
Malone is out! For the first time, he publicly "complained" about his mentor Liu Guoliang, why was the whole team afraid of him?

As the saying goes, "strict teachers make high apprentices", in the domestic sports world, meritorious coaches are not in the minority, and the Olympic champions and world champions they have cultivated are innumerable. Li Yongbo and Lin Dan, Lang Ping and Zhu Ting, Li Yan and Wang Mao, Sun Haiping and Liu Xiang, Zhu Zhigen and Sun Yang, etc., these mentor-apprentice relationships have always been a good story in the Chinese sports world. A few days ago, a remark by Ma Long, the winner of the Tokyo Olympic Table Tennis Grand Slam, made the veteran coach Liu Guoliang fire again. Interestingly, Ma Long said in an interview that although he is already a veteran of national table tennis, he is still afraid of Liu Guoliang, and even a little afraid of him. This remark quickly became the focus of heated discussion among fans.

Malone is out! For the first time, he publicly "complained" about his mentor Liu Guoliang, why was the whole team afraid of him?

In the athlete period, Liu Guoliang is a well-known fierce character, no matter how serious the injury, as long as he can still play, he will take the initiative to ask Miao to fight, and with strong perseverance and profound technical skills, win the game. After retiring, Liu Guoliang chose to continue to shine for the national table tennis, from assistant coach to head coach, Liu Guoliang rushed to the finish line step by step.

After serving as the head coach, Liu Guoliang was very strict about the training and competition of the main players. Including Wang Liqin, Wang Hao, Ma Lin, Zhang Jike and other players, they all said bluntly in an interview that "Liu's guidance is too strict."

Malone is out! For the first time, he publicly "complained" about his mentor Liu Guoliang, why was the whole team afraid of him?

As the current captain of the national table tennis men's team, Ma Long also said in an interview that Coach Liu Guoliang is quite strict, and he has been afraid of him until now. In front of the camera, he ridiculed his mentor, and many fans laughed and said that "after the Dragon Team goes back, it will be coached by Liu." Although Coach Liu Guoliang is very strict with athletes, Ma Long also stressed that if it were not for Liu Guoliang's meticulous craftsmanship and excellence, these team members would not have won the Olympic championship at all, and the Chinese table tennis team would not have been able to achieve today's brilliant achievements. For Liu Guoliang, Ma Long has an inexhaustible sense of gratitude.

Malone is out! For the first time, he publicly "complained" about his mentor Liu Guoliang, why was the whole team afraid of him?

In 2003, Malone, who was still a young player, first stepped into the national team. And Liu Guoliang also happened to be officially inaugurated that year. In these 18 years, Liu Guoliang and Ma Long have fought side by side, leaving a bright starry sky that belongs to both of them in the world table tennis arena. Liu Guoliang once said that he knew too much about Wang Hao, Zhang Jike, Ma Long and Fan Zhendong. From becoming the head coach, watching them grow step by step, from Asian champions to world champions to Olympic champions, the joy and relief in my heart cannot be described in words.

Malone is out! For the first time, he publicly "complained" about his mentor Liu Guoliang, why was the whole team afraid of him?

Although Ma Long revealed in the program that Liu Guoliang is very strict in his usual training, he is actually grateful to Liu For his cultivation and concern for himself over the years. Some fans said that perhaps it is precisely because the feelings of this pair of table tennis masters and apprentices are so deep that they have reached the realm of "not father and son being better than father and son", Ma Long will dare to "spit" Liu Guoliang in front of the camera. There are many ways to be afraid, but behind the fear is the reverence and love for him!

(Luo Treasurer)

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