneaked horses, and even the Mongol princes had to kneel down to him to ask for peace; but later, as Nian Qianyao's official position was constantly degraded, not only did the attitude of the officials of the station change from the initial cordial enthusiasm to the cold words of the horizontal eyebrows; even qipinzhi county had to think about the majesty of Nian Qianyao - wanting him to kneel down and salute.

Yongzheng Dynasty: Put on the yellow coat, Zhixian must kneel down to the gatekeeper Nian Tangyao, is this possible?

Of course, the arrogant Nian Qianyao certainly could not kneel down to a Xiaozhi County, so he put on the yellow coat given by the Emperor; Zhixian and the others, who had just been posing with a mighty wind, immediately fell and quickly walked to Nian Qianyao and knelt down in front of him.

When I first saw this plot, my heart was very complicated: not only did I lament that Nian Tangyao's tiger fell in Pingyang and was bullied by the dog, but also lamented the success of his "loading X", and of course, he despised the villainous faces of Zhixian and others.

However, later, Xiaobian suddenly thought of such a question: What kind of privilege was it to wear a yellow coat in the Qing Dynasty? Is it really possible to make a tangtang seven-pinzhi county kneel down to a criminal? Today, Xiaobian will talk with you.

Yongzheng Dynasty: Put on the yellow coat, Zhixian must kneel down to the gatekeeper Nian Tangyao, is this possible?

We all know that in feudal society, yellow is the exclusive color of the emperor, and anyone who dares to use it without authorization is a proper crime of "trespassing and rebellion", and killing the head and exterminating the clan is simply a free gift.

Scarce things are expensive! Therefore, if a person is authorized (rewarded) by the emperor to wear a yellow coat, it is absolutely a great honor.

According to historical records: In the Qing Dynasty, people who could wear yellow coats were roughly divided into the following three categories:

The first category: imperial guards

In the Qing Dynasty historian Ai Xinjueluo Zhaozhuo's "Xiaoting Continuation Record Of Yellow Horse Coat Customization", there is such a description: "All the inner ministers of the imperial guards, the imperial ministers, the guards, the guards of the Qianqing Gate, the guards of the outer class, the class leaders, the commanders of the guards, and the ten ministers of the former lead, all wear yellow coats." "

According to Zhao's account, the yellow coat here is actually a kind of work clothes; but after all, it is the personal guard of the Son of Heaven, and this outfit is definitely a symbol of honor and status.

However, it is recorded that this privilege of the imperial guards to wear yellow coats was to be withdrawn after their departure. In other words, as long as you are not a royal guard, you are not eligible to wear a yellow coat anymore.

Yongzheng Dynasty: Put on the yellow coat, Zhixian must kneel down to the gatekeeper Nian Tangyao, is this possible?

The second category, archery and martial arts

In the Qing Dynasty, the "Mulan Hunting" every autumn was absolutely an indispensable political activity.

In this shooting and hunting competition that promotes the spirit of martial arts and trains the eight flags soldiers, the emperor usually rewards the warriors with excellent shooting and hunting results to motivate the soldiers.

In the Yongzheng Dynasty, there is a section in which Kangxi uses jade ruyi as a reward. In fact, in the main history, the most common reward of the Qing Emperor for the archery champion was the yellow coat. However, they have a special name, called "row gown".

As the name suggests, this kind of yellow coat can only be worn on specific occasions such as hunting, and usually dare to wear it on the street, which is the crime of trespassing, and it is necessary to ask the guilt and kill the head.

Yongzheng Dynasty: Put on the yellow coat, Zhixian must kneel down to the gatekeeper Nian Tangyao, is this possible?

The third category is the yellow coat that most people are familiar with, rewarding people with great (military) merit

For example, in the late Qing Dynasty, Zeng Guofan, Li Hongzhang, Zuo Zongtang and others were all treated with "wearing yellow coats".

Of course, a yellow coat like this one obtained by merit can be worn freely, and it does have the invisible attribute of "seeing the third level of the official". Obviously, this is the case with Nian Tangyao's yellow coat.

Yongzheng Dynasty: Put on the yellow coat, Zhixian must kneel down to the gatekeeper Nian Tangyao, is this possible?

So, does it mean that as long as he is still wearing a yellow coat, he can "run amok"?

Definitely not!

Because according to the records of qing history, although the chancellor was rewarded with a yellow coat, representing the supreme glory, it could indeed be superior to others. However, when they violate the imperial rules or make mistakes, the emperor can take back the yellow coat as a punishment.

That is to say, according to normal circumstances, Nian Tangyao, who was demoted to eighteen levels, had already been reclaimed by the Yongzheng Emperor. In canonical history, it is impossible for a criminal to carry a yellow coat.

Speaking of this, Xiaobian can't help but think of those "death-free iron rolls" in history, in fact, they are the same as the essence of the yellow coat, and when you have unlimited scenery, it can indeed increase your style and highlight your honor. However, when the emperor really wants to kill you, they don't even have a fart!

This may be the blackness of the conspiracy!

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