
"Grass grits", have you ever heard of it?

author:Social life sharing diary

Grass is boiled with a hay juice called grass, added a little sweet potato powder, made to coagulate, and installed in a small jar with a lid. When picking and selling, one end is a chopstick holder and brown sugar, and under the rack is dishwashing water; the other end is a small vat. When sold, cut a copper spoon from the top layer of the grass kway out of the bowl, sprinkle with powdered sugar, and light a drop of orange paste. Chaoyang and Puning rural selling grass kway, a porous copper coin planer, the coagulated grass in the bowl is planed up, become a strip, add brown sugar, eat warm or cold can be eaten. Eating grass can relieve the heat, but it should not be left overnight. In case of rain, people will not eat. There is a saying in the Chao language, called "the grass is cooked, and the situation changes in the day". Describe seasonal changes and bad luck in business.

"Grass grits", have you ever heard of it?

Grass grits is fried with immortal grass (commonly known as grass grits grass), filtered juice to remove slag, added an appropriate amount of starch (usually with potato flour), stirred well, heated and boiled, put in a container (traditionally with a clay bowl, porcelain jar) condensed into a paste, that is, become a black crystal grass kway. When eating, cut into slices with a special copper spoon and put them in a small snack bowl, sprinkle with brown sugar (now add white sugar), and sip.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, the immortal grass belongs to the lip family -- an annual root herb, its roots, stems and leaves can be medicated, the taste is sweet and cool, it has the effect of quenching thirst and eliminating heat and poison, and is a commonly used medicine for summer fever.

In ancient times, the chaoshan summer climate was sweltering, plum rain was lightning, and the ring mirror was humid. In the steaming heat, the yang leaks out with sweat, the yin consumes heat internally, there is a gap in the righteous qi, and the evil is easy to invade, inducing heat stroke. In ancient times, when there was a lack of medicine and medicine, doctors scientifically used the medicinal food of grass and rice made after frying immortal grass to improve the body's immune function and prevent heat stroke.

Chaoshan grass is passed down from generation to generation, vulgar but not humble, and quenches thirst in the summer. Easy to eat, cheap and suitable for the season. For thousands of years, it has been selling well in the summer heat of Chaoshan area and has been welcomed by hipsters at home and abroad.

There are folk traditions in Chaoshan that say: "The grass is cooked, the weather changes (referring to thunderstorms), the two bowls are sold to make one" and "the south bank floats dark clouds, the grass is sold and there are stocks" and other folk songs. This also TD Chaoshan summer heat and humid steaming, the environment is humid and hot, the climate is changeable, and the raw material of grass is starch, when the climate is hot and can not be sold out, it is easy to produce acid and spoilage, after eating will make people bloated and indigestion. As the saying goes: "other people's grass is other people's sugar" refers to the gastrointestinal disease caused by cheap price and unrestrained sippers.

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